# Generated from freedesktop.org.xml # # TODO: # Order by popularity, to speed up the MAGIC.find command. # class MimeMagic private EXTENSIONS = { '123' => 'application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3', '3ds' => 'image/x-3ds', '3g2' => 'video/3gpp2', '3ga' => 'video/3gpp', '3gp' => 'video/3gpp', '3gp2' => 'video/3gpp2', '3gpp' => 'video/3gpp', '3gpp2' => 'video/3gpp2', '602' => 'application/x-t602', '669' => 'audio/x-mod', '7z' => 'application/x-7z-compressed', 'a' => 'application/x-archive', 'aac' => 'audio/mp4', 'abw' => 'application/x-abiword', 'abw.crashed' => 'application/x-abiword', 'abw.gz' => 'application/x-abiword', 'ac3' => 'audio/ac3', 'ace' => 'application/x-ace', 'adb' => 'text/x-adasrc', 'ads' => 'text/x-adasrc', 'afm' => 'application/x-font-afm', 'ag' => 'image/x-applix-graphics', 'ai' => 'application/illustrator', 'aif' => 'audio/x-aiff', 'aifc' => 'audio/x-aiff', 'aiff' => 'audio/x-aiff', 'al' => 'application/x-perl', 'alz' => 'application/x-alz', 'amr' => 'audio/AMR', 'ani' => 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'application/vnd.sun.xml.draw.template', 'sti' => 'application/vnd.sun.xml.impress.template', 'stm' => 'audio/x-stm', 'stw' => 'application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.template', 'sty' => 'text/x-tex', 'sub' => 'text/x-microdvd', 'sun' => 'image/x-sun-raster', 'sv' => 'text/x-svsrc', 'sv4cpio' => 'application/x-sv4cpio', 'sv4crc' => 'application/x-sv4crc', 'svg' => 'image/svg+xml', 'svgz' => 'image/svg+xml-compressed', 'svh' => 'text/x-svhdr', 'swf' => 'application/x-shockwave-flash', 'swm' => 'application/x-ms-wim', 'sxc' => 'application/vnd.sun.xml.calc', 'sxd' => 'application/vnd.sun.xml.draw', 'sxg' => 'application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.global', 'sxi' => 'application/vnd.sun.xml.impress', 'sxm' => 'application/vnd.sun.xml.math', 'sxw' => 'application/vnd.sun.xml.writer', 'sylk' => 'text/spreadsheet', 't' => 'text/troff', 't2t' => 'text/x-txt2tags', 'tar' => 'application/x-tar', 'tar.bz' => 'application/x-bzip-compressed-tar', 'tar.bz2' => 'application/x-bzip-compressed-tar', 'tar.gz' => 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=> 'application/x-quattropro', 'wb2' => 'application/x-quattropro', 'wb3' => 'application/x-quattropro', 'wbmp' => 'image/vnd.wap.wbmp', 'wcm' => 'application/vnd.ms-works', 'wdb' => 'application/vnd.ms-works', 'webm' => 'video/webm', 'wim' => 'application/x-ms-wim', 'wk1' => 'application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3', 'wk3' => 'application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3', 'wk4' => 'application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3', 'wks' => 'application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3', 'wma' => 'audio/x-ms-wma', 'wmf' => 'image/x-wmf', 'wml' => 'text/vnd.wap.wml', 'wmls' => 'text/vnd.wap.wmlscript', 'wmv' => 'video/x-ms-wmv', 'wmx' => 'audio/x-ms-asx', 'wp' => 'application/vnd.wordperfect', 'wp4' => 'application/vnd.wordperfect', 'wp5' => 'application/vnd.wordperfect', 'wp6' => 'application/vnd.wordperfect', 'wpd' => 'application/vnd.wordperfect', 'wpg' => 'application/x-wpg', 'wpl' => 'application/vnd.ms-wpl', 'wpp' => 'application/vnd.wordperfect', 'wps' => 'application/vnd.ms-works', 'wri' => 'application/x-mswrite', 'wrl' => 'model/vrml', 'wv' => 'audio/x-wavpack', 'wvc' => 'audio/x-wavpack-correction', 'wvp' => 'audio/x-wavpack', 'wvx' => 'audio/x-ms-asx', 'x3f' => 'image/x-sigma-x3f', 'xac' => 'application/x-gnucash', 'xbel' => 'application/x-xbel', 'xbl' => 'application/xml', 'xbm' => 'image/x-xbitmap', 'xcf' => 'image/x-xcf', 'xcf.bz2' => 'image/x-compressed-xcf', 'xcf.gz' => 'image/x-compressed-xcf', 'xhtml' => 'application/xhtml+xml', 'xi' => 'audio/x-xi', 'xla' => 'application/vnd.ms-excel', 'xlc' => 'application/vnd.ms-excel', 'xld' => 'application/vnd.ms-excel', 'xlf' => 'application/x-xliff', 'xliff' => 'application/x-xliff', 'xll' => 'application/vnd.ms-excel', 'xlm' => 'application/vnd.ms-excel', 'xls' => 'application/vnd.ms-excel', 'xlsm' => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'xlsx' => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'xlt' => 'application/vnd.ms-excel', 'xlw' => 'application/vnd.ms-excel', 'xm' => 'audio/x-xm', 'xmf' => 'audio/x-xmf', 'xmi' => 'text/x-xmi', 'xml' => 'application/xml', 'xpi' => 'application/x-xpinstall', 'xpm' => 'image/x-xpixmap', 'xps' => 'application/oxps', 'xsd' => 'application/xml', 'xsl' => 'application/xslt+xml', 'xslfo' => 'text/x-xslfo', 'xslt' => 'application/xslt+xml', 'xspf' => 'application/xspf+xml', 'xul' => 'application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml', 'xwd' => 'image/x-xwindowdump', 'xz' => 'application/x-xz', 'yaml' => 'application/x-yaml', 'yml' => 'application/x-yaml', 'z' => 'application/x-compress', 'zabw' => 'application/x-abiword', 'zip' => 'application/zip', 'zoo' => 'application/x-zoo', } TYPES = { 'application/andrew-inset' => [%w(ez), %w(), "ATK inset"], 'application/annodex' => [%w(anx), %w(), "Annodex exchange format"], 'application/atom+xml' => [%w(atom), %w(application/xml), "Atom syndication feed"], 'application/dicom' => [%w(dcm), %w(), "DICOM image"], 'application/docbook+xml' => [%w(docbook), %w(application/xml), "DocBook document"], 'application/ecmascript' => [%w(es), %w(text/plain), "ECMAScript program"], 'application/epub+zip' => [%w(epub), %w(application/zip), "electronic book document"], 'application/gnunet-directory' => [%w(gnd), %w(), "GNUnet search file"], 'application/illustrator' => [%w(ai), %w(), "Adobe Illustrator document"], 'application/javascript' => [%w(js), %w(text/x-csrc), "JavaScript program"], 'application/mathematica' => [%w(nb), %w(text/plain), "Mathematica