/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
 * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
 * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
 * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
 * License.
 * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released
 * March 31, 1998.
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
 * Netscape Communications Corporation.
 * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998
 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s):
 *   John Bandhauer <jband@netscape.com> (original author)
 * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
 * either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"),
 * or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
 * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
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 * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
 * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */

#include "nsISupports.idl"
#include "nsIXPConnect.idl"

[ptr] native JSTracerPtr(JSTracer);

%{ C++

 * Note: This is not really an XPCOM interface.  For example, callers must
 * guarantee that they set the *_retval of the various methods that return a
 * boolean to PR_TRUE before making the call.  Implementations may skip writing
 * to *_retval unless they want to return PR_FALSE.

interface nsIXPCScriptable : nsISupports
    /* bitflags used for 'flags' (only 32 bits available!) */

    const PRUint32 WANT_PRECREATE                   = 1 <<  0;
    const PRUint32 WANT_CREATE                      = 1 <<  1;
    const PRUint32 WANT_POSTCREATE                  = 1 <<  2;
    const PRUint32 WANT_ADDPROPERTY                 = 1 <<  3;
    const PRUint32 WANT_DELPROPERTY                 = 1 <<  4;
    const PRUint32 WANT_GETPROPERTY                 = 1 <<  5;
    const PRUint32 WANT_SETPROPERTY                 = 1 <<  6;
    const PRUint32 WANT_ENUMERATE                   = 1 <<  7;
    const PRUint32 WANT_NEWENUMERATE                = 1 <<  8;
    const PRUint32 WANT_NEWRESOLVE                  = 1 <<  9;
    const PRUint32 WANT_CONVERT                     = 1 << 10;
    const PRUint32 WANT_FINALIZE                    = 1 << 11;
    const PRUint32 WANT_CHECKACCESS                 = 1 << 12;
    const PRUint32 WANT_CALL                        = 1 << 13;
    const PRUint32 WANT_CONSTRUCT                   = 1 << 14;
    const PRUint32 WANT_HASINSTANCE                 = 1 << 15;
    const PRUint32 WANT_TRACE                       = 1 << 16;
    const PRUint32 USE_JSSTUB_FOR_ADDPROPERTY       = 1 << 17;
    const PRUint32 USE_JSSTUB_FOR_DELPROPERTY       = 1 << 18;
    const PRUint32 USE_JSSTUB_FOR_SETPROPERTY       = 1 << 19;
    const PRUint32 DONT_ENUM_STATIC_PROPS           = 1 << 20;
    const PRUint32 DONT_ENUM_QUERY_INTERFACE        = 1 << 21;
    const PRUint32 DONT_ASK_INSTANCE_FOR_SCRIPTABLE = 1 << 22;
    const PRUint32 CLASSINFO_INTERFACES_ONLY        = 1 << 23;
    const PRUint32 ALLOW_PROP_MODS_DURING_RESOLVE   = 1 << 24;
    const PRUint32 ALLOW_PROP_MODS_TO_PROTOTYPE     = 1 << 25;
    const PRUint32 DONT_SHARE_PROTOTYPE             = 1 << 26;
    const PRUint32 DONT_REFLECT_INTERFACE_NAMES     = 1 << 27;
    const PRUint32 WANT_EQUALITY                    = 1 << 28;
    const PRUint32 WANT_OUTER_OBJECT                = 1 << 29;
    const PRUint32 WANT_INNER_OBJECT                = 1 << 30;

    // The high order bit is RESERVED for consumers of these flags. 
    // No implementor of this interface should ever return flags 
    // with this bit set.
    const PRUint32 RESERVED                         = 1 << 31;

    readonly attribute string   className;
    readonly attribute PRUint32 scriptableFlags;

    void   preCreate(in nsISupports nativeObj, in JSContextPtr cx,
                     in JSObjectPtr globalObj, out JSObjectPtr parentObj);

    void   create(in nsIXPConnectWrappedNative wrapper,
                  in JSContextPtr cx, in JSObjectPtr obj);

    void   postCreate(in nsIXPConnectWrappedNative wrapper,
                      in JSContextPtr cx, in JSObjectPtr obj);

    PRBool addProperty(in nsIXPConnectWrappedNative wrapper,
                       in JSContextPtr cx, in JSObjectPtr obj, in JSVal id,
                       in JSValPtr vp);

    PRBool delProperty(in nsIXPConnectWrappedNative wrapper,
                       in JSContextPtr cx, in JSObjectPtr obj, in JSVal id,
                       in JSValPtr vp);

    // The returnCode should be set to NS_SUCCESS_I_DID_SOMETHING if
    // this method does something.
    PRBool getProperty(in nsIXPConnectWrappedNative wrapper,
                       in JSContextPtr cx, in JSObjectPtr obj, in JSVal id,
                       in JSValPtr vp);

    // The returnCode should be set to NS_SUCCESS_I_DID_SOMETHING if
    // this method does something.
    PRBool setProperty(in nsIXPConnectWrappedNative wrapper,
                       in JSContextPtr cx, in JSObjectPtr obj, in JSVal id,
                       in JSValPtr vp);

    PRBool enumerate(in nsIXPConnectWrappedNative wrapper,
                     in JSContextPtr cx, in JSObjectPtr obj);

    PRBool newEnumerate(in nsIXPConnectWrappedNative wrapper,
                        in JSContextPtr cx, in JSObjectPtr obj,
                        in PRUint32 enum_op, in JSValPtr statep, out JSID idp);

    PRBool newResolve(in nsIXPConnectWrappedNative wrapper,
                      in JSContextPtr cx, in JSObjectPtr obj, in JSVal id,
                      in PRUint32 flags, out JSObjectPtr objp);

    PRBool convert(in nsIXPConnectWrappedNative wrapper,
                   in JSContextPtr cx, in JSObjectPtr obj,
                   in PRUint32 type, in JSValPtr vp);

    void   finalize(in nsIXPConnectWrappedNative wrapper,
                    in JSContextPtr cx, in JSObjectPtr obj);

    PRBool checkAccess(in nsIXPConnectWrappedNative wrapper,
                       in JSContextPtr cx, in JSObjectPtr obj, in JSVal id,
                       in PRUint32 mode, in JSValPtr vp);

    PRBool call(in nsIXPConnectWrappedNative wrapper,
                in JSContextPtr cx, in JSObjectPtr obj,
                in PRUint32 argc, in JSValPtr argv, in JSValPtr vp);

    PRBool construct(in nsIXPConnectWrappedNative wrapper,
                     in JSContextPtr cx, in JSObjectPtr obj,
                     in PRUint32 argc, in JSValPtr argv, in JSValPtr vp);

    PRBool hasInstance(in nsIXPConnectWrappedNative wrapper,
                       in JSContextPtr cx, in JSObjectPtr obj,
                       in JSVal val, out PRBool bp);

    void trace(in nsIXPConnectWrappedNative wrapper,
               in JSTracerPtr trc, in JSObjectPtr obj);

    PRBool equality(in nsIXPConnectWrappedNative wrapper,
                    in JSContextPtr cx, in JSObjectPtr obj, in JSVal val);

    JSObjectPtr outerObject(in nsIXPConnectWrappedNative wrapper,
                            in JSContextPtr cx, in JSObjectPtr obj);

    JSObjectPtr innerObject(in nsIXPConnectWrappedNative wrapper,
                            in JSContextPtr cx, in JSObjectPtr obj);

    // This method is called if the WANT_POSTCREATE bit is set in
    // scriptableFlags.
    void postCreatePrototype(in JSContextPtr cx, in JSObjectPtr proto);