%h3.pb-2#triggered-email-overview Automated Messages %table.table.table-striped %caption %ul %li.mb-1 Recipient updates that match a given event will be sent the corresponding email(s) automatically. %br For example, when a user moves from the "Accepted" to "RSVP Confirmed" state, the user will be sent an email for the "RSVP Confirmed" event. %li Hard-coded emails are those managed in the source code repository, and cannot be disabled. %thead %tr %th Automation Event %th Message(s) %tbody - Message::POSSIBLE_TRIGGERS.keys.each do |trigger| %tr %td= Message::POSSIBLE_TRIGGERS[trigger] - messages = Message.automated.where(trigger: trigger).all %td - if messages.present? %ul.list-unstyled.mb-0 - messages.each do |message| %li= link_to(message.name, manage_message_path(message)) - else None %tr %td Disabled %td - messages = Message.automated.where(trigger: nil).all - if messages.present? %ul.list-unstyled.mb-0 - messages.each do |message| %li= link_to(message.name, manage_message_path(message)) - else None