module RedboothRuby class File < Base include RedboothRuby::Operations::Index include RedboothRuby::Operations::Create include RedboothRuby::Operations::Update include RedboothRuby::Operations::Show include RedboothRuby::Operations::Delete attr_accessor :id, :name, :backend, :project_id, :parent_id, :backend_id, :is_dir, :is_downloadable, :is_previewable, :is_private, :mime_type, :public_token, :pinned, :size, :user_id, :created_at, :updated_at # Returns a blop with the file data # # @return [String] the object metadata def download(style='original') request = RedboothRuby.request(:download, nil, "files/#{id}/download/#{style}/#{name}", {}, { session: session }) request.body end class << self # Create operation overwrite to parse file first def create(attrs) super(parse_file(attrs)) end protected # Parses the uploaded file to make the correct api request # # @param attributes [Hash] attributes to parse # @return [Hash] parsed attributes hash def parse_file(attrs) return attrs unless attrs[:asset] attrs[:asset_attrs] = {} if attrs[:asset].kind_of?(::File) or attrs[:asset].kind_of?(::Tempfile) then attrs[:asset_attrs][:name] = attrs[:asset].respond_to?(:original_filename) ? attrs[:asset].original_filename : ::File.basename(attrs[:asset].path) attrs[:asset_attrs][:local_path] = attrs[:asset].path elsif attrs[:asset].kind_of?(String) then attrs[:asset_attrs][:local_path] = attrs[:asset] attrs[:asset] =[:file]) attrs[:asset_attrs][:name] = ::File.basename(attrs[:asset_attrs][:local_path]) elsif attrs[:asset].kind_of?(StringIO) then raise(ArgumentError, "Must specify the :as option when uploading from StringIO") unless attrs[:as] attrs[:asset_attrs][:local_path] = attrs[:as] # hack for bug in UploadIO class << file attr_accessor :path end file.path = attrs[:asset] else raise ArgumentError, "local_file must be a File, StringIO, or file path" end attrs[:asset_attrs][:name] = ::File.basename(attrs.delete(:as)) if attrs[:as] attrs end end end end