require 'spec_helper' require 'shared/options' describe MultiJson do before(:all) do # make sure all available libs are required MultiJson::REQUIREMENT_MAP.each do |library, adapter| begin require library rescue ::LoadError next end end end context 'when no other json implementations are available' do around do |example| simulate_no_adapters{ } end it 'defaults to ok_json if no other json implementions are available' do silence_warnings do expect(MultiJson.default_adapter).to eq(:ok_json) end end it 'prints a warning' do expect(Kernel).to receive(:warn).with(/warning/i) MultiJson.default_adapter end end context 'caching' do before{ MultiJson.use adapter } let(:adapter){ MultiJson::Adapters::JsonGem } let(:json_string){ '{"abc":"def"}' } it 'busts caches on global options change' do MultiJson.load_options = { :symbolize_keys => true } expect(MultiJson.load(json_string)).to eq(:abc => 'def') MultiJson.load_options = nil expect(MultiJson.load(json_string)).to eq('abc' => 'def') end it 'busts caches on per-adapter options change' do adapter.load_options = { :symbolize_keys => true } expect(MultiJson.load(json_string)).to eq(:abc => 'def') adapter.load_options = nil expect(MultiJson.load(json_string)).to eq('abc' => 'def') end end it 'defaults to the best available gem' do # Clear cache variable already set by previous tests MultiJson.send(:remove_instance_variable, :@adapter) if MultiJson.instance_variable_defined?(:@adapter) if jruby? expect(MultiJson.adapter.to_s).to eq('MultiJson::Adapters::JrJackson') else expect(MultiJson.adapter.to_s).to eq('MultiJson::Adapters::Oj') end end it 'looks for adapter even if @adapter variable is nil' do MultiJson.send(:instance_variable_set, :@adapter, nil) expect(MultiJson).to receive(:default_adapter).and_return(:ok_json) expect(MultiJson.adapter).to eq(MultiJson::Adapters::OkJson) end it 'is settable via a symbol' do MultiJson.use :json_gem expect(MultiJson.adapter).to eq(MultiJson::Adapters::JsonGem) end it 'is settable via a class' do adapter = MultiJson.use adapter expect(MultiJson.adapter).to eq(adapter) end it 'is settable via a module' do adapter = MultiJson.use adapter expect(MultiJson.adapter).to eq(adapter) end it 'throws ArgumentError on bad input' do expect{ MultiJson.use 'bad adapter' }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end context 'using one-shot parser' do before do expect(MultiJson::Adapters::JsonPure).to receive(:dump).once.and_return('dump_something') expect(MultiJson::Adapters::JsonPure).to receive(:load).once.and_return('load_something') end it 'should use the defined parser just for the call' do MultiJson.use :json_gem expect(MultiJson.dump('', :adapter => :json_pure)).to eq('dump_something') expect(MultiJson.load('', :adapter => :json_pure)).to eq('load_something') expect(MultiJson.adapter).to eq(MultiJson::Adapters::JsonGem) end end it 'can set adapter for a block' do MultiJson.use :ok_json MultiJson.with_adapter(:json_pure) do MultiJson.with_engine(:json_gem) do expect(MultiJson.adapter).to eq(MultiJson::Adapters::JsonGem) end expect(MultiJson.adapter).to eq(MultiJson::Adapters::JsonPure) end expect(MultiJson.adapter).to eq(MultiJson::Adapters::OkJson) end it 'JSON gem does not create symbols on parse' do MultiJson.with_engine(:json_gem) do MultiJson.load('{"json_class":"ZOMG"}') rescue nil expect{ MultiJson.load('{"json_class":"OMG"}') rescue nil }.to_not change{Symbol.all_symbols.count} end end unless jruby? it 'Oj does not create symbols on parse' do MultiJson.with_engine(:oj) do MultiJson.load('{"json_class":"ZOMG"}') rescue nil expect{ MultiJson.load('{"json_class":"OMG"}') rescue nil }.to_not change{Symbol.all_symbols.count} end end context 'with Oj.default_settings' do around do |example| options = Oj.default_options Oj.default_options = { :symbol_keys => true } MultiJson.with_engine(:oj){ } Oj.default_options = options end it 'ignores global settings' do MultiJson.with_engine(:oj) do example = '{"a": 1, "b": 2}' expected = { 'a' => 1, 'b' => 2 } expect(MultiJson.load(example)).to eq(expected) end end end end describe 'default options' do after(:all){ MultiJson.load_options = MultiJson.dump_options = nil } it 'is deprecated' do expect(Kernel).to receive(:warn).with(/deprecated/i) silence_warnings{ MultiJson.default_options = {:foo => 'bar'} } end it 'sets both load and dump options' do expect(MultiJson).to receive(:dump_options=).with(:foo => 'bar') expect(MultiJson).to receive(:load_options=).with(:foo => 'bar') silence_warnings{ MultiJson.default_options = {:foo => 'bar'} } end end it_behaves_like 'has options', MultiJson # %w(gson jr_jackson json_gem json_pure nsjsonserialization oj ok_json yajl).each do |adapter| # next if !jruby? && %w(gson jr_jackson).include?(adapter) # next if !macruby? && adapter == 'nsjsonserialization' # next if jruby? && %w(oj yajl).include?(adapter) # context adapter do # it_behaves_like 'an adapter', adapter # end # end # %w(json_gem json_pure).each do |adapter| # context adapter do # it_behaves_like 'JSON-like adapter', adapter # end # end describe 'aliases' do if jruby? describe 'jrjackson' do after{ expect(MultiJson.adapter).to eq(MultiJson::Adapters::JrJackson) } it 'allows jrjackson alias as symbol' do expect{ MultiJson.use :jrjackson }.not_to raise_error end it 'allows jrjackson alias as string' do expect{ MultiJson.use 'jrjackson' }.not_to raise_error end end end end end