Notebook"], 'application/mathml+xml' => [%w(mml), %w(application/xml), "MathML document"], 'application/mbox' => [%w(mbox), %w(text/plain), "mailbox file"], 'application/metalink+xml' => [%w(metalink), %w(application/xml), "Metalink file"], 'application/msword' => [%w(doc), %w(application/x-ole-storage), "Word document"], 'application/msword-template' => [%w(dot), %w(application/msword), "Word template"], 'application/mxf' => [%w(mxf), %w(), "MXF video"], 'application/octet-stream' => [%w(bin), %w(), "unknown"], 'application/oda' => [%w(oda), %w(), "ODA document"], 'application/ogg' => [%w(ogx), %w(), "Ogg multimedia file"], 'application/oxps' => [%w(oxps xps), %w(application/zip), "XPS document"], 'application/pdf' => [%w(pdf), %w(), "PDF document"], 'application/pgp-encrypted' => [%w(pgp gpg asc), %w(), "PGP/MIME-encrypted message header"], 'application/pgp-keys' => [%w(pkr skr asc), %w(text/plain), "PGP keys"], 'application/pkcs10' => [%w(p10), %w(), "PKCS#10 certification request"], 'application/pkcs7-signature' => [%w(p7s), %w(text/plain), "detached S/MIME signature"], 'application/pkcs8' => [%w(p8), %w(), "PKCS#8 private key"], 'application/pkix-cert' => [%w(cer), %w(), "X.509 certificate"], 'application/pkix-crl' => [%w(crl), %w(), "Certificate revocation list"], 'application/pkix-pkipath' => [%w(pkipath), %w(), "PkiPath certification path"], 'application/postscript' => [%w(ps), %w(text/plain), "PS document"], 'application/ram' => [%w(ram), %w(), "RealMedia Metafile"], 'application/rdf+xml' => [%w(rdf owl rdfs), %w(application/xml), "RDF file"], 'application/relax-ng-compact-syntax' => [%w(rnc), %w(text/plain), "RELAX NG XML schema"], 'application/rss+xml' => [%w(rss), %w(application/xml), "RSS summary"], 'application/rtf' => [%w(rtf), %w(text/plain), "RTF document"], 'application/sdp' => [%w(sdp), %w(), "SDP multicast stream file"], 'application/sieve' => [%w(siv), %w(application/xml), "Sieve mail filter script"], 'application/smil' => [%w(smil kino smi sml), %w(application/xml), "SMIL document"], 'application/vnd.apple.mpegurl' => [%w(m3u m3u8), %w(), "HTTP Live Streaming playlist"], 'application/vnd.corel-draw' => [%w(cdr), %w(), "Corel Draw drawing"], 'application/vnd.emusic-emusic_package' => [%w(emp), %w(), "eMusic download package"], 'application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml' => [%w(kml), %w(application/xml), "KML geographic data"], 'application/vnd.google-earth.kmz' => [%w(kmz), %w(application/zip), "KML geographic compressed data"], 'application/vnd.hp-hpgl' => [%w(hpgl), %w(), "HPGL file"], 'application/vnd.hp-pcl' => [%w(pcl), %w(), "PCL file"], 'application/vnd.iccprofile' => [%w(icc icm), %w(), "ICC profile"], 'application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3' => [%w(123 wk1 wk3 wk4 wks), %w(), "Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet"], 'application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml' => [%w(xul), %w(application/xml), "XUL interface document"], 'application/vnd.ms-access' => [%w(mdb), %w(), "JET database"], 'application/vnd.ms-cab-compressed' => [%w(cab), %w(), "Microsoft Cabinet archive"], 'application/vnd.ms-excel' => [%w(xls xla xlc xld xll xlm xlt xlw), %w(), "Excel spreadsheet"], 'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint' => [%w(ppt pot pps ppz), %w(), "PowerPoint presentation"], 'application/vnd.ms-tnef' => [%w(tnef tnf), %w(), "TNEF message"], 'application/vnd.ms-works' => [%w(wks wcm wdb wps), %w(application/x-ole-storage), "Microsoft Works document"], 'application/vnd.ms-wpl' => [%w(wpl), %w(), "WPL playlist"], 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.chart' => [%w(odc), %w(application/zip), "ODC chart"], 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.chart-template' => [%w(otc), %w(application/zip), "ODC template"], 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database' => [%w(odb), %w(application/zip), "ODB database"], 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula' => [%w(odf), %w(application/zip), "ODF formula"], 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula-template' => [%w(otf), %w(application/zip), "ODF template"], 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics' => [%w(odg), %w(application/zip), "ODG drawing"], 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics-flat-xml' => [%w(fodg), %w(application/xml), "ODG drawing (Flat XML)"], 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics-template' => [%w(otg), %w(application/zip), "ODG template"], 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.image' => [%w(odi), %w(application/zip), "ODI image"], 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation' => [%w(odp), %w(application/zip), "ODP presentation"], 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation-flat-xml' => [%w(fodp), %w(application/xml), "ODP presentation (Flat XML)"], 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation-template' => [%w(otp), %w(application/zip), "ODP template"], 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet' => [%w(ods), %w(application/zip), "ODS spreadsheet"], 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet-flat-xml' => [%w(fods), %w(application/xml), "ODS spreadsheet (Flat XML)"], 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet-template' => [%w(ots), %w(application/zip), "ODS template"], 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text' => [%w(odt), %w(application/zip), "ODT document"], 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-flat-xml' => [%w(fodt), %w(application/xml), "ODT document (Flat XML)"], 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-master' => [%w(odm), %w(application/zip), "ODM document"], 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-template' => [%w(ott), %w(application/zip), "ODT