Rendering navigation defined in configuration
<%= semantic_navigation :primary, config: :blockquote %>
Rendering navigation defined in view
<%= semantic_navigation :primary do |n| %>
Custom node
<% 'Group' do %>
Custom node - should be rendered
<% end %>
<% 'Group with various attributes', data: {attr: true}, class: 'foo' do %>
Custom content - should be rendered
<% end %>
<% 'Nested groups' do %>
<% 'Level 1' do %>
<% 'Level 2' do %>
Custom content - should be rendered
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% 'Hidden unless: true', class: 'foo', hidden_unless: true do %>
Custom content - should be rendered
<% end %>
<% 'Hidden unless: false', hidden_unless: false do %>
Custom content - shouldn't be rendered
<% end %>
<% 'Hidden unless: proc{ false }', hidden_unless: proc{ false } do %>
Custom content - shouldn't be rendered
<% end %>
<% 'Various item examples within a group' do %>
<% n.item 'Using a string for href and various attributes', '/my_awesome_blog', data: {attr: true}, class: 'foo' %>
<% n.item 'Providing the controller in options', controller: '/blog/posts', class: 'foo' %>
<% n.item 'Providing the controller in the link option', link: {controller: '/blog/posts'} %>
<% n.item 'My Awesome Blog' %>
<% end %>
<% 'Highlighting under various situations' do %>
<% n.item 'When the highlight param is set', highlights_on: params[:highlight].present? %>
<% n.item 'Always (using an array)', highlights_on: [true, false, false] %>
<% n.item 'When the highlight param is set (using a proc)', highlights_on: proc{ params[:highlight].present? } %>
<% n.item 'When the highlight param is set (using a proc in an array)', highlights_on: [proc{ params[:highlight].present? }] %>
<% n.item 'When on any path beginning with "my_aw" (using regexp)', highlights_on: [/^\/my_aw/] %>
<% n.item 'When on "/my_awesome_blog" (using string)', highlights_on: '/my_awesome_blog' %>
<% n.item 'When on any action in the application controller', highlights_on: {controller: 'application'} %>
<% end %>
<% n.item 'Disabled if: false', disabled_if: false %>
<% n.item 'Disabled if: true', disabled_if: true %>
<% n.item 'Disabled if: proc{ true }', disabled_if: proc{ true } %>
<% n.item 'Hidden unless: false', hidden_unless: false %>
<% n.item 'Hidden unless: true', hidden_unless: true %>
<% n.item 'Hidden unless: proc{ true }', hidden_unless: proc{ true } %>
<% n.item t("hello"), '/foo' %>
<% n.item 'Nested items', '/blog/posts', disabled_if: false do %>
<% n.item 'Level 1', '/my_awesome_blog' do %>
<% n.item 'Level 2', '/foo', disabled_if: true do %>
Custom node
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>