# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- =begin Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Takashi SUGA You may use and/or modify this file according to the license described in the LICENSE.txt file included in this archive. =end require 'socket' # # Time for v1.8.x compatibility # class Time if Time.now.respond_to?(:strftime) && Time.now.strftime('%FT%X.%L').length > 0 alias :_log_ :strftime else def _log_(format) "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d" % [year, month, day, hour, min, sec, usec / 1000] end end end # # Micro Client / Server # module When class << self # # 設定ファイルを読み込む # @private def config(path=File.expand_path($0) + '.config') config = {} open(path, 'r') do |file| while (line=file.gets) next if line =~ /\A\s*#/ key, *value = line.chomp.split(':') value = value[0] if value.size <= 1 config[key] = value end end config rescue {} end # # マイクロ・サーバーを起動する # # @param [#to_i] port 待ち受けるポート番号 # # @return [void] # # @note mini_application # def server(port) config = When.config TCPServer.open(port.to_i) do |socket| puts Time.now._log_('%FT%X.%L') + ': Start' loop do Thread.start(socket.accept) do |client| query = client.gets.chomp.force_encoding("UTF-8") start = Time.now puts start._log_('%FT%X.%L') + ': Query - ' + When::Locale.translate(query, config['!']) begin result = free_conv(*query.split(/\s+/)) result = When::Locale.translate(result, config['!']) client.puts JSON.generate(Array(_to_string(result))).to_s stop = Time.now puts stop._log_('%FT%X.%L') + ": Respond (%7.0f ms)" % (1000 * (stop.to_f - start.to_f)) rescue => err puts Time.now._log_('%FT%X.%L') + ': error - ' + err.to_s client.puts JSON.generate({:error=>query}).to_s end client.close end end end rescue Exception => e puts Time.now._log_('%FT%X.%L') + ': Exception - ' + e.to_s ensure puts Time.now._log_('%FT%X.%L') + ': Done.' end # # マイクロ・クライアントを実行する # # @param [String] server マイクロ・サーバのアドレス # @param [#to_i] port つなぐポート番号 # @param [String] query 問い合わせ文字列 # # @return [JSON] 応答 # # @note mini_application # def client(server, port, query) TCPSocket.open(server, port.to_i) do |socket| socket.puts(query) results = JSON.parse(socket.gets.force_encoding("UTF-8")) results = Hash[*results.flatten(1)] if results[0].kind_of?(Array) _to_symbol(results) end end # 日付の自由変換 # # @param [Array] args コマンドライン入力 # @param [Block] block ブロック # # @return [Array] 変換結果 # @return [Array>] 最良近似分数列 # # @note 暦法のIRI, When.exe Standard Expression, 最良近似分数列の分母分子などを文字列で指定 # @note mini_application # def free_conv(*args, &block) calendars, dates, numbers, methods, output, options = _parse_command(args) if numbers.size >= 2 && calendars.size == 0 result = [] When::Coordinates::Residue.new(numbers[0], numbers[1]).each { |v| result << v } return result end block ||= if methods.size == 0 lambda {|date| date.send(*output)} else lambda {|date, type| column(date, type)} end _free_conv(calendars, dates, methods, output, options, &block) end # 七曜表の一日分 # # @param [When::TM::TemporalPosition] date 処理する一日 # @param [Integer, nil] type 当該日の種類 # # @return [Object>] 処理結果 # def column(date, type) case type when When::YEAR ; date.strftime("%Y") when When::MONTH ; date.strftime("%B %Y") when When::WEEK ; nil when When::DAY ; date[0] else ; '-' end end private # to_h メソッドのオプション設定 HashMethod = {:iri => [:to_h, {:method=>:iri , :prefix=>true}], :to_m17n => [:to_h, {:method=>:to_m17n, :prefix=>true}]} # 引数読み込み # # args [String] コマンドライン入力 # # @return [Array] ( calendars, dates, numbers, methods ) # [ calendars [Array]] # [ dates [Array] ] # [ numbers [Array]] # [ methods [Array] メソッド名('week', 'month', 'year') ] # [ output [Array] 出力処理に使うメソッドのシンボルと引数 ] # [ options [Hash{ :extent=>Boolean, :go_back=><:All || :Before(nil) || :After> }] # def _parse_command(args) calendars = [] dates = [] numbers = [] methods = [] options = {} output = [:to_s] config = When.config args.flatten.each do |arg| case arg when Numeric ; dates << arg ; numbers << arg when Hash ; options.update(arg) when Range ; arg.each {|d| dates << d} when Symbol ; output = [arg] when When::TM::CalendarEra, When::TM::Calendar ; calendars << arg when String arg = When::EncodingConversion.to_internal_encoding(arg) case arg when /\A:(.