require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_lib 'reek/context/method_context' RSpec.describe Reek::Context::MethodContext do let(:method_context) {, exp) } describe '#matches?' do let(:exp) { instance_double('Reek::AST::SexpExtensions::ModuleNode').as_null_object } before do allow(exp).to receive(:full_name).at_least(:once).and_return('mod') end it 'recognises itself in a collection of names' do expect(method_context.matches?(['banana', 'mod'])).to eq(true) end it 'does not recognise itself in a collection of names that does not include it' do expect(method_context.matches?(['banana'])).to eq(false) end it 'recognises itself in a collection of regular expressions' do expect(method_context.matches?([/banana/, /mod/])).to eq(true) end it 'does not recognise itself in a collection of regular expressions that do not match it' do expect(method_context.matches?([/banana/])).to eq(false) end end describe '#default_assignments' do def assignments_from(src) exp = Reek::Source::SourceCode.from(src).syntax_tree ctx =, exp) ctx.default_assignments end context 'with no defaults' do it 'returns an empty hash' do src = 'def meth(arga, argb, &blk) end' expect(assignments_from(src)).to be_empty end end context 'with 1 default' do let(:defaults) { assignments_from('def meth(arga, argb=456, &blk) end') } it 'returns the param-value pair' do expect(defaults[0]).to eq [:argb, sexp(:int, 456)] end it 'returns the nothing else' do expect(defaults.length).to eq(1) end end context 'with 2 defaults' do let(:defaults) do assignments_from('def meth(arga=123, argb=456, &blk) end') end it 'returns both param-value pairs' do expect(defaults).to eq [[:arga, sexp(:int, 123)], [:argb, sexp(:int, 456)]] end it 'returns nothing else' do expect(defaults.length).to eq(2) end end end end