var expect = require('expect.js'); var lang = require('mout/lang'); var object = require('mout/object'); var endpointParser = require('../'); describe('endpoint-parser', function () { describe('.decompose', function () { it('should decompose endpoints correctly', function () { var suite = { 'jquery#~2.0.0': { name: '', source: 'jquery', target: '~2.0.0' }, 'jquery#*': { name: '', source: 'jquery', target: '*' }, 'jquery#latest': { name: '', source: 'jquery', target: '*' }, 'jquery#3dc50c62fe2d2d01afc58e7ad42236a35acff4d8': { name: '', source: 'jquery', target: '3dc50c62fe2d2d01afc58e7ad42236a35acff4d8' }, 'jquery#master': { name: '', source: 'jquery', target: 'master' }, 'backbone=backbone-amd#~1.0.0': { name: 'backbone', source: 'backbone-amd', target: '~1.0.0' }, 'backbone=backbone-amd#latest': { name: 'backbone', source: 'backbone-amd', target: '*' }, 'backbone=backbone-amd#*': { name: 'backbone', source: 'backbone-amd', target: '*' }, '': { name: '', source: '', target: '*' }, 'bootstrap=': { name: 'bootstrap', source: '', target: '*' }, 'bootstrap=': { name: 'bootstrap', source: '', target: '*' } }; object.forOwn(suite, function (decEndpoint, endpoint) { expect(endpointParser.decompose(endpoint)).to.eql(decEndpoint); }); }); it('should trim sources and targets', function () { var decEndpoint = endpointParser.decompose('foo= source # ~1.0.2 '); expect(decEndpoint.source).to.equal('source'); expect('~1.0.2'); decEndpoint = endpointParser.decompose('foo= source # latest'); expect(decEndpoint.source).to.equal('source'); expect('*'); decEndpoint = endpointParser.decompose('foo= source # *'); expect(decEndpoint.source).to.equal('source'); expect('*'); }); }); describe('.compose', function () { it('should compose endpoints correctly', function () { var suite = { 'jquery#~2.0.0': { name: '', source: 'jquery', target: '~2.0.0' }, 'jquery': [{ name: '', source: 'jquery', target: '*' }, { name: '', source: 'jquery', target: 'latest' }, { name: '', source: 'jquery', target: '' }], 'jquery#3dc50c62fe2d2d01afc58e7ad42236a35acff4d8': { name: '', source: 'jquery', target: '3dc50c62fe2d2d01afc58e7ad42236a35acff4d8' }, 'jquery#master': { name: '', source: 'jquery', target: 'master' }, 'backbone=backbone-amd#~1.0.0': { name: 'backbone', source: 'backbone-amd', target: '~1.0.0' }, 'backbone=backbone-amd': [{ name: 'backbone', source: 'backbone-amd', target: '*' }, { name: 'backbone', source: 'backbone-amd', target: '*' }, { name: 'backbone', source: 'backbone-amd', target: '' }], '': { name: '', source: '', target: '*' }, 'bootstrap=': { name: 'bootstrap', source: '', target: '*' } }; object.forOwn(suite, function (decEndpoints, endpoint) { decEndpoints = lang.toArray(decEndpoints); decEndpoints.forEach(function (decEndpoint) { expect(endpointParser.compose(decEndpoint)).to.equal(endpoint); }); }); }); it('should trim values', function () { expect(endpointParser.compose({ name: ' foo ', source: ' bar ', target: ' ~1.0.2 ' })).to.equal('foo=bar#~1.0.2'); expect(endpointParser.compose({ name: ' foo ', source: ' foo ', target: ' ~1.0.2 ' })).to.equal('foo=foo#~1.0.2'); expect(endpointParser.compose({ name: ' foo ', source: ' foo ', target: ' * ' })).to.equal('foo=foo'); expect(endpointParser.compose({ name: ' foo ', source: ' foo ', target: ' * ' })).to.equal('foo=foo'); expect(endpointParser.compose({ name: ' ', source: ' foo ', target: '' })).to.equal('foo'); }); }); describe('.json2decomposed', function () { var expected = [ { name: 'jquery', source: 'jquery', target: '~1.9.1' }, { name: 'foo', source: 'foo', target: '*' }, { name: 'bar', source: 'bar', target: '*' }, { name: 'baz', source: 'baz', target: '~0.2.0' }, { name: 'backbone', source: 'backbone-amd', target: '~1.0.0' }, { name: 'backbone2', source: 'backbone=backbone-amd', target: '~1.0.0' }, { name: 'bootstrap', source: '', target: '*' }, { name: 'bootstrap2', source: '', target: '*' }, { name: 'ssh', source: '', target: '*' }, { name: 'git', source: 'git://', target: '*' }, { name: 'path', source: '/foo', target: '*' }, { name: 'winpath', source: 'c:\\foo', target: '*' } ]; it('should decompose json endpoints correctly', function () { var dependencies = { jquery: '~1.9.1', foo: 'latest', bar: '*', baz: '#~0.2.0', backbone: 'backbone-amd#~1.0.0', backbone2: 'backbone=backbone-amd#~1.0.0', bootstrap: '', bootstrap2: '*', ssh: '', git: 'git://', path: '/foo', winpath: 'c:\\foo' }; var x = 0; object.forOwn(dependencies, function (value, key) { expect(endpointParser.json2decomposed(key, value)).to.eql(expected[x]); x += 1; }); }); it('should trim values', function () { var dependencies = { ' jquery ': ' ~1.9.1 ', ' foo ': ' latest ', ' bar ': ' * ', ' baz ': '# ~0.2.0 ', ' backbone ': ' backbone-amd#~1.0.0 ', ' backbone2 ': ' backbone=backbone-amd # ~1.0.0 ', ' bootstrap ': '', ' bootstrap2 ': ' # *', ' ssh ': ' ', ' git ': ' git:// ', ' path ': ' /foo ', ' winpath ': ' c:\\foo ' }; var x = 0; object.forOwn(dependencies, function (value, key) { expect(endpointParser.json2decomposed(key, value)).to.eql(expected[x]); x += 1; }); }); it('should error out if key is not specified', function () { try { endpointParser.json2decomposed(null); throw new Error('Should have failed'); } catch (e) { expect(e.code).to.equal('EINVEND'); expect(e.message).to.contain('key must be specified'); } try { endpointParser.json2decomposed(''); throw new Error('Should have failed'); } catch (e) { expect(e.code).to.equal('EINVEND'); expect(e.message).to.contain('key must be specified'); } }); }); describe('.decomposed2json', function () { var expected = [ { jquery: '~1.9.1' }, { foo: '*' }, { bar: '*' }, { baz: '*' }, { jqueryx: 'jquery#~1.9.1' }, { jqueryy: 'jquery-x#*' }, { jqueryy: 'jquery-x#*' }, { backbone: 'backbone-amd#~1.0.0' }, { backbone : 'backbone=backbone-amd#~1.0.0' }, { bootstrap: '' }, { bootstrap: '' }, { ssh: '' }, { git: 'git://' }, { ckeditor: '#full/4.3.3' } ]; it('should compose endpoints to json correctly', function () { var decEndpoints = [ { name: 'jquery', source: 'jquery', target: '~1.9.1' }, { name: 'foo', source: 'foo', target: 'latest' }, { name: 'bar', source: 'bar', target: '*' }, { name: 'baz', source: 'baz', target: '' }, { name: 'jqueryx', source: 'jquery', target: '~1.9.1' }, { name: 'jqueryy', source: 'jquery-x', target: '' }, { name: 'jqueryy', source: 'jquery-x', target: '*' }, { name: 'backbone', source: 'backbone-amd', target: '~1.0.0' }, { name: 'backbone', source: 'backbone=backbone-amd', target: '~1.0.0' }, { name: 'bootstrap', source: '', target: '' }, { name: 'bootstrap', source: '', target: '*' }, { name: 'ssh', source: '', target: '*' }, { name: 'git', source: 'git://', target: '*' }, { name: 'ckeditor', source: 'ckeditor', target: 'full/4.3.3' } ]; var x = 0; decEndpoints.forEach(function (decEndpoint) { expect(endpointParser.decomposed2json(decEndpoint)).to.eql(expected[x]); x += 1; }); }); it('should trim values', function () { var decEndpoints = [ { name: ' jquery ', source: ' jquery ', target: ' ~1.9.1 ' }, { name: 'foo', source: ' foo', target: ' latest ' }, { name: 'bar', source: 'bar ', target: ' * ' }, { name: 'baz ', source: 'baz', target: ' ' }, { name: ' jqueryx ', source: ' jquery ', target: ' ~1.9.1 ' }, { name: ' jqueryy ', source: ' jquery-x ', target: ' ' }, { name: ' jqueryy ', source: ' jquery-x ', target: ' * ' }, { name: ' backbone ', source: ' backbone-amd ', target: ' ~1.0.0 ' }, { name: ' backbone ', source: ' backbone=backbone-amd ', target: ' ~1.0.0 ' }, { name: ' bootstrap ', source: ' ', target: ' ' }, { name: ' bootstrap ', source: ' ', target: ' * ' }, { name: ' ssh ', source: ' ', target: ' * ' }, { name: ' git ', source: ' git:// ', target: ' * ' } ]; var x = 0; decEndpoints.forEach(function (decEndpoint) { expect(endpointParser.decomposed2json(decEndpoint)).to.eql(expected[x]); x += 1; }); }); it('should throw an error if name is empty', function () { try { endpointParser.decomposed2json({ name: '', source: 'jquery', target: '*' }); throw new Error('Should have failed'); } catch (e) { expect(e.code).to.equal('EINVEND'); expect(e.message).to.contain('must have a name'); } try { endpointParser.decomposed2json({ name: ' ', source: 'jquery', target: '*' }); throw new Error('Should have failed'); } catch (e) { expect(e.code).to.equal('EINVEND'); expect(e.message).to.contain('must have a name'); } }); }); });