module Remarkable
module DSL
# This module is responsable to create a basic matcher structure using a DSL.
# A matcher that checks if an element is included in an array can be done
# just with:
# class IncludedMatcher < Remarkable::Base
# arguments :value
# assertion :is_included?
# protected
# def is_included?
# @subject.include?(@value)
# end
# end
# As you have noticed, the DSL also allows you to remove the messages from
# matcher. Since it will look for it on I18n yml file.
# If you want to create a matcher that accepts multile values to be tested,
# you just need to do:
# class IncludedMatcher < Remarkable::Base
# arguments :collection => :values, :as => :value
# collection_assertion :is_included?
# protected
# def is_included?
# @subject.include?(@value)
# end
# end
# Notice that the :is_included? logic didn't have to change, because Remarkable
# handle this automatically for you.
module Assertions
def self.included(base) # :nodoc:
base.extend ClassMethods
module ClassMethods
# It sets the arguments your matcher receives on initialization.
# == Options
# * :collection - if a collection is expected.
# * :as - how each item of the collection will be available.
# * :block - tell the matcher can receive blocks as argument and store
# them under the variable given.
# Note: the expected block cannot have arity 1. This is already reserved
# for macro configuration.
# == Examples
# Let's see for each example how the arguments declarion reflects on
# the matcher API:
# arguments :assign
# # Can be called as:
# #=> should_assign :task
# #=> should_assign :task, :with =>
# This is roughly the same as:
# def initialize(assign, options = {})
# @assign = name
# @options = options
# end
# As you noticed, a matcher can always receive options on initialization.
# If you have a matcher that accepts only options, for example,
# have_default_scope you just need to call arguments:
# arguments
# # Can be called as:
# #=> should_have_default_scope :limit => 10
# arguments :collection => :assigns, :as => :assign
# # Can be called as:
# #=> should_assign :task1, :task2
# #=> should_assign :task1, :task2, :with =>
# arguments :collection => :assigns, :as => :assign, :block => :buildeer
# # Can be called as:
# #=> should_assign :task1, :task2
# #=> should_assign(:task1, :task2){ }
# The block will be available under the instance variable @builder.
# == I18n
# All the parameters given to arguments are available for interpolation
# in I18n. So if you have the following declarion:
# class InRange < Remarkable::Base
# arguments :range, :collection => :names, :as => :name
# You will have {{range}}, {{names}} and {{name}} available for I18n
# messages:
# in_range:
# description: "have {{names}} to be on range {{range}}"
# Before a collection is sent to I18n, it's transformed to a sentence.
# So if the following matcher:
# in_range(2..20, :username, :password)
# Has the following description:
# "should have username and password in range 2..20"
def arguments(*names)
options = names.extract_options!
args = names.dup
@matcher_arguments[:names] = names
if collection = options.delete(:collection)
@matcher_arguments[:collection] = collection
if options[:as]
@matcher_arguments[:as] = options.delete(:as)
raise ArgumentError, 'You gave me :collection as option but have not give me :as as well'
args << "*#{collection}"
get_options = "#{collection}.extract_options!"
set_collection = "@#{collection} = #{collection}"
args << 'options={}'
get_options = 'options'
set_collection = ''
if block = options.delete(:block)
block = :block unless block.is_a?(Symbol)
@matcher_arguments[:block] = block
# Blocks are always appended. If they have arity 1, they are used for
# macro configuration, otherwise, they are stored in the :block variable.
args << "&block"
assignments = do |name|
"@#{name} = #{name}"
end.join("\n ")
class_eval <<-END, __FILE__, __LINE__
def initialize(#{args.join(',')})
_builder, block = block, nil if block && block.arity == 1
#{"@#{block} = block" if block}
@options = default_options.merge(#{get_options})
run_after_initialize_callbacks if _builder
# Declare the assertions that are runned for each element in the collection.
# It must be used with arguments methods in order to work properly.
# == Examples
# The example given in assertions can be transformed to
# accept a collection just doing:
# class IncludedMatcher < Remarkable::Base
# arguments :collection => :values, :as => :value
# collection_assertion :is_included?
# protected
# def is_included?
# @subject.include?(@value)
# end
# end
# All further consideration done in assertions are also valid here.
def collection_assertions(*methods, &block)
define_method methods.last, &block if block_given?
