describe 'UIAlertView' do tests UIViewController # this is just needed so that a window is available it 'should have :show option (show: false)' do alert = UIAlertView.alert('test', show: false) proper_wait 0.6 alert.visible?.should == false end it 'should have :show option (show: true)' do alert = UIAlertView.alert('test', show: true) proper_wait 0.6 alert.visible?.should == true alert.dismissWithClickedButtonIndex(alert.firstOtherButtonIndex, animated: false) end it 'should show by default' do alert = UIAlertView.alert('test') proper_wait 0.6 alert.visible?.should == true alert.dismissWithClickedButtonIndex(alert.firstOtherButtonIndex, animated: false) end it 'should assign the title' do alert = UIAlertView.alert('test title', show: false) alert.title.should == 'test title' end it 'should support three args' do alert = UIAlertView.alert('test title', 'test message', show: false) alert.visible?.should == false end describe 'should assign the message' do it 'should use the second arg' do alert = UIAlertView.alert('test title', 'test message', show: false) alert.message.should == 'test message' end it 'should use the :message option' do alert = UIAlertView.alert('test title', message: 'test message', show: false) alert.message.should == 'test message' end end it 'should have << method' do alert = UIAlertView.alert('test', show: false) -> { alert << 'title' }.should.not.raise end it 'should add a button with << method' do alert = UIAlertView.alert('test', show: false) alert << 'title' alert.buttonTitleAtIndex(alert.firstOtherButtonIndex + 1).should == 'title' end it 'should display "OK" when no buttons are specified' do alert = UIAlertView.alert('test', show: false) alert.cancelButtonIndex.should == -1 alert.buttonTitleAtIndex(alert.firstOtherButtonIndex).should == 'OK' end it 'should use a cancel button if any buttons are specified' do alert = UIAlertView.alert('test', buttons: ['a', 'b'], show: false) alert.buttonTitleAtIndex(alert.cancelButtonIndex).should == 'a' alert.buttonTitleAtIndex(alert.firstOtherButtonIndex).should == 'b' end it 'should have :style option' do Symbol.uialertstyle.each do |style, value| # as symbol alert = UIAlertView.alert('test', show: false, style: style) alert.alertViewStyle.should == value # as constant alert = UIAlertView.alert('test', show: false, style: value) alert.alertViewStyle.should == value end end it 'should call the block when dismissed' do alert = UIAlertView.alert('test') { @touched = true } alert.numberOfButtons.should == 1 proper_wait 0.6 alert.dismissWithClickedButtonIndex(alert.firstOtherButtonIndex, animated: false) @touched.should == true end it 'should call the block and pass the button when dismissed' do alert = UIAlertView.alert('test') { |button| @touched = button } proper_wait 0.6 alert.dismissWithClickedButtonIndex(alert.firstOtherButtonIndex, animated: false) @touched.should == 'OK' end it 'should call the block and pass the button and index when dismissed' do alert = UIAlertView.alert('test') { |button, index| @touched, @touched_index = button, index } proper_wait 0.6 alert.dismissWithClickedButtonIndex(alert.firstOtherButtonIndex, animated: false) @touched.should == 'OK' @touched_index.should == 0 end it 'should call the block when dismissed no matter when cancel button pressed' do alert = UIAlertView.alert('test', buttons:['cancel','ok']) { @touched = true } alert.numberOfButtons.should == 2 proper_wait 0.6 alert.dismissWithClickedButtonIndex(alert.cancelButtonIndex, animated: false) @touched.should == true end it 'should call the block and pass the button when dismissed with multiple buttons' do alert = UIAlertView.alert('test', buttons: ['cancel', 'ok']) { |button| @touched = button } proper_wait 0.6 alert.dismissWithClickedButtonIndex(alert.cancelButtonIndex, animated: false) @touched.should == 'cancel' end it 'should call the block and pass the button and index when dismissed with multiple buttons' do alert = UIAlertView.alert('test', buttons: ['cancel', 'ok']) { |button, index| @touched, @touched_index = button, index } proper_wait 0.6 alert.dismissWithClickedButtonIndex(alert.cancelButtonIndex, animated: false) @touched.should == 'cancel' @touched_index.should == 0 end describe 'Should call the appropriate block when :cancel and :success handlers are used' do before do @touched = nil @alert = UIAlertView.alert('test', buttons: ['cancel', 'ok'], cancel: ->{ @touched = :cancel }, success: ->{ @touched = :success } ) end it 'should work for :cancel' do proper_wait 0.6 @alert.dismissWithClickedButtonIndex(@alert.cancelButtonIndex, animated: false) @touched.should == :cancel end it 'should work for :success' do proper_wait 0.6 @alert.dismissWithClickedButtonIndex(@alert.firstOtherButtonIndex, animated: false) @touched.should == :success end end describe 'should call the block and pass the button and inputs' do before do @text = nil end it 'should work with :secure_text_input' do alert = UIAlertView.alert('test', buttons: ['cancel', 'ok'], style: :secure_text_input) { |button, text| @text = text } proper_wait 0.6 alert.textFieldAtIndex(0).text = 'test text' alert.dismissWithClickedButtonIndex(alert.cancelButtonIndex, animated: false) @text.should == 'test text' end it 'should work with :plain_text_input' do alert = UIAlertView.alert('test', buttons: ['cancel', 'ok'], style: :plain_text_input) { |button, text| @text = text } proper_wait 0.6 alert.textFieldAtIndex(0).text = 'test text' alert.dismissWithClickedButtonIndex(alert.cancelButtonIndex, animated: false) @text.should == 'test text' end it 'should work with :login_and_password_input' do alert = UIAlertView.alert('test', buttons: ['cancel', 'ok'], style: :login_and_password_input) { |button, text1, text2| @text = "#{text1} + #{text2}" } proper_wait 0.6 alert.textFieldAtIndex(0).text = 'test text 1' alert.textFieldAtIndex(1).text = 'test text 2' alert.dismissWithClickedButtonIndex(alert.cancelButtonIndex, animated: false) @text.should == 'test text 1 + test text 2' end it 'should work with :login_and_password_input and pass the index' do alert = UIAlertView.alert('test', buttons: ['cancel', 'ok'], style: :login_and_password_input) { |button, text1, text2, index| @text = "#{text1} + #{text2}" @touched_index = index } proper_wait 0.6 alert.textFieldAtIndex(0).text = 'test text 1' alert.textFieldAtIndex(1).text = 'test text 2' alert.dismissWithClickedButtonIndex(alert.cancelButtonIndex, animated: false) @text.should == 'test text 1 + test text 2' @touched_index.should == alert.cancelButtonIndex end end end