template"], 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-web' => [%w(oth), %w(application/zip), "OTH template"], 'application/vnd.openofficeorg.extension' => [%w(oxt), %w(application/zip), "OpenOffice.org extension"], 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation' => [%w(pptx pptm), %w(application/zip), "PowerPoint 2007 presentation"], 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow' => [%w(ppsx), %w(application/zip), "PowerPoint 2007 show"], 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet' => [%w(xlsx xlsm), %w(application/zip), "Excel 2007 spreadsheet"], 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document' => [%w(docx docm), %w(application/zip), "Word 2007 document"], 'application/vnd.rn-realmedia' => [%w(rm rmj rmm rms rmvb rmx), %w(), "RealMedia document"], 'application/vnd.stardivision.calc' => [%w(sdc), %w(), "StarCalc spreadsheet"], 'application/vnd.stardivision.chart' => [%w(sds), %w(), "StarChart chart"], 'application/vnd.stardivision.draw' => [%w(sda), %w(), "StarDraw drawing"], 'application/vnd.stardivision.impress' => [%w(sdd sdp), %w(), "StarImpress presentation"], 'application/vnd.stardivision.mail' => [%w(smd), %w(), "StarMail email"], 'application/vnd.stardivision.math' => [%w(smf), %w(), "StarMath formula"], 'application/vnd.stardivision.writer' => [%w(sdw sgl vor), %w(), "StarWriter document"], 'application/vnd.sun.xml.calc' => [%w(sxc), %w(application/zip), "OpenOffice Calc spreadsheet"], 'application/vnd.sun.xml.calc.template' => [%w(stc), %w(application/zip), "OpenOffice Calc template"], 'application/vnd.sun.xml.draw' => [%w(sxd), %w(application/zip), "OpenOffice Draw drawing"], 'application/vnd.sun.xml.draw.template' => [%w(std), %w(application/zip), "OpenOffice Draw template"], 'application/vnd.sun.xml.impress' => [%w(sxi), %w(application/zip), "OpenOffice Impress presentation"], 'application/vnd.sun.xml.impress.template' => [%w(sti), %w(application/zip), "OpenOffice Impress template"], 'application/vnd.sun.xml.math' => [%w(sxm), %w(application/zip), "OpenOffice Math formula"], 'application/vnd.sun.xml.writer' => [%w(sxw), %w(application/zip), "OpenOffice Writer document"], 'application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.global' => [%w(sxg), %w(application/zip), "OpenOffice Writer global document"], 'application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.template' => [%w(stw), %w(application/zip), "OpenOffice Writer template"], 'application/vnd.symbian.install' => [%w(sis), %w(), "SIS package"], 'application/vnd.wordperfect' => [%w(wp wp4 wp5 wp6 wpd wpp), %w(), "WordPerfect document"], 'application/x-7z-compressed' => [%w(7z), %w(), "7-zip archive"], 'application/x-abiword' => [%w(abw abw.crashed abw.gz zabw), %w(application/xml), "AbiWord document"], 'application/x-ace' => [%w(ace), %w(), "ACE archive"], 'application/x-alz' => [%w(alz), %w(), "Alzip archive"], 'application/x-amipro' => [%w(sam), %w(), "Lotus AmiPro document"], 'application/x-aportisdoc' => [%w(pdb pdc), %w(application/x-palm-database), "AportisDoc document"], 'application/x-apple-diskimage' => [%w(dmg), %w(), "Apple disk image"], 'application/x-applix-spreadsheet' => [%w(as), %w(), "Applix Spreadsheets spreadsheet"], 'application/x-applix-word' => [%w(aw), %w(), "Applix Words document"], 'application/x-archive' => [%w(a), %w(), "AR archive"], 'application/x-arj' => [%w(arj), %w(), "ARJ archive"], 'application/x-asp' => [%w(asp), %w(text/plain), "ASP page"], 'application/x-awk' => [%w(awk), %w(application/x-executable text/plain), "AWK script"], 'application/x-bcpio' => [%w(bcpio), %w(), "BCPIO document"], 'application/x-bittorrent' => [%w(torrent), %w(), "BitTorrent seed file"], 'application/x-blender' => [%w(blender blend), %w(), "Blender scene"], 'application/x-bzdvi' => [%w(dvi.bz2), %w(), "TeX DVI document (bzip-compressed)"], 'application/x-bzip' => [%w(bz2 bz), %w(), "Bzip archive"], 'application/x-bzip-compressed-tar' => [%w(tar.bz2 tar.bz tbz tbz2), %w(application/x-bzip), "Tar archive (bzip-compressed)"], 'application/x-bzpdf' => [%w(pdf.bz2), %w(), "PDF document (bzip-compressed)"], 'application/x-bzpostscript' => [%w(ps.bz2), %w(), "PostScript document (bzip-compressed)"], 'application/x-cb7' => [%w(cb7), %w(application/x-7z-compressed), "comic book archive"], 'application/x-cbr' => [%w(cbr), %w(application/x-rar), "comic book archive"], 'application/x-cbt' => [%w(cbt), %w(application/x-tar), "comic book archive"], 'application/x-cbz' => [%w(cbz), %w(application/zip), "comic book archive"], 'application/x-cd-image' => [%w(iso iso9660), %w(), "raw CD image"], 'application/x-cdrdao-toc' => [%w(toc), %w(text/plain), "CD Table Of Contents"], 'application/x-chess-pgn' => [%w(pgn), %w(text/plain), "PGN chess game notation"], 'application/x-chm' => [%w(chm), %w(), "CHM document"], 'application/x-cisco-vpn-settings' => [%w(pcf), %w(), "Cisco VPN Settings"], 'application/x-compress' => [%w(z), %w(), "UNIX-compressed file"], 'application/x-compressed-tar' => [%w(tar.gz tgz taz), %w(), "Tar archive (gzip-compressed)"], 'application/x-cpio' => [%w(cpio), %w(), "CPIO archive"], 'application/x-cpio-compressed' => [%w(cpio.gz), %w(), "CPIO archive (gzip-compressed)"], 'application/x-csh' => [%w(csh), %w(application/x-shellscript text/plain), "C shell script"], 'application/x-cue' => [%w(cue), %w(text/plain), "CD image cuesheet"], 'application/x-dar' => [%w(dar), %w(), "DAR archive"], 'application/x-dbf' => [%w(dbf), %w(), "Xbase document"], 'application/x-dc-rom' => [%w(dc), %w(), "Dreamcast ROM"], 'application/x-deb' => [%w(deb), %w(), "Debian package"], 'application/x-designer' => [%w(ui), %w(application/xml), "Qt Designer file"], 