class Evil::Client # # @abstract # Base class for mutable containers of client-specific definitions # of nested scopes and operations along with a corresponding [#settings] class # subclassing [Evil::Client::Settings] # # Every concrete container defines its only DSL for scope/operation # definitions. # class Schema Names.clean(self) # Remove unnecessary methods from the instance # Loads concrete implementations of the abstract schema require_relative "schema/operation" require_relative "schema/scope" # The name of current schema which is unique for the existing [#parent], # or equals to client class name without any [#parent] (root scope name). # # @return [String] # attr_reader :name # Scope schema the operation belongs to # # Only the root schema has no parents. # Its definitions are shared by all operations # # @return [Evil::Client::Schema::Scope, nil] # attr_reader :parent # Back reference to client the schema belongs to # # @return [Evil::Client] # attr_reader :client # The human-friendly representation of the schema # # @example # "MyClient.users.fetch" # custom operation's schema # # @return [String] # def to_s [parent, name].compact.join(".") end alias_method :to_str, :to_s alias_method :inspect, :to_s # The settings class inherited from the [#parent]'s one # # @return [Class] # def settings @settings ||= (parent&.settings || Settings).for(self) end # Adds an option to the [#settings] class # # @param (see Evil::Client::Model.option) # @option (see Evil::Client::Model.option) # @return [self] # def option(key, type = nil, **opts) settings.option(key, type, **opts) self end # Adds a memoized method to the [#settings] class # # @param (see Evil::Client::Model.let) # @return [self] # def let(key, &block) settings.let(key, &block) self end # Adds validator to the [#settings] class # # @param (see Evil::Client::Model.validate) # @return [self] # def validate(&block) settings.validate(&block) self end private def initialize(parent, name = nil) if parent.is_a? self.class @parent = parent @client = parent&.client @name = name else @client = parent @name = end end end end