@matcher_collection_assertions += methods
alias :collection_assertion :collection_assertions
# Declares the assertions that are run once per matcher.
# == Examples
# A matcher that checks if an element is included in an array can be done
# just with:
# class IncludedMatcher < Remarkable::Base
# arguments :value
# assertion :is_included?
# protected
# def is_included?
# @subject.include?(@value)
# end
# end
# Whenever the matcher is called, the :is_included? action is automatically
# triggered. Each assertion must return true or false. In case it's false
# it will seach for an expectation message on the I18n file. In this
# case, the error message would be on:
# included:
# description: "check {{value}} is included in the array"
# expectations:
# is_included: "{{value}} is included in the array"
# In case of failure, it will output:
# "Expected {{value}} is included in the array"
# Notice that on the yml file the question mark is removed for readability.
# == Shortcut declaration
# You can shortcut declaration by giving a name and block to assertion
# method:
# class IncludedMatcher < Remarkable::Base
# arguments :value
# assertion :is_included? do
# @subject.include?(@value)
# end
# end
def assertions(*methods, &block)
if block_given?
define_method methods.last, &block
protected methods.last
@matcher_single_assertions += methods
alias :assertion :assertions
# Class method that accepts a block or a hash to set matcher's default
# options. It's called on matcher initialization and stores the default
# value in the @options instance variable.
# == Examples
# default_options do
# { :name => }
# end
# default_options :message => :invalid
def default_options(hash = {}, &block)
if block_given?
define_method :default_options, &block
class_eval "def default_options; #{hash.inspect}; end"
# This method is responsable for connecting arguments, assertions
# and collection_assertions.
# It's the one that executes the assertions once, executes the collection
# assertions for each element in the collection and also responsable to set
# the I18n messages.
def matches?(subject)
@subject = subject
assertions = self.class.matcher_single_assertions
unless assertions.empty?
value = send_methods_and_generate_message(assertions)
return negative? if positive? == !value
# You can overwrite this instance method to provide default options on
# initialization.
def default_options
# Overwrites default_i18n_options to provide arguments and optionals
# to interpolation options.
# If you still need to provide more other interpolation options, you can
# do that in two ways:
# 1. Overwrite interpolation_options:
# def interpolation_options
# { :real_value => real_value }
# end
# 2. Return a hash from your assertion method:
# def my_assertion
# return true if real_value == expected_value
# return false, :real_value => real_value
# end
# In both cases, :real_value will be available as interpolation option.
def default_i18n_options #:nodoc:
i18n_options = {}
@options.each do |key, value|
i18n_options[key] = value.inspect
end if @options
# Also add arguments as interpolation options.
self.class.matcher_arguments[:names].each do |name|
i18n_options[name] = instance_variable_get("@#{name}").inspect
# Add collection interpolation options.
# Add default options (highest priority). They should not be overwritten.
# Method responsible to add collection as interpolation.
def collection_interpolation #:nodoc:
options = {}
if collection_name = self.class.matcher_arguments[:collection]
collection_name = collection_name.to_sym
collection = instance_variable_get("@#{collection_name}")
options[collection_name] = array_to_sentence(collection) if collection
object_name = self.class.matcher_arguments[:as].to_sym
object = instance_variable_get("@#{object_name}")
options[object_name] = object if object
# Send the assertion methods given and create a expectation message
# if any of those methods returns false.
# Since most assertion methods ends with an question mark and it's not
# readable in yml files, we remove question and exclation marks at the
# end of the method name before translating it. So if you have a method
# called is_valid? on I18n yml file we will check for a key :is_valid.
def send_methods_and_generate_message(methods) #:nodoc:
methods.each do |method|
bool, hash = send(method)
if positive? == !bool
parent_scope = matcher_i18n_scope.split('.')
matcher_name = parent_scope.pop
method_name = method.to_s.gsub(/(\?|\!)$/, '')
lookup = []
lookup << :"#{matcher_name}.negative_expectations.#{method_name}" if negative?
lookup << :"#{matcher_name}.expectations.#{method_name}"
lookup << :"negative_expectations.#{method_name}" if negative?
lookup << :"expectations.#{method_name}"
hash = { :scope => parent_scope, :default => lookup }.merge(hash || {})
@expectation ||= Remarkable.t lookup.shift, default_i18n_options.merge(hash)
return negative?
return positive?
def matches_single_assertions? #:nodoc:
assertions = self.class.matcher_single_assertions
def matches_collection_assertions? #:nodoc:
arguments = self.class.matcher_arguments
assertions = self.class.matcher_collection_assertions
collection = instance_variable_get("@#{self.class.matcher_arguments[:collection]}") || []
assert_collection(nil, collection) do |value|
instance_variable_set("@#{arguments[:as]}", value)