'application/x-desktop' => [%w(desktop kdelnk), %w(text/plain), "desktop configuration file"], 'application/x-dia-diagram' => [%w(dia), %w(application/xml), "Dia diagram"], 'application/x-dia-shape' => [%w(shape), %w(application/xml), "Dia shape"], 'application/x-dvi' => [%w(dvi), %w(), "TeX DVI document"], 'application/x-e-theme' => [%w(etheme), %w(), "Enlightenment theme"], 'application/x-egon' => [%w(egon), %w(), "Egon Animator animation"], 'application/x-fictionbook+xml' => [%w(fb2), %w(application/xml), "FictionBook document"], 'application/x-fluid' => [%w(fl), %w(text/plain), "FLTK Fluid file"], 'application/x-font-afm' => [%w(afm), %w(), "Adobe font metrics"], 'application/x-font-bdf' => [%w(bdf), %w(), "BDF font"], 'application/x-font-linux-psf' => [%w(psf), %w(), "Linux PSF console font"], 'application/x-font-otf' => [%w(otf), %w(), "OpenType font"], 'application/x-font-pcf' => [%w(pcf pcf.gz pcf.z), %w(), "PCF font"], 'application/x-font-speedo' => [%w(spd), %w(), "Speedo font"], 'application/x-font-ttf' => [%w(ttf ttc), %w(), "TrueType font"], 'application/x-font-ttx' => [%w(ttx), %w(text/xml), "TrueType XML font"], 'application/x-font-type1' => [%w(pfb pfa gsf), %w(application/postscript), "Postscript type-1 font"], 'application/x-gameboy-rom' => [%w(gb), %w(), "Game Boy ROM"], 'application/x-gba-rom' => [%w(gba), %w(), "Game Boy Advance ROM"], 'application/x-gedcom' => [%w(ged gedcom), %w(), "GEDCOM family history"], 'application/x-genesis-rom' => [%w(gen md), %w(), "Genesis ROM"], 'application/x-gettext-translation' => [%w(gmo mo), %w(), "translated messages (machine-readable)"], 'application/x-glade' => [%w(glade), %w(application/xml), "Glade project"], 'application/x-gnucash' => [%w(gnucash gnc xac), %w(), "GnuCash financial data"], 'application/x-gnumeric' => [%w(gnumeric), %w(), "Gnumeric spreadsheet"], 'application/x-gnuplot' => [%w(gnuplot gp gplt), %w(text/plain), "Gnuplot document"], 'application/x-go-sgf' => [%w(sgf), %w(text/plain), "SGF record"], 'application/x-graphite' => [%w(gra), %w(), "Graphite scientific graph"], 'application/x-gz-font-linux-psf' => [%w(psf.gz), %w(application/x-gzip), "Linux PSF console font (gzip-compressed)"], 'application/x-gzdvi' => [%w(dvi.gz), %w(application/x-gzip), "TeX DVI document (gzip-compressed)"], 'application/x-gzip' => [%w(gz), %w(), "Gzip archive"], 'application/x-gzpdf' => [%w(pdf.gz), %w(application/x-gzip), "PDF document (gzip-compressed)"], 'application/x-gzpostscript' => [%w(ps.gz), %w(application/x-gzip), "PostScript document (gzip-compressed)"], 'application/x-hdf' => [%w(hdf hdf4 hdf5 h4 h5), %w(), "HDF document"], 'application/x-hwp' => [%w(hwp), %w(), "Haansoft Hangul document"], 'application/x-hwt' => [%w(hwt), %w(), "Haansoft Hangul document template"], 'application/x-ica' => [%w(ica), %w(text/plain), "Citrix ICA settings file"], 'application/x-it87' => [%w(it87), %w(text/plain), "IT 8.7 color calibration file"], 'application/x-java' => [%w(class), %w(), "Java class"], 'application/x-java-archive' => [%w(jar), %w(), "Java archive"], 'application/x-java-jce-keystore' => [%w(jceks), %w(), "Java JCE keystore"], 'application/x-java-jnlp-file' => [%w(jnlp), %w(application/xml), "JNLP file"], 'application/x-java-keystore' => [%w(jks ks), %w(), "Java keystore"], 'application/x-java-pack200' => [%w(pack), %w(), "Pack200 Java archive"], 'application/x-jbuilder-project' => [%w(jpr jpx), %w(), "JBuilder project"], 'application/x-karbon' => [%w(karbon), %w(), "Karbon14 drawing"], 'application/x-kchart' => [%w(chrt), %w(), "KChart chart"], 'application/x-kexi-connectiondata' => [%w(kexic), %w(), "Kexi settings for database server connection"], 'application/x-kexiproject-shortcut' => [%w(kexis), %w(), "shortcut to Kexi project on database server"], 'application/x-kexiproject-sqlite2' => [%w(kexi), %w(application/x-sqlite2), "Kexi database file-based project"], 'application/x-kexiproject-sqlite3' => [%w(kexi), %w(application/x-sqlite3), "Kexi database file-based project"], 'application/x-kformula' => [%w(kfo), %w(), "KFormula formula"], 'application/x-killustrator' => [%w(kil), %w(), "KIllustrator drawing"], 'application/x-kivio' => [%w(flw), %w(), "Kivio flowchart"], 'application/x-kontour' => [%w(kon), %w(), "Kontour drawing"], 'application/x-kpovmodeler' => [%w(kpm), %w(), "KPovModeler scene"], 'application/x-kpresenter' => [%w(kpr kpt), %w(), "KPresenter presentation"], 'application/x-krita' => [%w(kra), %w(), "Krita document"], 'application/x-kspread' => [%w(ksp), %w(), "KSpread spreadsheet"], 'application/x-kugar' => [%w(kud), %w(), "Kugar document"], 'application/x-kword' => [%w(kwd kwt), %w(), "KWord document"], 'application/x-lha' => [%w(lzh lha), %w(), "LHA archive"], 'application/x-lhz' => [%w(lhz), %w(), "LHZ archive"], 'application/x-lrzip' => [%w(lrz), %w(), "Lrzip archive"], 'application/x-lrzip-compressed-tar' => [%w(tar.lrz tlrz), %w(application/x-lrzip), "Tar archive (lrzip-compressed)"], 'application/x-lyx' => [%w(lyx), %w(text/plain), "LyX document"], 'application/x-lzip' => [%w(lz), %w(), "Lzip archive"], 'application/x-lzma' => [%w(lzma), %w(), "LZMA archive"], 'application/x-lzma-compressed-tar' => [%w(tar.lzma tlz), %w(), "Tar archive (LZMA-compressed)"], 'application/x-lzop' => [%w(lzo), %w(), "LZO archive"], 'application/x-m4' => [%w(m4), %w(text/plain), "M4 macro"], 'application/x-magicpoint' => [%w(mgp), %w(text/plain), "MagicPoint presentation"], 'application/x-markaby' => [%w(mab), %w(application/x-ruby), "Markaby script"], 'application/x-mif' => [%w(mif), %w(), "Adobe FrameMaker MIF document"], 'application/x-ms-dos-executable' => [%w(exe), %w(), "DOS/Windows executable"], 'application/x-ms-wim' => [%w(swm wim), %w(), "Windows Imaging Format Disk Image"], 