require 'association' require 'nonce' require 'openid/store/interface' # not in OpenID module to avoid namespace conflict class ActiveRecordStore < OpenID::Store::Interface def store_association(server_url, assoc) remove_association(server_url, assoc.handle) Association.create!(:server_url => server_url, :handle => assoc.handle, :secret => assoc.secret, :issued => assoc.issued.to_i, :lifetime => assoc.lifetime, :assoc_type => assoc.assoc_type) end def get_association(server_url, handle=nil) assocs = if handle.blank? Association.find_all_by_server_url(server_url) else Association.find_all_by_server_url_and_handle(server_url, handle) end assocs.reverse.each do |assoc| a = assoc.from_record if a.expires_in == 0 assoc.destroy else return a end end if assocs.any? return nil end def remove_association(server_url, handle) Association.delete_all(['server_url = ? AND handle = ?', server_url, handle]) > 0 end def use_nonce(server_url, timestamp, salt) return false if Nonce.find_by_server_url_and_timestamp_and_salt(server_url, timestamp, salt) return false if (timestamp - > OpenID::Nonce.skew Nonce.create!(:server_url => server_url, :timestamp => timestamp, :salt => salt) return true end def cleanup_nonces now = Nonce.delete_all(["timestamp > ? OR timestamp < ?", now + OpenID::Nonce.skew, now - OpenID::Nonce.skew]) end def cleanup_associations now = Association.delete_all(['issued + lifetime < ?',now]) end end