Justin Grevich

Justin Grevich

Web Developer and Systems Administrator

La Jolla, California (Greater San Diego Area)
Information Technology and Services

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Justin Grevich's Overview

  • Graduate Student / Programmer at UCF Daniell Lab
  • Information Technology Staff at UCF Biology Department
  • University of Central Florida
  • University of Central Florida
  • Blake
  • Orono

220 connections

Justin Grevich's Summary

I am a web developer and systems administrator for the UC San Diego Institute of Engineering in Medicine. At UC San Diego I specialize in improving the efficiency of existing information systems by simplifying online forms, using open standards, and integrating existing data where possible. My free time is most often spent honing my programming skills and working on various startup ideas.

I love many programming languages but I currently focus on all things Ruby, especially that related to home automation, security, and web development. I am enthralled by information security and aspire to become a respected member of the community. My work pipeline is currently full, however, please contact me if you feel we're a perfect match. There are some projects I cannot resist.

Justin Grevich's Experience

Educational Institution; 10,001+ employees; Higher Education industry

January 2008Present (5 years 5 months) La Jolla, California

Ruby based web development (Rails/RefineryCMS/Sinatra/Jekyl)

Develop web applications, middleware, and APIs to streamline academic and administrative functions (e.g. paperless office, online registration/evaluation). Replace existing static web sites maintained by technical staff with content manage systems (CMS) maintainable by anyone with basic computer skills.

Reumanager.com was developed to automate the NSF REU application process. It was originally developed to handle hundreds of applicants for the Bioengineering Department, it now handles thousands of applicants from universities across the nation.

Much of this work has been open sourced on my github account (https://github.com/jgrevich)

Systems and database administration

Built and maintained core servers (web, mail, file, monitoring, security) and 108-node ROCKS cluster for Bioengineering Department and Institute of Engineering in Medicine. Utilized tools such as Chef to provision and update our server fleet.

Web Developer / Consultant


January 2006Present (7 years 5 months) La Jolla, California

I began as a freelancer and contractor with various web firms. I now focus on startup ideas and contract only for smaller projects and consultation work.

Graduate Student / Programmer

UCF Daniell Lab

August 2002December 2005 (3 years 5 months) Orlando, Florida

Performed IT services, custom programming for the lab, and additional teaching appoints during my graduate study.

Guest lectured multiple classes of a 300+ student biotechnology course.

Streamlined bioinformatic protocols and wrote custom Perl/Shell scripts to simplify genomic analysis and processing with other genomic software.

Setup computers with X11 and terminal applications (EMBOSS, BLAST, Clustal, Pipmaker, REPuter, DOGMA) on ROCKS cluster. Assisted with data analysis.

Developed a rudimentary CMS using Ruby on Rails (1st Ruby project) for the lab website.

Information Technology Staff

UCF Biology Department

Educational Institution; 10,001+ employees; Higher Education industry

January 1998August 2002 (4 years 8 months) Orlando, Florida

Configured department servers for web, email, and file/printer sharing. Integrated Mac and Windows systems with department and campus services.

Managed student desktop support team (Windows 95/98/NT/2000, Mac OS 9 / OSX Client+Server)

Built and designed department website, http://biology.ucf.edu

Support for specialized lab equipement (e..g GelDocs, Microscopes, backup/security equipment).

Setup initial network, servers, and workstations for Environmental Center and Arboretum. Migrated research data from DB2 to MS Access based web application for the lobby kiosk.

Doug Cyphers' Certifications


    • December 2010
  • GISP

    • February 2007 to December 2010

Justin Grevich's Projects

  • reumanager.com

    • August 2009 to Present

    REU manager is an online service that allows one to effortlessly manage hundreds of online applications. It was originally designed to automate the application process for the UC San Diego Bioengineering Department's REU program due to the high number of applicants each year. It has now grown as a tool used by Universities across the nation with hopes of being the de facto application system for all NSF REU projects.

  • iem.ucsd.edu

    • February 2011 to Present

    Institute of Engineering in Medicine Content Management System

    The IEM web site was redesigned and developed from the ground up. It was converted from a static set of HTML files to a modern content management system that can be maintained by non-technical staff.

    It is built with Ruby on Rails and leverages the RefineryCMS framework. Customized extensions were created during the development of this site and released to the open source community.

  • bic.ucop.edu

    • April 2010 to Present

    The Bioengineering Institute of California (BIC) consists of ten UC campuses. This website was designed as a custom CMS for the multi-university ORU's news, events, and member profiles. It also acts as a platform to handle the event website for the yearly symposiums. All event data can be modified by non-technical staff. The event websites (e.g. https://bic.ucop.edu/2013 ) leverages EventBrite to handle ticket and event related item sales (in our case, flatscreen display rentals and lodging at UC San Diego dorms). Data is validated against Eventbrite to assure that students have registerred for the event before submitting an abstract.

  • microcirculation.ucsd.edu

    • May 2012 to Present

    The Microcirculation website further builds on the CMS designed for the IEM website. We refined the user profiles and provided a mechanism to automatically import new publications from Pubmed.

