module Graphiti module JsonapiSerializableExt # This library looks up a serializer based on the record's class name # This wouldn't work for us, since a model may be associated with # multiple resources. # Instead, this variable is assigned when the query is resolved # To ensure we always render with the *resource* serializer module RendererOverrides def _build(object, exposures, klass) resource = object.instance_variable_get(:@__graphiti_resource) klass = object.instance_variable_get(:@__graphiti_serializer) object, resource: resource)) end end # See above comment module RelationshipOverrides def data @_resources_block = proc do resources = yield if resources.nil? nil elsif resources.respond_to?(:to_ary) Array(resources).map do |obj| klass = obj.instance_variable_get(:@__graphiti_serializer) resource = obj.instance_variable_get(:@__graphiti_resource) obj, resource: resource)) end else klass = resources.instance_variable_get(:@__graphiti_serializer) resource = resources.instance_variable_get(:@__graphiti_resource) resources, resource: resource)) end end end end # Temporary fix until fixed upstream # module ResourceOverrides def requested_relationships(fields) @_relationships end # Allow access to resource methods def method_missing(id, *args, &blk) if @resource.respond_to?(id, true) @resource.send(id, *args, &blk) else super end end end JSONAPI::Serializable::Resource .send(:prepend, ResourceOverrides) JSONAPI::Serializable::Relationship .send(:prepend, RelationshipOverrides) JSONAPI::Serializable::Renderer .send(:prepend, RendererOverrides) end end