# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe Briard::Metadata, vcr: true do context 'write metadata as datacite json' do it 'with data citation' do input = '10.7554/eLife.01567' subject = described_class.new(input: input, from: 'crossref') datacite = JSON.parse(subject.datacite_json) expect(datacite.fetch('url')).to eq('https://elifesciences.org/articles/01567') expect(datacite.fetch('types')).to eq('bibtex' => 'article', 'citeproc' => 'article-journal', 'resourceType' => 'JournalArticle', 'resourceTypeGeneral' => 'JournalArticle', 'ris' => 'JOUR', 'schemaOrg' => 'ScholarlyArticle') expect(datacite.fetch('titles')).to eq([{ 'title' => 'Automated quantitative histology reveals vascular morphodynamics during Arabidopsis hypocotyl secondary growth' }]) expect(datacite.fetch('relatedIdentifiers').length).to eq(28) expect(datacite.fetch('relatedIdentifiers').first).to eq('relatedIdentifier' => '2050-084X', 'relatedIdentifierType' => 'ISSN', 'relationType' => 'IsPartOf', 'resourceTypeGeneral' => 'Collection') expect(datacite.fetch('rightsList')).to eq([{ 'rights' => 'Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported', 'rightsIdentifier' => 'cc-by-3.0', 'rightsIdentifierScheme' => 'SPDX', 'rightsUri' => 'https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode', 'schemeUri' => 'https://spdx.org/licenses/' }]) end it 'with ORCID ID' do input = 'https://doi.org/10.1155/2012/291294' subject = described_class.new(input: input, from: 'crossref') datacite = JSON.parse(subject.datacite_json) expect(datacite.fetch('url')).to eq('http://www.hindawi.com/journals/pm/2012/291294/') expect(datacite.fetch('types')).to eq('bibtex' => 'article', 'citeproc' => 'article-journal', 'resourceType' => 'JournalArticle', 'resourceTypeGeneral' => 'JournalArticle', 'ris' => 'JOUR', 'schemaOrg' => 'ScholarlyArticle') expect(datacite.fetch('creators').length).to eq(7) expect(datacite.fetch('creators').first).to eq('nameType' => 'Personal', 'name' => 'Thanassi, Wendy', 'givenName' => 'Wendy', 'familyName' => 'Thanassi', 'affiliation' => [{ 'name' => 'Department of Medicine, Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System, 3801 Miranda Avenue MC-, Palo Alto, CA 94304-1207, USA' }, { 'name' => 'Occupational Health Strategic Health Care Group, Office of Public Health, Veterans Health Administration, Washington, DC 20006, USA' }, { 'name' => 'Division of Emergency Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA 94304, USA' }, { 'name' => 'War Related Illness and Injury Study Center (WRIISC) and Mental Illness Research Education and Clinical Center (MIRECC), Department of Veterans Affairs, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA' }]) end it 'Crossref DOI' do input = "#{fixture_path}crossref.bib" subject = described_class.new(input: input, from: 'bibtex') datacite = JSON.parse(subject.datacite_json) expect(datacite.fetch('types')).to eq('bibtex' => 'article', 'citeproc' => 'article-journal', 'resourceType' => 'JournalArticle', 'resourceTypeGeneral' => 'JournalArticle', 'ris' => 'JOUR', 'schemaOrg' => 'ScholarlyArticle') expect(datacite.fetch('titles')).to eq([{ 'title' => 'Automated quantitative histology reveals vascular morphodynamics during Arabidopsis hypocotyl secondary growth' }]) expect(datacite.dig('descriptions', 0, 'description')).to start_with('Among various advantages, their small size makes model organisms preferred subjects of investigation.') expect(datacite.fetch('creators').length).to eq(5) expect(datacite.fetch('creators').first).to eq('nameType' => 'Personal', 'name' => 'Sankar, Martial', 'givenName' => 'Martial', 'familyName' => 'Sankar') end it 'BlogPosting Citeproc JSON' do input = "#{fixture_path}citeproc.json" subject = described_class.new(input: input, from: 'citeproc') datacite = JSON.parse(subject.datacite_json) expect(datacite.fetch('types')).to eq('bibtex' => 'article', 'citeproc' => 'post-weblog', 'resourceTypeGeneral' => 'Text', 'ris' => 'GEN', 'schemaOrg' => 'BlogPosting') expect(datacite.fetch('titles')).to eq([{ 'title' => 'Eating your own Dog Food' }]) expect(datacite.dig('descriptions', 0, 'description')).to start_with('Eating your own dog food') expect(datacite.fetch('creators')).to eq([{ 'familyName' => 'Fenner', 'givenName' => 'Martin', 'name' => 'Fenner, Martin' }]) end it 'rdataone' do input = "#{fixture_path}codemeta.json" subject = described_class.new(input: input, from: 'codemeta') datacite = JSON.parse(subject.datacite_json) expect(datacite.fetch('titles')).to eq([{ 'title' => 'R Interface to the DataONE REST API' }]) expect(datacite.fetch('creators').length).to eq(3) expect(datacite.fetch('creators').first).to eq('affiliation' => [{ 'name' => 'NCEAS' }], 'nameType' => 'Personal', 'name' => 'Jones, Matt', 'nameIdentifiers' => [{ 'nameIdentifier' => 'https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0077-4738', 'nameIdentifierScheme' => 'ORCID', 'schemeUri' => 'https://orcid.org' }], 'givenName' => 'Matt', 'familyName' => 'Jones') expect(datacite.fetch('version')).to eq('2.0.0') end it 'maremma' do input = 'https://github.com/datacite/maremma' subject = described_class.new(input: input, from: 'codemeta') datacite = JSON.parse(subject.datacite_json) expect(datacite.fetch('titles')).to eq([{ 'title' => 'Maremma: a Ruby library for simplified network calls' }]) expect(datacite.fetch('creators')).to eq([{ 'affiliation' => [{ 'name' => 'DataCite' }], 'familyName' => 'Fenner', 'givenName' => 'Martin', 'name' => 'Fenner, Martin', 'nameIdentifiers' => [{ 'nameIdentifier' => 'https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0077-4738', 'nameIdentifierScheme' => 'ORCID', 'schemeUri' => 'https://orcid.org' }], 'nameType' => 'Personal' }]) end it 'from schema.org' do input = 'https://blog.front-matter.io/posts/eating-your-own-dog-food/' subject = described_class.new(input: input, from: 'schema_org') expect(subject.valid?).to be true datacite = JSON.parse(subject.datacite_json) expect(datacite.fetch('titles')).to eq([{ 'title' => 'Eating your own Dog Food' }]) expect(datacite.fetch('creators')).to eq([{ 'affiliation' => [], 'familyName' => 'Fenner', 'givenName' => 'Martin', 'name' => 'Fenner, Martin', 'nameIdentifiers' => [{ 'nameIdentifier' => 'https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1419-2405', 'nameIdentifierScheme' => 'ORCID', 'schemeUri' => 'https://orcid.org' }], 'nameType' => 'Personal' }]) end end end