require 'pathname' ROOT ='../../', __FILE__)) $:.unshift((ROOT + 'lib').to_s) $:.unshift((ROOT + 'spec').to_s) require 'bundler/setup' require 'bacon' require 'mocha-on-bacon' require 'pretty_bacon' require 'cocoapods' require 'cocoapods_plugin' #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# module Pod # Disable the wrapping so the output is deterministic in the tests. # UI.disable_wrap = true # Redirects the messages to an internal store. # module UI @output = '' @warnings = '' class << self attr_accessor :output attr_accessor :warnings def puts(message = '') @output << "#{message}\n" end def warn(message = '', actions = []) @warnings << "#{message}\n" end def print(message) @output << message end end end end module SpecHelper def self.temporary_directory ROOT + 'tmp' end def self.spec1 do |s| = 'monkeylib' s.version = '1.0' s.authors = { 'CocoaPods' => '' } s.social_media_url = '' s.homepage = '' s.license = { :type => 'MIT', :file => 'LICENSE', :text => 'Permission is hereby granted ...' } s.summary = 'A lib to do monkey things' s.description = < 'monkey@banana-corp.local' } s.homepage = 'http://banana-corp.local/banana-lib.html' s.summary = 'Chunky bananas!' s.description = 'Full of chunky bananas.' s.source = { :git => 'http://banana-corp.local/banana-lib.git', :tag => 'v1.0' } s.license = { :type => 'MIT', :file => 'LICENSE', :text => 'Permission is hereby granted ...' } s.source_files = 'Classes/*.{h,m,d}', 'Vendor', 'framework/Source/*.h' s.resources = "Resources/*", "Resources/Images.xcassets" s.vendored_framework = 'BananaFramework.framework' s.vendored_library = 'libBananaStaticLib.a' s.preserve_paths = 'preserve_me.txt' s.public_header_files = 'Classes/Banana.h', 'framework/Source/MoreBanana.h' s.module_map = 'Banana.modulemap' s.prefix_header_file = 'Classes/BananaLib.pch' s.pod_target_xcconfig = { 'OTHER_LDFLAGS' => '-framework SystemConfiguration' } s.dependency 'monkey', '~> 1.0.1', '< 1.0.9' end end end def temporary_sandbox + 'Pods') end #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------#