'application/x-msi' => [%w(msi), %w(application/x-ole-storage), "Windows Installer package"], 'application/x-mswrite' => [%w(wri), %w(), "WRI document"], 'application/x-msx-rom' => [%w(msx), %w(), "MSX ROM"], 'application/x-n64-rom' => [%w(n64), %w(), "Nintendo64 ROM"], 'application/x-navi-animation' => [%w(ani), %w(), "Windows animated cursor"], 'application/x-nes-rom' => [%w(nes), %w(), "NES ROM"], 'application/x-netcdf' => [%w(cdf nc), %w(), "Unidata NetCDF document"], 'application/x-netshow-channel' => [%w(nsc), %w(video/x-ms-asf), "Windows Media Station file"], 'application/x-nintendo-ds-rom' => [%w(nds), %w(), "Nintendo DS ROM"], 'application/x-object' => [%w(o), %w(), "object code"], 'application/x-oleo' => [%w(oleo), %w(), "GNU Oleo spreadsheet"], 'application/x-pak' => [%w(pak), %w(), "PAK archive"], 'application/x-palm-database' => [%w(pdb prc), %w(), "Palm OS database"], 'application/x-par2' => [%w(par2 par2), %w(), "Parchive archive"], 'application/x-perl' => [%w(perl pl pm al), %w(application/x-executable text/plain), "Perl script"], 'application/x-php' => [%w(php php3 php4), %w(text/plain), "PHP script"], 'application/x-pkcs12' => [%w(p12 pfx), %w(), "PKCS#12 certificate bundle"], 'application/x-pkcs7-certificates' => [%w(p7b spc), %w(), "PKCS#7 certificate bundle"], 'application/x-planperfect' => [%w(pln), %w(), "PlanPerfect spreadsheet"], 'application/x-pocket-word' => [%w(psw), %w(), "Pocket Word document"], 'application/x-pw' => [%w(pw), %w(), "Pathetic Writer document"], 'application/x-python-bytecode' => [%w(pyc pyo), %w(), "Python bytecode"], 'application/x-quattropro' => [%w(wb1 wb2 wb3), %w(), "Quattro Pro spreadsheet"], 'application/x-quicktime-media-link' => [%w(qtl), %w(video/quicktime), "QuickTime metalink playlist"], 'application/x-qw' => [%w(qif), %w(), "Quicken document"], 'application/x-rar' => [%w(rar), %w(), "RAR archive"], 'application/x-reject' => [%w(rej), %w(text/plain), "rejected patch"], 'application/x-rpm' => [%w(rpm), %w(), "RPM package"], 'application/x-ruby' => [%w(rb), %w(application/x-executable text/plain), "Ruby script"], 'application/x-sami' => [%w(sami smi), %w(text/plain), "SAMI subtitles"], 'application/x-shar' => [%w(shar), %w(), "shell archive"], 'application/x-shared-library-la' => [%w(la), %w(text/plain), "libtool shared library"], 'application/x-sharedlib' => [%w(so), %w(), "shared library"], 'application/x-shellscript' => [%w(sh), %w(application/x-executable text/plain), "shell script"], 'application/x-shockwave-flash' => [%w(spl swf), %w(), "Shockwave Flash file"], 'application/x-shorten' => [%w(shn), %w(), "Shorten audio"], 'application/x-siag' => [%w(siag), %w(), "Siag spreadsheet"], 'application/x-smaf' => [%w(mmf smaf), %w(), "SMAF audio"], 'application/x-sms-rom' => [%w(gg sms), %w(), "Sega Master System/Game Gear ROM"], 'application/x-snes-rom' => [%w(smc), %w(), "Super NES ROM"], 'application/x-spss-por' => [%w(por), %w(), "SPSS Portable Data File"], 'application/x-spss-sav' => [%w(sav), %w(), "SPSS Data File"], 'application/x-stuffit' => [%w(sit), %w(), "StuffIt archive"], 'application/x-subrip' => [%w(srt), %w(text/plain), "SubRip subtitles"], 'application/x-sv4cpio' => [%w(sv4cpio), %w(), "SV4 CPIO archive"], 'application/x-sv4crc' => [%w(sv4crc), %w(), "SV4 CPIO archive (with CRC)"], 'application/x-t602' => [%w(602), %w(), "T602 document"], 'application/x-tar' => [%w(tar gtar gem), %w(), "Tar archive"], 'application/x-tarz' => [%w(tar.z), %w(), "Tar archive (compressed)"], 'application/x-tex-gf' => [%w(gf), %w(), "generic font file"], 'application/x-tex-pk' => [%w(pk), %w(), "packed font file"], 'application/x-tgif' => [%w(obj), %w(), "TGIF document"], 'application/x-theme' => [%w(theme), %w(application/x-desktop), "theme"], 'application/x-trash' => [%w(bak old sik), %w(), "backup file"], 'application/x-troff-man' => [%w(man), %w(text/plain), "Troff document (with manpage macros)"], 'application/x-tzo' => [%w(tar.lzo tzo), %w(), "Tar archive (LZO-compressed)"], 'application/x-ufraw' => [%w(ufraw), %w(text/xml), "UFRaw ID image"], 'application/x-ustar' => [%w(ustar), %w(), "Ustar archive"], 'application/x-wais-source' => [%w(src), %w(), "WAIS source code"], 'application/x-windows-themepack' => [%w(themepack), %w(application/vnd.ms-cab-compressed), "Microsoft Windows theme pack"], 'application/x-wpg' => [%w(wpg), %w(), "WordPerfect/Drawperfect image"], 'application/x-x509-ca-cert' => [%w(cert crt der pem), %w(), "DER/PEM/Netscape-encoded X.509 certificate"], 'application/x-xbel' => [%w(xbel), %w(application/xml), "XBEL bookmarks"], 'application/x-xliff' => [%w(xlf xliff), %w(application/xml), "XLIFF translation file"], 'application/x-xpinstall' => [%w(xpi), %w(application/zip), "XPInstall installer module"], 'application/x-xz' => [%w(xz), %w(), "XZ archive"], 'application/x-xz-compressed-tar' => [%w(tar.xz txz), %w(), "Tar archive (XZ-compressed)"], 'application/x-xzpdf' => [%w(pdf.xz), %w(application/x-xz), "PDF document (XZ-compressed)"], 'application/x-yaml' => [%w(yaml yml), %w(text/plain), "YAML document"], 'application/x-zoo' => [%w(zoo), %w(), "Zoo archive"], 'application/xhtml+xml' => [%w(xhtml), %w(application/xml), "XHTML page"], 'application/xml' => [%w(rng xbl xml xsd), %w(text/plain), "XML document"], 'application/xml-dtd' => [%w(dtd), %w(text/plain), "DTD file"], 'application/xml-external-parsed-entity' => [%w(ent), %w(application/xml), "XML entities document"], 'application/xslt+xml' => [%w(xslt xsl), %w(application/xml), "XSLT stylesheet"], 'application/xspf+xml' => [%w(xspf), %w(application/xml), "XSPF playlist"], 'application/zip' => [%w(zip), %w(), "Zip archive"], 'audio/AMR' => [%w(amr), %w(), "AMR audio"], 'audio/AMR-WB' => [%w(awb), %w(), "AMR-WB audio"], 'audio/ac3' => [%w(ac3), %w(), "Dolby