= hbaserb -- HBase Thrift interface for Ruby A Ruby thrift lib for interfacing with Hadoop's HBase To install: gem install hbaserb == Basic Usage require 'rubygems' require 'hbaserb' client = HBaseRb::Client.new 'localhost' # create table with two column families table = client.create_table "test_table", "colfamone", "colfamtwo" # insert some data table.mutate_row 'myrow', {'colfamone:myvalue' => 'awesome value'} # get it puts t.get('myrow', 'colfamone:myvalue').first.value # get timestamp puts t.get('myrow', 'colfamone:myvalue').first.timestamp # convert binary value to 64 bit integer t.atomic_increment('myrow', 'colfamtwo:counter') puts t.get('myrow', 'colfamtwo:counter').first.to_i64 # make a scanner s = t.create_scanner('myrow', 'colfamnone') { |row| puts "Columns: #{row.columns.keys}" }