require 'docusign_rest' namespace :docusign_rest do desc "Retrive account_id from the API" task :generate_config do def ask(message) STDOUT.print message STDIN.gets.chomp end STDOUT.puts %Q{ Please do the following: ------------------------ 1) Login or register for an account at ...or their production url if applicable 2) Click 'Preferences' in the upper right corner of the page 3) Click 'API' in far lower left corner of the menu 4) Request a new 'Integrator Key' via the web interface * You will use this key in one of the next steps to retrieve your 'accountId'\n\n} username = ask('Please enter your DocuSign username: ') password = ask('Please enter your DocuSign password: ') integrator_key = ask('Please enter your DocuSign integrator key: ') DocusignRest.configure do |config| config.username = username config.password = password config.integrator_key = integrator_key end # initialize a client and request the accountId client = acct_id = client.get_account_id puts "" # construct the configure block for the user with his or her credentials and accountId config = %Q{# This file was generated by the docusign_rest:generate_config rake task. # You can run 'rake docusign_rest:generate_config' as many times as you need # to replace the content of this file with a new config. require 'docusign_rest' DocusignRest.configure do |config| config.username = '#{username}' config.password = '#{password}' config.integrator_key = '#{integrator_key}' config.account_id = '#{acct_id}' end\n\n} # write the initializer for the user if defined?(Rails) docusign_initializer_path = Rails.root.join("config/initializers/docusign_rest.rb") else docusign_initializer_path = "test/docusign_login_config.rb" end, 'w') { |f| f.write(config) } # read the initializer file into a var for comparison to the config block above docusign_initializer_content = { |io| } # if they match tell the user we wrote the file, otherwise tell them to do it themselves if docusign_initializer_content.include?(config) if defined?(Rails) puts "The following block of code was added to config/initializers/docusign_rest.rb\n\n" else puts "The following block of code was added to test/docusign_login_config.rb\n\n" end puts config else puts %Q{The config file was not able to be automatically created for you. Please create it at config/initializers/docusign_rest.rb and add the following content:\n\n} puts config end end end