Digital audio"], 'audio/annodex' => [%w(axa), %w(application/annodex), "Annodex Audio"], 'audio/basic' => [%w(au snd), %w(), "ULAW (Sun) audio"], 'audio/flac' => [%w(flac), %w(), "FLAC audio"], 'audio/midi' => [%w(midi mid kar), %w(), "MIDI audio"], 'audio/mp2' => [%w(mp2), %w(), "MP2 audio"], 'audio/mp4' => [%w(m4a aac f4a), %w(), "MPEG-4 audio"], 'audio/mpeg' => [%w(mp3 mpga), %w(), "MP3 audio"], 'audio/ogg' => [%w(ogg oga spx), %w(application/ogg), "Ogg Audio"], 'audio/prs.sid' => [%w(psid sid), %w(), "Commodore 64 audio"], 'audio/vnd.rn-realaudio' => [%w(ra rax), %w(), "RealAudio document"], 'audio/x-aiff' => [%w(aiff aif aifc), %w(), "AIFF/Amiga/Mac audio"], 'audio/x-ape' => [%w(ape), %w(), "Monkey's audio"], 'audio/x-flac+ogg' => [%w(ogg), %w(audio/ogg), "Ogg FLAC audio"], 'audio/x-gsm' => [%w(gsm), %w(), "GSM 06.10 audio"], 'audio/x-iriver-pla' => [%w(pla), %w(), "iRiver Playlist"], 'audio/x-it' => [%w(it), %w(), "Impulse Tracker audio"], 'audio/x-m4b' => [%w(f4b m4b), %w(audio/mp4), "MPEG-4 audio book"], 'audio/x-matroska' => [%w(mka), %w(application/x-matroska), "Matroska audio"], 'audio/x-minipsf' => [%w(minipsf), %w(audio/x-psf), "MiniPSF audio"], 'audio/x-mo3' => [%w(mo3), %w(), "compressed Tracker audio"], 'audio/x-mod' => [%w(mod 669 m15 med mtm ult uni), %w(), "Amiga SoundTracker audio"], 'audio/x-mpegurl' => [%w(m3u m3u8 vlc), %w(text/plain), "MP3 audio (streamed)"], 'audio/x-ms-asx' => [%w(asx wax wmx wvx), %w(), "Microsoft ASX playlist"], 'audio/x-ms-wma' => [%w(wma), %w(video/x-ms-asf), "Windows Media audio"], 'audio/x-musepack' => [%w(mp+ mpc mpp), %w(), "Musepack audio"], 'audio/x-psf' => [%w(psf), %w(), "PSF audio"], 'audio/x-psflib' => [%w(psflib), %w(audio/x-psf), "PSFlib audio library"], 'audio/x-s3m' => [%w(s3m), %w(), "Scream Tracker 3 audio"], 'audio/x-scpls' => [%w(pls), %w(), "MP3 ShoutCast playlist"], 'audio/x-speex' => [%w(spx), %w(), "Speex audio"], 'audio/x-speex+ogg' => [%w(ogg), %w(audio/ogg), "Ogg Speex audio"], 'audio/x-stm' => [%w(stm), %w(), "Scream Tracker audio"], 'audio/x-tta' => [%w(tta), %w(), "TrueAudio audio"], 'audio/x-voc' => [%w(voc), %w(), "VOC audio"], 'audio/x-vorbis+ogg' => [%w(ogg), %w(audio/ogg), "Ogg Vorbis audio"], 'audio/x-wav' => [%w(wav), %w(), "WAV audio"], 'audio/x-wavpack' => [%w(wv wvp), %w(), "WavPack audio"], 'audio/x-wavpack-correction' => [%w(wvc), %w(), "WavPack audio correction file"], 'audio/x-xi' => [%w(xi), %w(), "Scream Tracker instrument"], 'audio/x-xm' => [%w(xm), %w(), "FastTracker II audio"], 'audio/x-xmf' => [%w(xmf), %w(), "XMF audio"], 'image/bmp' => [%w(bmp), %w(), "Windows BMP image"], 'image/cgm' => [%w(cgm), %w(), "Computer Graphics Metafile"], 'image/fax-g3' => [%w(g3), %w(), "CCITT G3 fax"], 'image/fits' => [%w(fits), %w(), "FITS document"], 'image/gif' => [%w(gif), %w(), "GIF image"], 'image/ief' => [%w(ief), %w(), "IEF image"], 'image/jp2' => [%w(jp2 j2k jpc jpf jpx), %w(), "JPEG-2000 image"], 'image/jpeg' => [%w(jpeg jpg jpe), %w(), "JPEG image"], 'image/openraster' => [%w(ora), %w(), "OpenRaster archiving image"], 'image/png' => [%w(png), %w(), "PNG image"], 'image/rle' => [%w(rle), %w(), "Run Length Encoded bitmap image"], 'image/svg+xml' => [%w(svg), %w(application/xml), "SVG image"], 'image/svg+xml-compressed' => [%w(svgz), %w(application/x-gzip), "compressed SVG image"], 'image/tiff' => [%w(tiff tif), %w(), "TIFF image"], 'image/vnd.adobe.photoshop' => [%w(psd), %w(), "Photoshop image"], 'image/vnd.djvu' => [%w(djvu djv), %w(), "DjVu image"], 'image/vnd.dwg' => [%w(dwg), %w(), "AutoCAD image"], 'image/vnd.dxf' => [%w(dxf), %w(), "DXF vector image"], 'image/vnd.microsoft.icon' => [%w(ico), %w(), "Microsoft icon"], 'image/vnd.ms-modi' => [%w(mdi), %w(), "Microsoft Document Imaging format"], 'image/vnd.rn-realpix' => [%w(rp), %w(), "RealPix document"], 'image/vnd.wap.wbmp' => [%w(wbmp), %w(), "WBMP image"], 'image/x-3ds' => [%w(3ds), %w(), "3D Studio image"], 'image/x-adobe-dng' => [%w(dng), %w(image/tiff image/x-dcraw), "Adobe DNG negative"], 'image/x-applix-graphics' => [%w(ag), %w(), "Applix Graphics image"], 'image/x-bzeps' => [%w(eps.bz2 epsf.bz2 epsi.bz2), %w(), "EPS image (bzip-compressed)"], 'image/x-canon-cr2' => [%w(cr2), %w(image/tiff image/x-dcraw), "Canon CR2 raw image"], 'image/x-canon-crw' => [%w(crw), %w(image/x-dcraw), "Canon CRW raw image"], 'image/x-cmu-raster' => [%w(ras), %w(), "CMU raster image"], 'image/x-compressed-xcf' => [%w(xcf.bz2 xcf.gz), %w(), "compressed GIMP image"], 'image/x-dds' => [%w(dds), %w(), "DirectDraw surface"], 'image/x-emf' => [%w(emf), %w(), "EMF image"], 'image/x-eps' => [%w(eps epsf epsi), %w(application/postscript), "EPS image"], 'image/x-exr' => [%w(exr), %w(), "EXR image"], 'image/x-fuji-raf' => [%w(raf), %w(image/x-dcraw), "Fuji RAF raw image"], 'image/x-gzeps' => [%w(eps.gz epsf.gz epsi.gz), %w(), "EPS image (gzip-compressed)"], 'image/x-icns' => [%w(icns), %w(), "MacOS X icon"], 'image/x-iff' => [%w(iff), %w(), "IFF image"], 'image/x-ilbm' => [%w(ilbm), %w(), "ILBM image"], 'image/x-jng' => [%w(jng), %w(), "JNG image"], 'image/x-kodak-dcr' => [%w(dcr), %w(image/tiff image/x-dcraw), "Kodak DCR raw image"], 'image/x-kodak-k25' => [%w(k25), %w(image/tiff image/x-dcraw), "Kodak K25 raw image"], 'image/x-kodak-kdc' => [%w(kdc), %w(image/tiff image/x-dcraw), "Kodak KDC raw image"], 'image/x-lwo' => [%w(lwo lwob), %w(), "LightWave object"], 'image/x-lws' => [%w(lws), %w(), "LightWave scene"], 'image/x-macpaint' => [%w(pntg), %w(), "MacPaint Bitmap image"], 'image/x-minolta-mrw' => [%w(mrw), %w(image/x-dcraw), "Minolta MRW raw image"], 'image/x-msod' => [%w(msod), %w(), "Office drawing"], 'image/x-nikon-nef' => [%w(nef), %w(image/tiff image/x-dcraw), "Nikon NEF raw image"], 'image/x-olympus-orf' => [%w(orf), %w(image/x-dcraw), "Olympus