import SequenceServer from './sequenceserver'; import _ from 'underscore'; import React from 'react'; /** * Load necessary polyfills. */ $.webshims.polyfill('forms'); var Page = React.createClass({ render: function () { return (
); }, componentDidMount: function () { this.refs.dnd.setState({ query: this.refs.form.refs.query }) } }); /** Drag n drop widget. */ var DnD = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function () { return { query: null } }, render: function () { return (

Drop query sequence file here

Overwrite query sequence file

One file at a time please.
Too big a file. Can only do less than 10 MB. >_<
Only FASTA files please.
); }, componentDidMount: function () { var self = this; $(document).ready(function(){ var tgtMarker = $('.dnd-overlay'); var dndError = function (id) { $('.dnd-error').hide(); $('#' + id + '-notification').show(); tgtMarker.effect('fade', 2500); }; $(document) .on('dragenter', function (evt) { // Do not activate DnD if a modal is active. if ($.modalActive()) return; // Based on // Contrary to what the above link says, the snippet below can't // distinguish directories from files. We handle that on drop. var dt = evt.originalEvent.dataTransfer; var isFile = dt.types && ((dt.types.indexOf && // Chrome and Safari dt.types.indexOf('Files') != -1) || (dt.types.contains && // Firefox dt.types.contains('application/x-moz-file'))); if (!isFile) { return; } $('.dnd-error').hide(); tgtMarker.stop(true, true);; dt.effectAllowed = 'copy'; if (self.state.query.isEmpty()) { $('.dnd-overlay-overwrite').hide(); $('.dnd-overlay-drop').show('drop', {direction: 'down'}, 'fast'); } else { $('.dnd-overlay-drop').hide(); $('.dnd-overlay-overwrite').show('drop', {direction: 'down'}, 'fast'); } }) .on('dragleave', '.dnd-overlay', function (evt) { tgtMarker.hide(); $('.dnd-overlay-drop').hide(); $('.dnd-overlay-overwrite').hide(); }) .on('dragover', '.dnd-overlay', function (evt) { evt.originalEvent.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy'; evt.preventDefault(); }) .on('drop', '.dnd-overlay', function (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); var indicator = $('#sequence-file'); self.state.query.focus(); var files = evt.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files; if (files.length > 1) { dndError('dnd-multi'); return; } var file = files[0]; if (file.size > 10 * 1048576) { dndError('dnd-large-file'); return; } var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function (e) { var content =; if (SequenceServer.FASTA_FORMAT.test(content)) { indicator.text( + ' '); self.state.query.value(content); tgtMarker.hide(); } else { // apparently not FASTA dndError('dnd-format'); } }; reader.onerror = function (e) { // Couldn't read. Means dropped stuff wasn't FASTA file. dndError('dnd-format'); }; reader.readAsText(file); }); }); } }); /** * Search form. * * Top level component that initialises and holds all other components, and * facilitates communication between them. */ var Form = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function () { return { databases: {}, preDefinedOpts: { 'blastn': ['-task blastn', '-evalue 1e-5'], 'blastp': ['-evalue 1e-5'], 'blastx': ['-evalue 1e-5'], 'tblastx': ['-evalue 1e-5'], 'tblastn': ['-evalue 1e-5'] } }; }, componentDidMount: function () { $.getJSON("searchdata.json", _.bind(function(data) { this.setState({ databases: data["database"], preDefinedOpts: $.extend({}, this.state.preDefinedOpts, data["options"]) }); }, this)); $(document).bind("keydown", _.bind(function (e) { if (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode === 13 && !$('#method').is(':disabled')) { $(this.getDOMNode()).trigger('submit'); } }, this)); }, determineBlastMethod: function () { var database_type = this.databaseType; var sequence_type = this.sequenceType; if (this.refs.query.isEmpty()) { return []; } //database type is always known switch (database_type) { case 'protein': switch (sequence_type) { case undefined: return ['blastp', 'blastx']; case 'protein': return ['blastp']; case 'nucleotide': return ['blastx']; } break; case 'nucleotide': switch (sequence_type) { case undefined: return ['tblastn', 'blastn', 'tblastx']; case 'protein': return ['tblastn']; case 'nucleotide': return ['blastn', 'tblastx']; } break; } return []; }, handleSequenceTypeChanged: function (type) { this.sequenceType = type; this.refs.button.setState({ hasQuery: !this.refs.query.isEmpty(), hasDatabases: !!this.databaseType, methods: this.determineBlastMethod() }); }, handleDatabaseTypeChanaged: function (type) { this.databaseType = type; this.refs.button.setState({ hasQuery: !this.refs.query.isEmpty(), hasDatabases: !!this.databaseType, methods: this.determineBlastMethod() }); }, handleAlgoChanged: function (algo) { if (this.state.preDefinedOpts.hasOwnProperty(algo)) { this.refs.opts.setState({ preOpts: this.state.preDefinedOpts[algo].join(" ") }); } else { this.refs.opts.setState({preOpts: ""}); } }, render: function () { return (
