require 'msgpack' require 'net/http' require 'csv' require 'zipruby' require 'snappy' require 'benchmark' namespace :geonames do desc 'create database' task :create do target_environment = "#{ENV['RACK_ENV']}" db_path = "./db/geonames.bin" zipdatafile = "./tmp/" rawdata = "./tmp/allCountries.txt" data_headers = ["country","zip","city","province","province shortcode","place","city shortcode","region","region shortcode","latitude","longitude","accuracy"] canada_data_path = "./db/raw/canada.csv" result_headers = ["zip", "city", "province"] if File.exist?(db_path) File.delete(db_path) end begin download_time = Benchmark.measure do Net::HTTP.start("") do |http| resp = http.get("/export/zip/") open(zipdatafile, "wb") do |file| file.write(resp.body) end end end puts "downloaded file in #{download_time.real} seconds" end addresses = {} parse_time = Benchmark.measure do do |archive| archive.num_files.times do |i| archive.fopen(i) do |file| FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(rawdata)) unless File.exist?(rawdata) open(rawdata, 'wb') do |f| f << end end data = data.gsub!('"','') data.gsub!('\'','') CSV.parse(data, {:col_sep => "\t", :headers=>data_headers, :force_quotes => true}).each do |row| next unless "US" == row["country"] addresses[row["zip"].upcase] = {|k,v| result_headers.include?(k) } end end end end puts " #{addresses.keys.count} addresses loaded from geonames" end puts "parsed data into address structure in #{parse_time.real} seconds" compress_time = Benchmark.measure do,"w") do |file| file.write(Snappy.deflate(addresses.to_msgpack)) end end puts "compressed and written data store to disk in #{compress_time.real} seconds" end desc 'statistics' task :stats do db = results = {:country => {}} db.values.each do |location| results[:country][location[:Country]] += 1 end puts results.inspect end end