ORF raw image"], 'image/x-panasonic-raw' => [%w(raw), %w(image/x-dcraw), "Panasonic raw image"], 'image/x-panasonic-raw2' => [%w(rw2), %w(image/x-dcraw), "Panasonic raw2 image"], 'image/x-pcx' => [%w(pcx), %w(), "PCX image"], 'image/x-pentax-pef' => [%w(pef), %w(image/tiff image/x-dcraw), "Pentax PEF raw image"], 'image/x-photo-cd' => [%w(pcd), %w(), "PCD image"], 'image/x-pict' => [%w(pict pict1 pict2), %w(), "Macintosh Quickdraw/PICT drawing"], 'image/x-portable-anymap' => [%w(pnm), %w(), "PNM image"], 'image/x-portable-bitmap' => [%w(pbm), %w(image/x-portable-anymap), "PBM image"], 'image/x-portable-graymap' => [%w(pgm), %w(image/x-portable-anymap), "PGM image"], 'image/x-portable-pixmap' => [%w(ppm), %w(image/x-portable-anymap), "PPM image"], 'image/x-quicktime' => [%w(qif qtif), %w(), "QuickTime image"], 'image/x-rgb' => [%w(rgb), %w(), "RGB image"], 'image/x-sgi' => [%w(sgi), %w(), "SGI image"], 'image/x-sigma-x3f' => [%w(x3f), %w(image/x-dcraw), "Sigma X3F raw image"], 'image/x-skencil' => [%w(sk sk1), %w(), "Skencil document"], 'image/x-sony-arw' => [%w(arw), %w(image/tiff image/x-dcraw), "Sony ARW raw image"], 'image/x-sony-sr2' => [%w(sr2), %w(image/tiff image/x-dcraw), "Sony SR2 raw image"], 'image/x-sony-srf' => [%w(srf), %w(image/tiff image/x-dcraw), "Sony SRF raw image"], 'image/x-sun-raster' => [%w(sun), %w(), "Sun raster image"], 'image/x-tga' => [%w(icb tga tpic vda vst), %w(), "TGA image"], 'image/x-win-bitmap' => [%w(cur), %w(), "Windows cursor"], 'image/x-wmf' => [%w(wmf), %w(), "WMF image"], 'image/x-xbitmap' => [%w(xbm), %w(), "XBM image"], 'image/x-xcf' => [%w(xcf), %w(), "GIMP image"], 'image/x-xfig' => [%w(fig), %w(), "XFig image"], 'image/x-xpixmap' => [%w(xpm), %w(), "XPM image"], 'image/x-xwindowdump' => [%w(xwd), %w(), "X window image"], 'message/rfc822' => [%w(eml), %w(text/plain), "email message"], 'model/vrml' => [%w(wrl), %w(text/plain), "VRML document"], 'text/cache-manifest' => [%w(manifest), %w(text/plain), "Web application cache manifest"], 'text/calendar' => [%w(ics vcs), %w(text/plain), "VCS/ICS calendar"], 'text/css' => [%w(css cssl), %w(text/x-csrc), "CSS stylesheet"], 'text/csv' => [%w(csv), %w(text/plain), "CSV document"], 'text/directory' => [%w(vcf vct gcrd), %w(text/plain), "electronic business card"], 'text/html' => [%w(html htm), %w(text/plain), "HTML document"], 'text/plain' => [%w(txt asc), %w(), "plain text document"], 'text/richtext' => [%w(rtx), %w(text/plain), "rich text document"], 'text/sgml' => [%w(sgml sgm), %w(text/plain), "SGML document"], 'text/spreadsheet' => [%w(slk sylk), %w(text/plain), "spreadsheet interchange document"], 'text/tab-separated-values' => [%w(tsv), %w(text/plain), "TSV document"], 'text/troff' => [%w(roff t tr), %w(text/plain), "Troff document"], 'text/vnd.graphviz' => [%w(dot gv), %w(), "Graphviz DOT graph"], 'text/vnd.rn-realtext' => [%w(rt), %w(), "RealText document"], 'text/vnd.sun.j2me.app-descriptor' => [%w(jad), %w(), "JAD document"], 'text/vnd.trolltech.linguist' => [%w(ts), %w(application/xml), "message catalog"], 'text/vnd.wap.wml' => [%w(wml), %w(application/xml), "WML document"], 'text/vnd.wap.wmlscript' => [%w(wmls), %w(), "WMLScript program"], 'text/x-adasrc' => [%w(ads adb), %w(text/plain), "Ada source code"], 'text/x-bibtex' => [%w(bib), %w(text/plain), "BibTeX document"], 'text/x-c++hdr' => [%w(hpp hh h++ hp hxx), %w(text/x-chdr), "C++ header"], 'text/x-c++src' => [%w(cpp c++ cc cxx c), %w(text/x-csrc), "C++ source code"], 'text/x-chdr' => [%w(h), %w(text/x-csrc), "C header"], 'text/x-cmake' => [%w(cmake), %w(text/plain), "CMake source code"], 'text/x-cobol' => [%w(cbl cob), %w(text/plain), "COBOL source file"], 'text/x-csharp' => [%w(cs), %w(text/x-csrc), "C# source code"], 'text/x-csrc' => [%w(c), %w(text/plain), "C source code"], 'text/x-dcl' => [%w(dcl), %w(text/plain), "DCL script"], 'text/x-dsl' => [%w(dsl), %w(text/plain), "DSSSL document"], 'text/x-dsrc' => [%w(d), %w(text/x-csrc), "D source code"], 'text/x-eiffel' => [%w(e eif), %w(text/plain), "Eiffel source code"], 'text/x-emacs-lisp' => [%w(el), %w(text/plain), "Emacs Lisp source code"], 'text/x-erlang' => [%w(erl), %w(text/plain), "Erlang source code"], 'text/x-fortran' => [%w(f f90 f95 for), %w(text/plain), "Fortran source code"], 'text/x-gettext-translation' => [%w(po), %w(text/plain), "translation file"], 'text/x-gettext-translation-template' => [%w(pot), %w(text/plain), "translation template"], 'text/x-go' => [%w(go), %w(text/plain), "Go source code"], 'text/x-google-video-pointer' => [%w(gvp), %w(), "Google Video Pointer"], 'text/x-haskell' => [%w(hs), %w(text/plain), "Haskell source code"], 'text/x-iMelody' => [%w(ime imy), %w(), "iMelody ringtone"], 'text/x-idl' => [%w(idl), %w(text/plain), "IDL document"], 'text/x-iptables' => [%w(iptables), %w(text/plain), "iptables configuration file"], 'text/x-java' => [%w(java), %w(text/x-csrc), "Java source code"], 'text/x-ldif' => [%w(ldif), %w(text/plain), "LDIF address book"], 'text/x-lilypond' => [%w(ly), %w(text/plain), "Lilypond music sheet"], 'text/x-literate-haskell' => [%w(lhs), %w(text/plain), "LHS source code"], 'text/x-log' => [%w(log), %w(text/plain), "application log"], 'text/x-lua' => [%w(lua), %w(application/x-executable text/plain), "Lua script"], 'text/x-matlab' => [%w(m), %w(text/plain), "MATLAB script/function"], 'text/x-microdvd' => [%w(sub), %w(text/plain), "MicroDVD subtitles"], 'text/x-moc' => [%w(moc), %w(text/plain), "Qt MOC file"], 'text/x-mof' => [%w(mof), %w(text/x-csrc), "Managed Object Format"], 'text/x-mpsub' => [%w(sub), %w(text/plain), "MPSub subtitles"], 'text/x-mrml' => [%w(mrml mrl), %w(), "MRML playlist"], 'text/x-ms-regedit' => [%w(reg), %w(text/plain), "Windows Registry extract"], 