{%-comment-%} determininng the admin should not be tied to name (or email address)--maybe use a secret site.comment_key? {%-endcomment-%} {% assign comment_fragment = include.comment_fragment | append: "-" | append: forloop.index %} {%-assign nesting = include.nesting | plus: 1 %}

{{-comment.name-}} {%-if comment.date-%} {%-if comment_fragment-%} {% include item_date.html date_format='%-d %b %Y' date_class=' ' %} {%-else-%} {% include item_date.html date_format='%-d %b %Y' date_class=' ' %} {%-endif-%} {%-endif-%}

{% if site.comments.allow_markdown == true-%}
{{ comment.message | markdownify }}
{% else -%}
{{ comment.message }}
{%- endif %} {%-if include.nesting < site.comments.max_nesting-%}
Reply  to {{ comment.name }}
{% assign replies = site.data.comments[page.type][page.slug] | where: "parent_id", comment._id-%} {%-assign replies = replies | sort: 'date'-%} {% for comment in replies %} {% include comment.html comment_fragment=comment_fragment parent_id=comment._id nesting=nesting %} {% endfor %} {%-endif %}