var esPhinx; (function($) { "use strict"; $.extend({ Promise: {} }); $.Extender.extend($.Promise, true, { new: function(options, callbackUntil) { var _accomplishResponse, _reject, whenReject, status, promise, currentTimeout, self = this, ConstructorReference = $, resolveArguments = function() { if (typeof options == "function") { callbackUntil = options; options = {}; } if (typeof options.onAccomplish != "function") { options.onAccomplish = function() {}; } }, accomplish = function(response) { // "fulfilled" status = "resolved"; _accomplishResponse = response; }, start = function(callbackUntil, options) { if (typeof options.defer != "number") { options.defer = 0; } var loop = function(_accomplish, _reject, callbackUntil, options) { currentTimeout = window.setTimeout(function() { if (typeof callbackUntil != "function" || (options.defer && typeof callbackUntil != "function")) { _accomplish(); } else { options.defer = 0;, accomplish); // returns the control for the user switch (status) { case "resolved": { _accomplish(_accomplishResponse); } break; default: { loop(_accomplish, _reject, callbackUntil, options);} } } }, options.defer); }; promise = new Promise(function(_accomplish, reject) { _reject = reject; loop(_accomplish, reject, callbackUntil, options); }); promise.then( // response comes from original Promise object function(r) { options.onAccomplish(r); }, function() { whenReject(); } ); }; if (!(this instanceof ConstructorReference)) { return new ConstructorReference(options, callbackUntil); } resolveArguments(); start(callbackUntil, options); this.origin = function() { // to work with async functions return promise; }; this.break = function(run) { if (typeof run != "function") { run = function(){}; } whenReject = run; clearTimeout(currentTimeout); _reject(); }; this.catchException = function(run) { if (typeof run != "function") { run = function(){}; } promise.catch(run); return this; }; return this; } }); })(esPhinx);