Module | Cms::Authentication::Controller |
In: |
Inclusion hook to make current_user and logged_in? available as ActionView helper methods.
# File lib/cms/authentication/controller.rb, line 122 122: def self.included(base) 123: base.send :helper_method, :current_user, :logged_in?, :authorized? if base.respond_to? :helper_method 124: end
Redirect as appropriate when an access request fails.
The default action is to redirect to the BrowserCMS admin login screen.
Override this method in your controllers if you want to have special behavior in case the user is not authorized to access the requested action. For example, a popup window might simply close itself.
# File lib/cms/authentication/controller.rb, line 95 95: def access_denied 96: respond_to do |format| 97: format.html do 98: store_location 99: redirect_to cms_login_path 100: end 101: end 102: end
Check if the user is authorized
Override this method in your controllers if you want to restrict access to only a few actions or if you want to check if the user has the correct rights.
# only allow nonbobs def authorized? current_user.login != "bob" end
# File lib/cms/authentication/controller.rb, line 65 65: def authorized?(action=nil, resource=nil, *args) 66: logged_in? 67: end
Accesses the current user from the session or ‘remember me’ cookie. If the user is not logged in, this will be set to the guest user, which represents a public user, who will likely have more limited permissions
# File lib/cms/authentication/controller.rb, line 38 38: def current_user 39: # Note: We have disabled basic_http_auth 40: @current_user ||= begin 41: User.current = (login_from_session || login_from_cookie || User.guest) 42: end 43: end
Store the given user id in the session.
# File lib/cms/authentication/controller.rb, line 46 46: def current_user=(new_user) 47: session[:user_id] = new_user ? : nil 48: @current_user = new_user || false 49: User.current = @current_user 50: end
Refresh the cookie auth token if it exists, create it otherwise
# File lib/cms/authentication/controller.rb, line 192 192: def handle_remember_cookie! new_cookie_flag 193: return unless User.current 194: case 195: when valid_remember_cookie? then User.current.refresh_token # keeping same expiry date 196: when new_cookie_flag then User.current.remember_me 197: else User.current.forget_me 198: end 199: send_remember_cookie! 200: end
# File lib/cms/authentication/controller.rb, line 202 202: def kill_remember_cookie! 203: cookies.delete :auth_token 204: end
Returns true or false if the user is logged in. Preloads User.current with the user model if they‘re logged in.
# File lib/cms/authentication/controller.rb, line 31 31: def logged_in? 32: !current_user.nil? && !current_user.guest? 33: end
Called from current_user. Now, attempt to login by basic authentication information.
# File lib/cms/authentication/controller.rb, line 136 136: def login_from_basic_auth 137: authenticate_with_http_basic do |login, password| 138: self.current_user = User.authenticate(login, password) 139: end 140: end
Called from current_user. Finaly, attempt to login by an expiring token in the cookie. for the paranoid: we should be storing user_token = hash(cookie_token, request IP)
# File lib/cms/authentication/controller.rb, line 148 148: def login_from_cookie 149: user = cookies[:auth_token] && User.find_by_remember_token(cookies[:auth_token]) 150: if user && user.remember_token? 151: self.current_user = user 152: handle_remember_cookie! false # freshen cookie token (keeping date) 153: self.current_user 154: end 155: end
Called from current_user. First attempt to login by the user id stored in the session.
# File lib/cms/authentication/controller.rb, line 131 131: def login_from_session 132: self.current_user = User.find_by_id(session[:user_id]) if session[:user_id] 133: end
Filter method to enforce a login requirement.
To require logins for all actions, use this in your controllers:
before_filter :login_required
To require logins for specific actions, use this in your controllers:
before_filter :login_required, :only => [ :edit, :update ]
To skip this in a subclassed controller:
skip_before_filter :login_required
# File lib/cms/authentication/controller.rb, line 83 83: def login_required 84: authorized? || access_denied 85: end
This is ususally what you want; resetting the session willy-nilly wreaks havoc with forgery protection, and is only strictly necessary on login. However, **all session state variables should be unset here**.
# File lib/cms/authentication/controller.rb, line 160 160: def logout_keeping_session! 161: # Kill server-side auth cookie 162: User.current.forget_me if User.current.is_a? User 163: User.current = false # not logged in, and don't do it for me 164: kill_remember_cookie! # Kill client-side auth cookie 165: session[:user_id] = nil # keeps the session but kill our variable 166: # explicitly kill any other session variables you set 167: end
The session should only be reset at the tail end of a form POST — otherwise the request forgery protection fails. It‘s only really necessary when you cross quarantine (logged-out to logged-in).
# File lib/cms/authentication/controller.rb, line 172 172: def logout_killing_session! 173: logout_keeping_session! 174: reset_session 175: end
Redirect to the URI stored by the most recent store_location call or to the passed default. Set an appropriately modified
after_filter :store_location, :only => [:index, :new, :show, :edit]
for any controller you want to be bounce-backable.
# File lib/cms/authentication/controller.rb, line 115 115: def redirect_back_or_default(default) 116: redirect_to(session[:return_to] || default) 117: session[:return_to] = nil 118: end
# File lib/cms/authentication/controller.rb, line 206 206: def send_remember_cookie! 207: cookies[:auth_token] = { 208: :value => User.current.remember_token, 209: :expires => User.current.remember_token_expires_at } 210: end
Store the URI of the current request in the session.
We can return to this location by calling redirect_back_or_default.
# File lib/cms/authentication/controller.rb, line 107 107: def store_location 108: session[:return_to] = request.request_uri 109: end
Cookies shouldn‘t be allowed to persist past their freshness date, and they should be changed at each login
# File lib/cms/authentication/controller.rb, line 185 185: def valid_remember_cookie? 186: return nil unless User.current 187: (User.current.remember_token?) && 188: (cookies[:auth_token] == User.current.remember_token) 189: end