describe 'shared/_exhibit_navbar', type: :view do let(:current_exhibit) { FactoryGirl.create(:exhibit) } let(:feature_page) { FactoryGirl.create(:feature_page, exhibit: current_exhibit) } let(:unpublished_feature_page) { FactoryGirl.create(:feature_page, published: false, exhibit: current_exhibit) } let(:about_page) { FactoryGirl.create(:about_page, exhibit: current_exhibit) } let(:unpublished_about_page) { FactoryGirl.create(:about_page, published: false, exhibit: current_exhibit) } before do allow(view).to receive_messages(resource_masthead?: false) allow(view).to receive_messages(current_exhibit: current_exhibit) allow(view).to receive_messages(on_browse_page?: false, on_about_page?: false) allow(view).to receive_messages(render_search_bar: 'Search Bar') allow(view).to receive_messages(exhibit_path: spotlight.exhibit_path(current_exhibit)) end it 'links to the exhibit home page (as branding) when there is a current search masthead' do allow(view).to receive_messages(resource_masthead?: true) render expect(response).to have_selector('a.navbar-brand', text: current_exhibit.title) end it 'links to the search page if no home page is defined' do render expect(response).to have_link 'Home', href: spotlight.exhibit_path(current_exhibit) end it 'links to the home page' do allow(current_exhibit).to receive_messages home_page: feature_page render expect(response).to have_link 'Home', href: spotlight.exhibit_path(current_exhibit) end it 'links directly to a single feature page' do feature_page render expect(response).to have_link feature_page.title, href: spotlight.exhibit_feature_page_path(current_exhibit, feature_page) end it 'provides a dropdown of multiple feature pages' do feature_page another_page = FactoryGirl.create(:feature_page, exhibit: current_exhibit) render expect(response).to have_selector '.dropdown .dropdown-toggle', text: 'Curated Features' expect(response).to have_link feature_page.title, visible: false, href: spotlight.exhibit_feature_page_path(current_exhibit, feature_page) expect(response).to have_link another_page.title, visible: false, href: spotlight.exhibit_feature_page_path(current_exhibit, another_page) end it 'does not display links to feature pages if none are defined' do render expect(response).to_not have_link 'Curated Features' end it 'does not display links to feature pages that are not published' do unpublished_feature_page render expect(response).to_not have_link 'Curated Features' end it "links to the browse index if there's a published search" do FactoryGirl.create :published_search, exhibit: current_exhibit render expect(response).to have_link 'Browse', href: spotlight.exhibit_browse_index_path(current_exhibit) end it "marks the browse button as active if we're on a browse page" do FactoryGirl.create :published_search, exhibit: current_exhibit allow(view).to receive_messages(on_browse_page?: true) render expect(response).to have_selector '', text: 'Browse' end it 'does not link to the browse index if no categories are defined' do render expect(response).not_to have_link 'Browse' end it 'does not link to the browse index if only private categories are defined' do FactoryGirl.create :search, exhibit: current_exhibit render expect(response).not_to have_link 'Browse' end it 'links to the about page' do allow(current_exhibit).to receive_messages main_about_page: about_page render expect(response).to have_link 'About', href: spotlight.exhibit_about_page_path(current_exhibit, about_page) end it 'does not link to the about page if no about page exists' do render expect(response).to_not have_link 'About' end it 'does not to the about page if none are published' do unpublished_about_page render expect(response).to_not have_link 'About' end it "marks the about button as active if we're on an about page" do allow(current_exhibit).to receive_messages main_about_page: about_page allow(view).to receive_messages(on_about_page?: true) render expect(response).to have_selector '', text: 'About' end it 'includes the search bar when the exhibit is searchable' do expect(current_exhibit).to receive(:searchable?).and_return(true) render expect(response).to have_content 'Search Bar' end it 'does not include the search bar when the exhibit is not searchable' do expect(current_exhibit).to receive(:searchable?).and_return(false) render expect(response).to_not have_content 'Search Bar' end it 'does not include any navigation menu items that are not configured' do expect(current_exhibit.main_navigations).to receive_messages(displayable: []) render expect(response).to have_css('.navbar-nav li', count: 1) expect(response).to have_css('.navbar-nav li', text: 'Home') end end