+?)(?:\[(..)\])?\z/ ; output = [$1.to_sym, $2].compact when /\A(year|month|week)(?:\[(..)\])?\z/i ; methods << [$1.downcase + '_included', $2||'SU'] when /\A[-+\d]\d*\z/ ; dates << arg.to_i ; numbers << arg.to_i when /\A[-+.\d][.\d]*\z/ ; dates << arg.to_f ; numbers << arg.to_f when /\Anow\z/i ; dates << When.now when /\Atoday\z/i ; dates << When.today when /(^[-+\d])|\^/ ; dates << arg when /\A\// arg[1..-1].scan(/./) do |c| c = c.upcase if config.key?(c) calendar = config[c] calendar = calendar.join(':') if calendar.kind_of?(Array) calendars << When.Calendar(calendar) elsif c == 'D' calendars << When::TM::JulianDate end end else begin calendars << ((arg == 'JulianDate') ? When::TM::JulianDate : When.Calendar(arg)) rescue NameError, OpenURI::HTTPError dates << arg end end else dates << arg end end [calendars, dates, numbers, methods, HashMethod[output[0]] || output, options] end # 変換処理(実行部) # # @param [When::TM::Calendar, When::TM::CalendarEra] calendars # @param [When::TM::CalData, When::TM::DateAndTime] dates # @param [String] methods メソッド名('week', 'month', 'year') # @param [Hash] options {:extent=>Boolean, :go_back=><:All||:Before(nil)||:After>} # # @return [Array] 変換結果 # def _free_conv(calendars, dates, methods, output, options, &block) dates[0] ||= When.now calendars[0] ||= When::Gregorian result = dates.map {|date| date = When.when?(date) list = calendars.dup (0...calendars.size).to_a.reverse.each do |i| case list[i] when When::TM::Calendar ; list.slice!(i) if options[:extent] && !list[i].domain[''].include?(date) when Class ; when When::TM::CalendarEra eras = (date ^ list[i]).delete_if {|e| !e.leaf?} unless options[:go_back] == :All if options[:go_back] == :After eras = [eras[(eras.index {|e| e.calendar_era_go_back}) || -1]] else eras.delete_if {|e| e.calendar_era_go_back} end end list[i,1] = eras.map {|e| e.calendar_era} else list[i,1] = list[i].child end end if methods.size == 0 list.map {|calendar| yield(date_for_calendar(calendar, date, options)) } else list.map {|calendar| date_for_cal = date_for_calendar(calendar, date, options) methods.map {|method| date_for_cal.send(method[0].to_sym, method[1], &block) } } end } result = result[0] while result.kind_of?(Array) && result.size == 1 return result end # 当該 Calendar or CalendarEra の TemporalPosition を生成 def date_for_calendar(calendar, date, options) opts = {} opts[:location] = date.location if date.location opts[:clock ] = calendar.rate_of_clock == 1.0 ? options[:clock] : calendar.time_basis if date.respond_to?(:clock) calendar.kind_of?(Class) ? calendar.new(date, opts) : calendar.^([calendar.rate_of_clock,date.time_standard.rate_of_clock].uniq == [1.0] ? date.to_i : date, opts) end # JSONで通信するために Symbol を String に変換する def _to_string(source) case source when Array source.map {|e| _to_string(e)} when Hash result = {} source.each_pair {|k,v| result[k.kind_of?(Symbol) ? '_sym_' + k.to_s : k] = _to_string(v) } result else source end end # JSONで通信するために String を Symbol に変換する def _to_symbol(source) case source when Array source.map {|e| _to_symbol(e)} when Hash result = {} source.each_pair {|k,v| result[k =~ /\A_sym_(.+)\z/ ? $1.to_sym : k] = _to_symbol(v) } result else source end end end end