module SignedForm module ActionView module FormHelper # @option options :sign_destination [Boolean] Only the URL given/created will be allowed to receive the form. # @option options :digest [Boolean] Digest and verify the views have not been modified # @option options :digest_grace_period [Integer] Time in seconds to allow old forms # @option options :wrap_form [Symbol] Method of a form builder to wrap. Default is form_for def form_for(record, options = {}, &block) if options[:signed].nil? && !SignedForm.options[:signed] || !options[:signed].nil? && !options[:signed] return super end options = SignedForm.options.merge options options[:builder] ||= ::ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder ancestors = options[:builder].ancestors if !ancestors.include?(::ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder) && !ancestors.include?(SignedForm::FormBuilder) raise "Form signing not supported on builders that don't subclass ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder or include SignedForm::FormBuilder" elsif !ancestors.include?(SignedForm::FormBuilder) options[:builder] = SignedForm::FormBuilder::BUILDERS[options[:builder]] end super record, options do |f| output = capture(f, &block) f.form_signature_tag + output end end end end end ActionView::Base.send :include, SignedForm::ActionView::FormHelper