module Gollum # Controls all access to the Git objects from Gollum. Extend this class to # add custom caching for special cases. class GitAccess # Initializes the GitAccess instance. # # path - The String path to the Git repository that holds the # Gollum site. # page_file_dir - String the directory in which all page files reside # # Returns this instance. def initialize(path, page_file_dir = nil) @page_file_dir = page_file_dir @path = path @repo = clear end # Public: Determines whether the Git repository exists on disk. # # Returns true if it exists, or false. def exist? @repo.git.exist? end # Public: Converts a given Git reference to a SHA, using the cache if # available. # # ref - a String Git reference (ex: "master") # # Returns a String. def ref_to_sha(ref) if sha?(ref) ref else get_cache(:ref, ref) { ref_to_sha!(ref) } end end # Public: Gets a recursive list of Git blobs for the whole tree at the # given commit. # # ref - A String Git reference or Git SHA to a commit. # # Returns an Array of BlobEntry instances. def tree(ref) if sha = ref_to_sha(ref) get_cache(:tree, sha) { tree!(sha) } else [] end end # Public: Fetches the contents of the Git blob at the given SHA. # # sha - A String Git SHA. # # Returns the String content of the blob. def blob(sha) cat_file!(sha) end # Public: Looks up the Git commit using the given Git SHA or ref. # # ref - A String Git SHA or ref. # # Returns a Grit::Commit. def commit(ref) if sha?(ref) get_cache(:commit, ref) { commit!(ref) } else if sha = get_cache(:ref, ref) commit(sha) else if cm = commit!(ref) set_cache(:ref, ref, set_cache(:commit,, cm) end end end end # Public: Clears all of the cached data that this GitAccess is tracking. # # Returns nothing. def clear @ref_map = {} @tree_map = {} @commit_map = {} end # Public: Refreshes just the cached Git reference data. This should # be called after every Gollum update. # # Returns nothing. def refresh @ref_map.clear end ######################################################################### # # Internal Methods # ######################################################################### # Gets the String path to the Git repository. attr_reader :path # Gets the Grit::Repo instance for the Git repository. attr_reader :repo # Gets a Hash cache of refs to commit SHAs. # # {"master" => "abc123", ...} # attr_reader :ref_map # Gets a Hash cache of commit SHAs to a recursive tree of blobs. # # {"abc123" => [<BlobEntry>, <BlobEntry>]} # attr_reader :tree_map # Gets a Hash cache of commit SHAs to the Grit::Commit instance. # # {"abcd123" => <Grit::Commit>} # attr_reader :commit_map # Checks to see if the given String is a 40 character hex SHA. # # str - Possible String SHA. # # Returns true if the String is a SHA, or false. def sha?(str) !!(str =~ /^[0-9a-f]{40}$/) end # Looks up the Git SHA for the given Git ref. # # ref - String Git ref. # # Returns a String SHA. def ref_to_sha!(ref) @repo.git.rev_list({:max_count=>1}, ref) rescue Grit::GitRuby::Repository::NoSuchShaFound end # Looks up the Git blobs for a given commit. # # sha - String commit SHA. # # Returns an Array of BlobEntry instances. def tree!(sha) tree = @repo.git.native(:ls_tree, {:r => true, :l => true, :z => true}, sha) items = tree.split("\0").inject([]) do |memo, line| memo << parse_tree_line(line) end if dir = @page_file_dir regex = /^#{dir}\// { |i| i.path =~ regex } else items end end # Reads the content from the Git db at the given SHA. # # sha - The String SHA. # # Returns the String content of the Git object. def cat_file!(sha) @repo.git.cat_file({:p => true}, sha) end # Reads a Git commit. # # sha - The string SHA of the Git commit. # # Returns a Grit::Commit. def commit!(sha) @repo.commit(sha) end # Attempts to get the given data from a cache. If it doesn't exist, it'll # pass the results of the yielded block to the cache for future accesses. # # name - The cache prefix used in building the full cache key. # key - The unique cache key suffix, usually a String Git SHA. # # Yields a block to pass to the cache. # Returns the cached result. def get_cache(name, key) cache = instance_variable_get("@#{name}_map") value = cache[key] if value.nil? && block_given? set_cache(name, key, value = yield) end value == :_nil ? nil : value end # Writes some data to the internal cache. # # name - The cache prefix used in building the full cache key. # key - The unique cache key suffix, usually a String Git SHA. # value - The value to write to the cache. # # Returns nothing. def set_cache(name, key, value) cache = instance_variable_get("@#{name}_map") cache[key] = value || :_nil end # Parses a line of output from the `ls-tree` command. # # line - A String line of output: # "100644 blob 839c2291b30495b9a882c17d08254d3c90d8fb53" # # Returns an Array of BlobEntry instances. def parse_tree_line(line) mode, type, sha, size, *name = line.split(/\s+/), name.join(' '), size.to_i) end # Decode octal sequences (\NNN) in tree path names. # # path - String path name. # # Returns a decoded String. def decode_git_path(path) if path[0] == ?" && path[-1] == ?" path = path[1...-1] path.gsub!(/\\\d{3}/) { |m| m[1..-1].to_i(8).chr } end path.gsub!(/\\[rn"\\]/) { |m| eval(%("#{m.to_s}")) } path end end end