); } }); /** * Query widget. */ var Query = React.createClass({ // Kind of public API. // /** * Sets query to given value or returns current value. Returns `this` when * used as a setter. */ value: function (val) { if (val !== undefined) { this.setState({ value: val }) return this; } return this.state.value; }, /** * Clears textarea. Returns `this`. * * Clearing textarea also causes it to be focussed. */ clear: function () { return this.value('').focus(); }, /** * Focuses textarea. Returns `this`. */ focus: function () { this.textarea().focus(); return this; }, /** * Returns true if query is absent ('', undefined, null), false otherwise. */ isEmpty: function () { return !this.value(); }, // Internal helpers. // textarea: function () { return $(this.refs.textarea.getDOMNode()); }, controls: function () { return $(this.refs.controls.getDOMNode()); }, handleInput: function (evt) { this.value(; }, /** * Hides or shows 'clear sequence' button. * * Rendering the 'clear sequence' button takes into account presence or * absence of a scrollbar. * * Called by `componentDidUpdate`. */ hideShowButton: function () { if (!this.isEmpty()) { // Calculation below is based on - // // FIXME: can reflow be avoided here? var textareaNode = this.textarea()[0]; var sequenceControlsRight = textareaNode.offsetWidth - textareaNode.clientWidth; this.controls().css('right', sequenceControlsRight + 17); this.controls().removeClass('hidden'); } else { // FIXME: what are lines 1, 2, & 3 doing here? this.textarea().parent().removeClass('has-error'); this.$sequenceFile = $('#sequence-file'); this.$sequenceFile.empty(); this.controls().addClass('hidden'); } }, /** * Put red border around textarea. */ indicateError: function () { this.textarea().parent().addClass('has-error'); }, /** * Put normal blue border around textarea. */ indicateNormal: function () { this.textarea().parent().removeClass('has-error'); }, /** * Returns type of the query sequence (nucleotide, protein, mixed). * * Query widget supports executing a callback when the query type changes. * Components interested in query type should register a callback instead * of directly calling this method. */ type: function () { var sequences = this.value().split(/>.*/); var type, tmp; for (var i = 0; i < sequences.length; i++) { tmp = this.guessSequenceType(sequences[i]); // could not guess the sequence type; try the next sequence if (!tmp) { continue; } if (!type) { // successfully guessed the type of atleast one sequence type = tmp; } else if (tmp !== type) { // user has mixed different type of sequences return 'mixed'; } } return type; }, /** * Guesses and returns the type of the given sequence (nucleotide, * protein). */ guessSequenceType: function (sequence) { // remove 'noisy' characters sequence = sequence.replace(/[^A-Z]/gi, ''); // non-letter characters sequence = sequence.replace(/[NX]/gi, ''); // ambiguous characters // can't determine the type of ultrashort queries if (sequence.length < 10) { return undefined; } // count the number of putative NA var putative_NA_count = 0; for (var i = 0; i < sequence.length; i++) { if (sequence[i].match(/[ACGTU]/i)) { putative_NA_count += 1; } } var threshold = 0.9 * sequence.length; return putative_NA_count > threshold ? 'nucleotide' : 'protein'; }, notify: function (type) { clearTimeout(this.notification_timeout); this.indicateNormal(); $('.notifications .active').hide().removeClass('active'); if (type) { $('#' + type + '-sequence-notification').show('drop', {direction: 'up'}).addClass('active'); this.notification_timeout = setTimeout(function () { $('.notifications .active').hide('drop', {direction: 'up'}).removeClass('active'); }, 5000); if (type === 'mixed') { this.indicateError(); } } }, // Lifecycle methods. // getInitialState: function () { var input_sequence = $("input#input_sequence").val() || ''; return { value: input_sequence }; }, render: function () { return (
); }, componentDidMount: function () { $('body').click(function () { $('.notifications .active').hide('drop', {direction: 'up'}).removeClass('active'); }); }, componentDidUpdate: function () { this.hideShowButton(); var type = this.type(); if (!type || type !== this._type) { this._type = type; this.notify(type); this.props.onSequenceTypeChanged(type); } } }); var ProteinNotification = React.createClass({ render: function () { return (
Detected: amino-acid sequence(s).
); } }); var NucleotideNotification = React.createClass({ render: function () { return (
Detected: nucleotide sequence(s).
); } }); var MixedNotification = React.createClass({ render: function () { return (
Detected: mixed nucleotide and amino-acid sequences. We can't handle that. Please try one sequence at a time.