'text/x-mup' => [%w(mup not), %w(text/plain), "Mup publication"], 'text/x-nfo' => [%w(nfo), %w(text/x-readme), "NFO file"], 'text/x-objcsrc' => [%w(m), %w(text/x-csrc), "Objective-C source code"], 'text/x-ocaml' => [%w(ml mli), %w(), "OCaml source code"], 'text/x-ocl' => [%w(ocl), %w(text/plain), "OCL file"], 'text/x-ooc' => [%w(ooc), %w(text/x-csrc), "OOC source code"], 'text/x-opml+xml' => [%w(opml), %w(application/xml), "OPML syndication feed"], 'text/x-pascal' => [%w(pas p), %w(text/plain), "Pascal source code"], 'text/x-patch' => [%w(patch diff), %w(text/plain), "differences between files"], 'text/x-python' => [%w(py), %w(application/x-executable text/plain), "Python script"], 'text/x-rpm-spec' => [%w(spec), %w(text/plain), "RPM spec file"], 'text/x-scheme' => [%w(scm), %w(text/plain), "Scheme source code"], 'text/x-setext' => [%w(etx), %w(text/plain), "Setext document"], 'text/x-sql' => [%w(sql), %w(text/plain), "SQL code"], 'text/x-ssa' => [%w(ass ssa), %w(text/plain), "SSA subtitles"], 'text/x-subviewer' => [%w(sub), %w(text/plain), "SubViewer subtitles"], 'text/x-svhdr' => [%w(svh), %w(text/x-verilog), "SystemVerilog header"], 'text/x-svsrc' => [%w(sv), %w(text/x-verilog), "SystemVerilog source code"], 'text/x-tcl' => [%w(tcl tk), %w(text/plain), "Tcl script"], 'text/x-tex' => [%w(cls dtx ins latex ltx sty tex), %w(text/plain), "TeX document"], 'text/x-texinfo' => [%w(texi texinfo), %w(text/plain), "TeXInfo document"], 'text/x-troff-me' => [%w(me), %w(text/plain), "Troff ME input document"], 'text/x-troff-mm' => [%w(mm), %w(text/plain), "Troff MM input document"], 'text/x-troff-ms' => [%w(ms), %w(text/plain), "Troff MS input document"], 'text/x-txt2tags' => [%w(t2t), %w(text/plain), "txt2tags document"], 'text/x-uil' => [%w(uil), %w(text/plain), "X-Motif UIL table"], 'text/x-uri' => [%w(url uri), %w(text/plain), "resource location"], 'text/x-vala' => [%w(vala vapi), %w(text/x-csrc), "Vala source code"], 'text/x-verilog' => [%w(v), %w(text/plain), "Verilog source code"], 'text/x-vhdl' => [%w(vhd vhdl), %w(text/plain), "VHDL source code"], 'text/x-xmi' => [%w(xmi), %w(application/xml), "XMI file"], 'text/x-xslfo' => [%w(fo xslfo), %w(application/xml), "XSL FO file"], 'video/3gpp' => [%w(3ga 3gp 3gpp), %w(video/mp4), "3GPP multimedia file"], 'video/3gpp2' => [%w(3g2 3gp2 3gpp2), %w(video/mp4), "3GPP2 multimedia file"], 'video/annodex' => [%w(axv), %w(application/annodex), "Annodex Video"], 'video/dv' => [%w(dv), %w(), "DV video"], 'video/mp2t' => [%w(m2ts m2t bdm bdmv clpi cpi mpl mpls mts ts), %w(), "MPEG-2 transport stream"], 'video/mp4' => [%w(mp4 m4v f4v), %w(), "MPEG-4 video"], 'video/mpeg' => [%w(mpeg mpg mp2 mpe vob), %w(), "MPEG video"], 'video/ogg' => [%w(ogv), %w(application/ogg), "Ogg Video"], 'video/quicktime' => [%w(mov qt moov qtvr), %w(), "QuickTime video"], 'video/vivo' => [%w(viv vivo), %w(), "Vivo video"], 'video/vnd.rn-realvideo' => [%w(rv rvx), %w(), "RealVideo document"], 'video/webm' => [%w(webm), %w(), "WebM video"], 'video/x-flic' => [%w(fli flc), %w(), "FLIC animation"], 'video/x-flv' => [%w(flv), %w(), "Flash video"], 'video/x-javafx' => [%w(fxm), %w(video/x-flv), "JavaFX video"], 'video/x-matroska' => [%w(mkv), %w(application/x-matroska), "Matroska video"], 'video/x-mng' => [%w(mng), %w(), "MNG animation"], 'video/x-ms-asf' => [%w(asf), %w(), "ASF video"], 'video/x-ms-wmv' => [%w(wmv), %w(video/x-ms-asf), "Windows Media video"], 'video/x-msvideo' => [%w(avi divx), %w(), "AVI video"], 'video/x-nsv' => [%w(nsv), %w(), "NullSoft video"], 'video/x-ogm+ogg' => [%w(ogm), %w(video/ogg), "OGM video"], 'video/x-sgi-movie' => [%w(movie), %w(), "SGI video"], 'video/x-theora+ogg' => [%w(ogg), %w(video/ogg), "Ogg Theora video"], 'x-epoc/x-sisx-app' => [%w(sisx), %w(), "SISX package"], } MAGIC = [ ['application/vnd.stardivision.writer', [[2089, "StarWriter"]]], ['application/docbook+xml', [[0, ""]]], ['image/x-niff', [[0, "IIN1"]]], ['application/prs.plucker', [[60, "DataPlkr"]]], ['application/x-fictionbook+xml', [[0..256, "", [[8, "debian"]]]]], ['video/dv', []], ['application/x-desktop', [[0..32, "[Desktop Entry]"], [0, "[Desktop Action"], [0, "[KDE Desktop Entry]"], [0, "# Config File"], [0, "# KDE Config File"]]], ['video/x-ms-asf', [[0, "0&\xB2u"], [0, "[Reference]"]]], ['application/x-dia-diagram', [[5..100, "\""]]], ['application/gnunet-directory', [[0, "\x89GND\r\n\x1A\n"]]], ['application/vnd.ms-excel', [[2080, "Microsoft Excel 5.0 Worksheet"]]], ['application/vnd.ms-cab-compressed', [[0, "MSCF\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000"]]], ['application/vnd.ms-access', [[0, "\x00\x01\x00\x00Standard Jet DB"]]], ['application/x-kspread-crypt', [[0, "\r\x1A'\x02"]]], ['application/x-ksysv-package', [[4, "KSysV", [[15, "\x01"]]]]], ['application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3', [[0, "\x00\x00\x02\x00\x06\x04\x06\x00\b\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"]]], ['application/x-kword-crypt', [[0, "\r\x1A'\x01"]]], ['application/x-lha', [[2, "-lh -"], [2, "-lh0-"], [2, "-lh1-"], [2, "-lh2-"], [2, "-lh3-"], [2, "-lh4-"], [2, "-lh5-"], [2, "-lh40-"], [2, "-lhd-"], [2, "-lz4-"], [2, "-lz5-"], [2, "-lzs-"]]], ['application/xslt+xml', [[0..256, " "]]]]], ['application/x-sami', [[0..256, ""]]], ['text/x-microdvd', [[0, "{1}"], [0, "{0}"], [0..6, "}{"]]], ['text/x-mpsub', [[0..256, "FORMAT="]]], ['text/x-ssa', [[0..256, "[Script Info]"], [0..256, "Dialogue: "]]], ['text/x-subviewer', [[0, "[INFORMATION]"]]], ['text/x-iMelody', [[0, "BEGIN:IMELODY"]]], ['application/x-smaf', [[0, "MMMD"]]], ['text/x-mrml', [[0, ""], [0, "!"]]], ['audio/x-riff', [[0, "RIFF"]]], ['video/x-javafx', [[0, "FLV"]]], ['application/zip', [[0, "PK\u0003\u0004"]]], ['audio/basic', [[0, ".snd"]]], ['application/xml', [[0, "