# vagrant-guests-clearlinux This is a [Vagrant](http://www.vagrantup.com/) [plugin](http://docs.vagrantup.com/v2/plugins/index.html) that adds [Clear Linux](https://clearlinux.org) guest support. Once it gets feature complete and rock solid work will start in order to get its functionality merged in upstream Vagrant. ## Installation ``` $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-guests-clearlinux ``` ## Development To build and install the plugin directly from this repo: ``` $ bundle install $ bundle exec rake build $ vagrant plugin install pkg/vagrant-guests-clearlinux-1.0.7.gem ``` You can run RSpec with: ``` $ bundle install $ bundle exec rake ``` ## Compatible Vagrant boxes You can find matching Vagrant boxes on [here](https://app.vagrantup.com/AntonioMeireles/boxes/ClearLinux). ## Acknowledgments This is a refactoring based on early works of [Fabio Rapposelli](https://github.com/frapposelli) on [vagrant-guests-photon](https://github.com/vmware/vagrant-guests-photon) and [Alex Sorkin](https://github.com/alexsorkin) on [vagrant-guests-innovitable](https://github.com/alexsorkin/vagrant-guests-innovitable).