h1. enum_type -- Enumerated Types in ActiveRecord | *Author* | Tim Morgan | | *Version* | 2.1.2 (Nov 10, 2013) | | *License* | Released under the MIT license. | h2. About @enum_type@ allows you to effectively use the PostgreSQL @ENUM@ data type in your ActiveRecord models. It's a really simple gem that just adds a convenience method to take care of the usual "witch chant" that accompanies building an enumerated type in Rails. h2. Installation *Important Note:* This gem requires Ruby 1.9. Ruby 1.8 is not supported, and will never be. First, add the @enum_type@ gem to your @Gemfile@:

gem 'enum_type'
Then, extend your model with the @EnumType@ module:

class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
  extend EnumType
h2. Usage In your model, call the @enum_type@ method, providing one or more enumerated fields, and any additional options:

class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
  extend EnumType
  enum_type :status, %w( active pending admin superadmin banned )
See the {EnumType#enum_type} method documentation for more information.