  • siebel.ucsd.edu

    • May 2010 to Present
    Team Members: Justin Grevich

    The Siebel Scholars program was established by the Siebel Foundation in 2000 to recognize the most talented students at the world’s leading graduate schools of business and computer science in ten universities. The website was designed as a CMS for related news, scholar profiles, and facilitates both the nomination and voting process.

  • chienlab.ucsd.edu

    • March 2011 to Present
    Team Members: Justin Grevich

    The Chienlab website is simple CMS meant to modernize their previous static HTML website. I also redesigned the layout to give it a modern look and feel.

  • grevi.ch

    • October 2011 to Present
    Team Members: Justin Grevich

    I use my personal blog to showcase my development skills and share any insight gained along my path to programming enlightenment.

  • fugacio.us

    • May 2012 to Present
    Team Members: Justin Grevich, rey moreno

    Fugacio.us is a tool designed to assist in sending sensitive information through email or other insecure messaging protocols.

    One can send a username through email, save the password with us, and feel comfortable sharing user credentials without sacrificing security or usability.

  • thestandardprint.com

    • May 2012 to Present
    Team Members: Justin Grevich, rey moreno

    At The Standard Print we are committed to offering a film-viewing experience that celebrates innovation, creativity and diversity. Watch our screenings, engage with the filmmakers, and share the work you love with your friends!

  • sk-usa.com

    • December 2009 to Present

    Soedgen Keramik USA Website

    SK USA is the North American branch of SK Germany, distributing SK products to the U.S., Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean. We developed a content management system for the SK product catalog, event calendar, and press releases.

Justin Grevich's Education

University of Central Florida

M.S., Molecular Biology


University of Central Florida

BS, Biology




Justin Grevich's Publications

  • Complete chloroplast genome sequences of Solanum bulbocastanum, Solanum lycopersicum and comparative analyses with other Solanaceae genomes

    • Theoretical and Applied Genetics
    • May 2006
    Authors: Justin Grevich, Henry Daniell, Seung-Bum Lee, Chris Saski, Tania Quesada, Chittibabu Guda, Jeffrey Tomkins, Robert Jansen

    Despite the agricultural importance of both potato and tomato, very little is known about their chloroplast genomes. Analysis of the complete sequences of tomato, potato, tobacco, and Atropa chloroplast genomes reveals significant insertions and deletions within certain coding regions or regulatory sequences (e.g., deletion of repeated sequences within 16S rRNA, ycf2 or ribosomal binding sites in ycf2). RNA, photosynthesis, and atp synthase genes are the least divergent and the most divergent genes are clpP, cemA, ccsA, and matK. Repeat analyses identified 33-45 direct and inverted repeats >or=30 bp with a sequence identity of at least 90%; all but five of the repeats shared by all four Solanaceae genomes are located in the same genes or intergenic regions, suggesting a functional role. A comprehensive genome-wide analysis of all coding sequences and intergenic spacer regions was done for the first time in chloroplast genomes. Only four spacer regions are fully conserved (100% sequence identity) among all genomes; deletions or insertions within some intergenic spacer regions result in less than 25% sequence identity, underscoring the importance of choosing appropriate intergenic spacers for plastid transformation and providing valuable new information for phylogenetic utility of the chloroplast intergenic spacer regions. Comparison of coding sequences with expressed sequence tags showed considerable amount of variation, resulting in amino acid changes; none of the C-to-U conversions observed in potato and tomato were conserved in tobacco and Atropa. It is possible that there has been a loss of conserved editing sites in potato and tomato.

  • Chloroplast Genetic Engineering: Recent Advances and Future Perspectives

    • Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences
    • 2005
    Authors: Justin Grevich, Henry Daniell

    Chloroplast genetic engineering offers a number of unique advantages, including a high-level of transgene expression, multi-gene engineering in a single transformation event, transgene containment via maternal inheritance, lack of gene silencing, position and pleiotropic effects, and undesirable foreign DNA. Thus far, over forty transgenes have been stably integrated and expressed via the tobacco chloroplast genome to confer important agronomic traits, as well as express industrially valuable biomaterials and therapeutic proteins. The hyperexpression of recombinant proteins within plastid engineered systems offers a cost effective solution for using plants as bioreactors. Additionally, the presence of chaperones and enzymes within the chloroplast help to assemble complex multi-subunit proteins and correctly fold proteins containing disulfide bonds, thereby drastically reducing the costs of in vitro processing. Oral delivery of vaccine antigens against cholera, tetanus, anthrax, plague, and canine parvovirus are made possible because of the high expression levels and antibiotic-free selection systems available in plastid transformation systems. Plastid genetic engineering also has become a powerful tool for basic research in plastid biogenesis and function. This approach has helped to unveil a wealth of information about plastid DNA replication origins, intron maturases, translation elements and proteolysis, import of proteins and several other processes. Although many successful examples of plastid engineering have set a foundation for various future applications, this technology has not been extended to many of the major crops. Highly efficient plastid transformation has been recently accomplished via somatic embryogenesis using species-specific chloroplast vectors in soybean, carrot, and cotton. This review takes an in-depth look into the state of the art in plastid engineering and offers directions for further research and development.

Justin Grevich's Languages

  • English

    (Native or bilingual proficiency)

Justin Grevich's Organizations

  • San Diego Ruby

    • January 2008 to Present

    • January 2011 to Present

Contact Justin for:

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