require 'hanami/helpers'
require 'hanami/assets'
module <%= app.classify %>
class Application < Hanami::Application
configure do
# Define the root path of this application.
# All paths specified in this configuration are relative to path below.
root __dir__
# Relative load paths where this application will recursively load the
# code.
# When you add new directories, remember to add them here.
load_paths << [
# Handle exceptions with HTTP statuses (true) or don't catch them (false).
# Defaults to true.
# See:
# handle_exceptions true
# Routes definitions for this application
# See:
routes 'config/routes'
# URI scheme used by the routing system to generate absolute URLs
# Defaults to "http"
# scheme 'https'
# URI host used by the routing system to generate absolute URLs
# Defaults to "localhost"
# host ''
# URI port used by the routing system to generate absolute URLs
# Argument: An object coercible to integer, defaults to 80 if the scheme
# is http and 443 if it's https
# This should only be configured if app listens to non-standard ports
# port 443
# Enable cookies
# Argument: boolean to toggle the feature
# A Hash with options
# Options:
# :domain - The domain (String - nil by default, not required)
# :path - Restrict cookies to a relative URI
# (String - nil by default)
# :max_age - Cookies expiration expressed in seconds
# (Integer - nil by default)
# :secure - Restrict cookies to secure connections
# (Boolean - Automatically true when using HTTPS)
# See #scheme and #ssl?
# :httponly - Prevent JavaScript access (Boolean - true by default)
# cookies true
# or
# cookies max_age: 300
# Enable sessions
# Argument: Symbol the Rack session adapter
# A Hash with options
# See:
# sessions :cookie, secret: ENV['<%= app.upcase %>_SESSIONS_SECRET']
# Configure Rack middleware for this application
# middleware.use Rack::Protection
# Default format for the requests that don't specify an HTTP_ACCEPT header
# Argument: A symbol representation of a mime type, defaults to :html
# default_request_format :html
# Default format for responses that don't consider the request format
# Argument: A symbol representation of a mime type, defaults to :html
# default_response_format :html
# The layout to be used by all views
layout :application # It will load <%= app.classify %>::Views::ApplicationLayout
# The relative path to templates
templates 'templates'
assets do
# JavaScript compressor
# Supported engines:
# * :builtin
# * :uglifier
# * :yui
# * :closure
# See:
# In order to skip JavaScript compression comment the following line
javascript_compressor :builtin
# Stylesheet compressor
# Supported engines:
# * :builtin
# * :yui
# * :sass
# See:
# In order to skip stylesheet compression comment the following line
stylesheet_compressor :builtin
# Specify sources for assets
sources << [
# X-Frame-Options is a HTTP header supported by modern browsers.
# It determines if a web page can or cannot be included via and