); } }); var Databases = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function () { return { type: '', databases: [] } }, databases: function (category) { if (!category) { return this.props.databases.slice(); } return, function (database) { return database.type === category; }); }, nselected: function () { return $('input[name="databases[]"]:checked').length; }, categories: function () { return _.uniq(, _.iteratee('type'))).sort(); }, handleClick: function (database) { var type = this.nselected() ? database.type : ''; this.setState({type: type}); }, handleToggle: function (toggleState, type) { switch (toggleState) { case '[Select all]': $(`.${type} .database input:not(:checked)`).click(); break; case '[Deselect all]': $(`.${type} .database input:checked`).click(); break; } }, render: function () { return (
{, this.renderDatabases) }
); }, renderDatabases: function (category) { // Panel name and column width. var panelTitle = category[0].toUpperCase() + category.substring(1).toLowerCase() + " databases"; var columnClass = this.categories().length === 1 ? 'col-md-12' : 'col-md-6'; // Toggle button. var toggleState = '[Select all]'; var toggleClass = 'btn btn-link'; var toggleShown = this.databases(category).length > 1 ; var toggleDisabled = this.state.type && this.state.type !== category; if (toggleShown && toggleDisabled) toggleClass += ' disabled'; if (!toggleShown) toggleClass += ' hidden'; if (this.nselected() === this.databases(category).length) { toggleState = '[Deselect all]'; } // JSX. return (


); }, renderDatabase: function (database) { var disabled = this.state.type && this.state.type !== database.type; return ( ); }, //shouldComponentUpdate: function (props, state) { //return !(state.type && state.type === this.state.type); //}, componentDidUpdate: function () { if (this.databases() && this.databases().length === 1) { $('.databases').find('input').prop('checked',true); this.handleClick(this.databases()[0]); } this.props.onDatabaseTypeChanged(this.state.type); } }); var Options = React.createClass({ updateBox: function (evt) { this.setState({ preOpts: }); }, getInitialState: function () { return { preOpts: "" } }, render: function () { return (
); } }); /** * SearchButton widget. */ var SearchButton = React.createClass({ // Internal helpers. // /** * Returns jquery wrapped input group. */ inputGroup: function () { return $(React.findDOMNode(this.refs.inputGroup)); }, /** * Returns jquery wrapped submit button. */ submitButton: function () { return $(React.findDOMNode(this.refs.submitButton)); }, /** * Initialise tooltip on input group and submit button. */ initTooltip: function () { this.inputGroup().tooltip({ trigger: 'manual', title: _.bind(function () { if (!this.state.hasQuery && !this.state.hasDatabases) { return "You must enter a query sequence and select one or more databases above before you can run a search!"; } else if (this.state.hasQuery && !this.state.hasDatabases) { return "You must select one or more databases above before you can run a search!"; } else if (!this.state.hasQuery && this.state.hasDatabases) { return "You must enter a query sequence above before you can run a search!"; } }, this) }); this.submitButton().tooltip({ title: _.bind(function () { var title = "Click to BLAST or press Ctrl+Enter."; if (this.state.methods.length > 1) { title += " Click dropdown button on the right for other" + " BLAST algorithms that can be used."; } return title; }, this) }); }, /** * Show tooltip on input group. */ showTooltip: function () { this.inputGroup()._tooltip('show'); }, /** * Hide tooltip on input group. */ hideTooltip: function () { this.inputGroup()._tooltip('hide'); }, /** * Change selected algorithm. * * NOTE: Called on click on dropdown menu items. */ changeAlgorithm: function (method) { var methods = this.state.methods.slice(); methods.splice(methods.indexOf(method), 1); methods.unshift(method); this.setState({ methods: methods }); }, /** * Given, for example 'blastp', returns blastp. */ decorate: function(name) { return name.match(/(.?)(blast)(.?)/).slice(1).map(function (token, _) { if (token) { if (token !== 'blast'){ return ({token}); } else { return token; } } }); }, // Lifecycle methods. // getInitialState: function () { return { methods: [], hasQuery: false, hasDatabases: false } }, render: function () { var methods = this.state.methods; var method = methods[0]; var multi = methods.length > 1; return (
{ multi &&
    {, _.bind(function (method) { return (
  • {method}
  • ); }, this)) }
); }, componentDidMount: function () { this.initTooltip(); }, shouldComponentUpdate: function (props , state) { return !(_.isEqual(state.methods, this.state.methods)); }, componentDidUpdate: function () { if (this.state.methods.length > 0) { this.inputGroup().wiggle(); this.props.onAlgoChanged(this.state.methods[0]); } else { this.props.onAlgoChanged(""); } } }); React.render(, document.getElementById('view'));