require "rack/utils" module Firehose module Rack class Publisher include Firehose::Rack::Helpers def call(env) req = env['parsed_request'] ||= path = req.path method = req.request_method cache_control = {} # Parse out cache control directives from the Cache-Control header. if cache_control_header = env['HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL'] cache_control = cache_control_header.split(',').map(&:strip).inject({}) do |memo, directive| key, value = directive.split('=') memo[key.downcase] = value memo end end # Read the max-age directive from the cache so that we can set a TTL on the redis key. This will # prevent stale content from being served up to the client. ttl = cache_control['max-age'] if method == 'PUT' EM.next_tick do body = env['rack.input'].read Firehose.logger.debug "HTTP published #{body.inspect} to #{path.inspect} with ttl #{ttl.inspect}" opts = { :ttl => ttl } if buffer_size = env["HTTP_X_FIREHOSE_BUFFER_SIZE"] opts[:buffer_size] = buffer_size.to_i end publisher.publish(path, body, opts).callback do env['async.callback'].call [202, {'Content-Type' => 'text/plain', 'Content-Length' => '0'}, []] env['async.callback'].call response(202, '', 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain') end.errback do |e| Firehose.logger.debug "Error publishing: #{e.inspect}" env['async.callback'].call response(500, 'Error when trying to publish', 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain') end end # Tell the web server that this will be an async response. ASYNC_RESPONSE else Firehose.logger.debug "HTTP #{method} not supported" msg = "#{method} not supported." [501, {'Content-Type' => 'text/plain', 'Content-Length' => msg.size.to_s}, [msg]] end end private def publisher @publisher ||= end end end end