# # Default Build Settings # you can override these settings on a project basis in a project.properties file # so probably best not to touch these as they could be overwritten in later versions! # # # Directory Paths # dir.publish = publish dir.build = build dir.build.tools = ${dir.build}/tools dir.test = test dir.demo = demo dir.js = assets/js dir.js.main = ${dir.js} # scripts in the lib direcotry will only be minified, not concatenated together dir.js.libs = ${dir.js}/libs dir.js.mylibs = ${dir.js}/mylibs dir.css = assets/css dir.images = assets/img # # HTML, PHP, etc files to clean and update script/css references # file.pages.default.include = index.html, 404.html # You will need to include the property file.pages.include in your project.properties file # and add any extra pages you want to be updated by the scripts in a comma separated list # the server configuration you're going with. If you don't use apache, # get a different one here: github.com/paulirish/html5-boilerplate-server-configs file.serverconfig = .htaccess # # Files not to be copied over by the script to the publish directory # file.default.exclude = .gitignore, .project, .settings, README.markdown, README.md, **/.git/**, **/.svn/**, **/${dir.build}/**, **/${dir.test}/**, **/${dir.demo}/** # Declare the file.exclude property in your project.properties file if you want to exclude files / folders you have added # Note: you cannot decalre an empty file.exclude property # # Default Stylesheet # file.default.stylesheets = style.css # # Script Optimisation # # If set, concat libraries with main scripts file, producing single script file build.concat.scripts = true # If set, delete minified but unconcatted files. build.delete.unoptimized = true # # Image Optimisation # images.strip.metadata = false # Seting this to true will strip the metadata from all jpeg files. # YOU SHOULD ONLY DO THIS IF YOU OWN THE COPYRIGHT TO ALL THE IMAGES IN THE BUILD # Build Info build.version.info = buildinfo.properties build.scripts.dir = ${dir.build}/build-scripts # Tools tool.yuicompressor = yuicompressor-2.4.2.jar tool.htmlcompressor = htmlcompressor-0.9.8.jar tool.csscompressor = css-compressor/cli.php