<%= current_paths_header %> # added by script/generate pickle path when /^#{capture_model}(?:'s)? page$/ # eg. the forum's page path_to_pickle $1 when /^#{capture_model}(?:'s)? #{capture_model}(?:'s)? page$/ # eg. the forum's post's page path_to_pickle $1, $2 when /^#{capture_model}(?:'s)? #{capture_model}'s (.+?) page$/ # eg. the forum's post's comments page path_to_pickle $1, $2, :extra => $3 # or the forum's post's edit page when /^#{capture_model}(?:'s)? (.+?) page$/ # eg. the forum's posts page path_to_pickle $1, :extra => $2 # or the forum's edit page when /^the (.+?) page$/ # translate to named route send "#{$1.downcase.gsub(' ','_')}_path" # end added by pickle path <%= current_paths_footer %>