# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this # work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF # licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'spec_helpers')) describe Buildr::RSpec do before(:each) do define('foo') do test.using :rspec, :output => false end end it 'should be selected by :rspec name' do project('foo').test.framework.should eql(:rspec) end it 'should read passed specs from result yaml' do # This test fails on the CI machine if the spec is run as part of a suite but not if run individually # This seems to indicate that there is interaction with some other test but until that other test is # identified the test has been marked as pending on the ci box pending "Unable to determine why it fails on the CI machine so disabling" if ENV['JOB_NAME'] write('src/spec/ruby/success_spec.rb', 'describe("success") { it("is true") { nil.should be_nil } }') project('foo').test.invoke project('foo').test.passed_tests.should eql([File.expand_path('src/spec/ruby/success_spec.rb')]) end it 'should read result yaml to obtain the list of failed specs' do # This test fails on the CI machine if the spec is run as part of a suite but not if run individually # This seems to indicate that there is interaction with some other test but until that other test is # identified the test has been marked as pending on the ci box pending "Unable to determine why it fails on the CI machine so disabling" if ENV['JOB_NAME'] success = File.expand_path('src/spec/ruby/success_spec.rb') write(success, 'describe("success") { it("is true") { nil.should be_nil } }') failure = File.expand_path('src/spec/ruby/failure_spec.rb') write(failure, 'describe("failure") { it("is false") { true.should == false } }') error = File.expand_path('src/spec/ruby/error_spec.rb') write(error, 'describe("error") { it("raises") { lambda; } }') lambda { project('foo').test.invoke }.should raise_error(/Tests failed/) project('foo').test.tests.should include(success, failure, error) project('foo').test.failed_tests.sort.should eql([failure, error].sort) project('foo').test.passed_tests.should eql([success]) end end if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /java/ || ENV['JRUBY_HOME'] # RSpec describe Buildr::JBehave do def foo(*args, &prc) define('foo', *args) do test.using :jbehave if prc instance_eval(&prc) else self end end end it 'should apply to projects having JBehave sources' do define('one', :base_dir => 'one') do write _('src/spec/java/SomeBehaviour.java'), 'public class SomeBehaviour {}' JBehave.applies_to?(self).should be_true end define('two', :base_dir => 'two') do write _('src/test/java/SomeBehaviour.java'), 'public class SomeBehaviour {}' JBehave.applies_to?(self).should be_false end define('three', :base_dir => 'three') do write _('src/spec/java/SomeBehavior.java'), 'public class SomeBehavior {}' JBehave.applies_to?(self).should be_true end define('four', :base_dir => 'four') do write _('src/test/java/SomeBehavior.java'), 'public class SomeBehavior {}' JBehave.applies_to?(self).should be_false end end it 'should be selected by :jbehave name' do foo { test.framework.should eql(:jbehave) } end it 'should select a java compiler for its sources' do write 'src/test/java/SomeBehavior.java', 'public class SomeBehavior {}' foo do test.compile.language.should eql(:java) end end it 'should include JBehave dependencies' do foo do test.compile.dependencies.should include(artifact("org.jbehave:jbehave:jar::#{JBehave.version}")) test.dependencies.should include(artifact("org.jbehave:jbehave:jar::#{JBehave.version}")) end end it 'should include JMock dependencies' do foo do two_or_later = JMock.version[0,1].to_i >= 2 group = two_or_later ? "org.jmock" : "jmock" test.compile.dependencies.should include(artifact("#{group}:jmock:jar:#{JMock.version}")) test.dependencies.should include(artifact("#{group}:jmock:jar:#{JMock.version}")) end end it 'should include classes whose name ends with Behavior' do write 'src/spec/java/some/FooBehavior.java', <<-JAVA package some; public class FooBehavior { public void shouldFoo() { assert true; } } JAVA write 'src/spec/java/some/NotATest.java', <<-JAVA package some; public class NotATest { } JAVA foo.tap do |project| project.test.invoke project.test.tests.should include('some.FooBehavior') end end it 'should include classes implementing Behaviours' do write 'src/spec/java/some/MyBehaviours.java', <<-JAVA package some; public class MyBehaviours implements org.jbehave.core.behaviour.Behaviours { public Class[] getBehaviours() { return new Class[] { some.FooBehave.class }; } } JAVA write 'src/spec/java/some/FooBehave.java', <<-JAVA package some; public class FooBehave { public void shouldFoo() { assert true; } } JAVA write 'src/spec/java/some/NotATest.java', <<-JAVA package some; public class NotATest { } JAVA foo.tap do |project| project.test.invoke project.test.tests.should include('some.MyBehaviours') end end end # JBehave