# Cfer

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Cfer is a lightweight toolkit for managing CloudFormation templates.

Read about Cfer [here](https://github.com/seanedwards/cfer/blob/master/examples/vpc.md).

## Support

Cfer is pre-1.0 software, and may contain bugs or incomplete features. Please see the [license](https://github.com/seanedwards/cfer/blob/master/LICENSE.txt) for disclaimers.

If you would like support or guidance on Cfer, or CloudFormation in general, I offer DevOps consulting services. Please [Contact me](mailto:stedwards87+cfer@gmail.com) and I'll be happy to discuss your needs.

You can also find me at [@tilmonedwards](https://twitter.com/tilmonedwards). If you use Cfer, or are considering it, I'd love to hear from you.

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'cfer'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install cfer

## Usage

To quickly see Cfer in action, try converging the example stacks:

cfer converge vpc -t examples/vpc.rb --profile [YOUR-PROFILE] --region [YOUR-REGION]
cfer converge instance -t examples/instance.rb --profile [YOUR-PROFILE] --region [YOUR-REGION] KeyName=[YOUR-EC2-SSH-KEY]

You should see something like this:


### Command line

        converge     Create or update a cloudformation stack according to the template
        delete       Deletes a CloudFormation stack
        describe     Fetches and prints information about a CloudFormation
        estimate     Prints a link to the Amazon cost caculator estimating the cost of the resulting CloudFormation stack
        generate     Generates a CloudFormation template by evaluating a Cfer template
        help         show help
        tail         Follows stack events on standard output as they occur

### Template Anatomy

See the `examples` directory for some examples of complete templates.

#### Parameters

Parameters may be defined using the `parameter` function:

parameter :ParameterName,
  type: 'String',
  default: 'ParameterValue'

Any parameter can be referenced either in Ruby by using the `parameters` hash:


Parameters can also be used in a CloudFormation reference by using the `Fn::ref` function:


#### Resources

Resources may be defined using the `resource` function:

resource :ResourceName, 'AWS::CloudFormation::CustomResource', AttributeName: {:attribute_key => 'attribute_value'} do
  property_name 'property_value'

Gets transformed into the corresponding CloudFormation block:

"ResourceName": {
  "Type": "AWS::CloudFormation::CustomResource",
  "AttributeName": {
    "attribute_key": "attribute_value"
  "Properties": {
    "PropertyName": "property_value"

#### Outputs

Outputs may be defined using the `output` function:

output :OutputName, Fn::ref(:ResourceName)

Outputs may be retireved from other stacks anywhere in a template by using the `lookup_output` function.

lookup_output('stack_name', 'output_name')

#### Including code from multiple files

Templates can get pretty large, and splitting template code into multiple
files can help keep things more manageable. The `include_template`
function works in a similar way to ruby's `require_relative`, but
within the context of the CloudFormation stack:

include_template 'ec2.rb'

You can also include multiple files in a single call:


The path to included files is relative to the base template file
(e.g. the `converge` command `-t` option).

## SDK

Embedding the Cfer SDK involves interacting with two components: The `Client` and the `Stack`.
The Cfer `Client` is the interface with the Cloud provider.

### Basic API

The simplest way to use Cfer from Ruby looks similar to the CLI:

  Cfer.converge! '<stack-name>', template: '<template-file>'

This is identical to running `cfer converge <stack-name> --template <template-file>`, but is better suited to embedding in Rakefiles, chef recipes, or your own Ruby scripts.
See the Rakefile in this repository for how this might look.

### Cfn Client

The Client is a wrapper around Amazon's CloudFormation client from the AWS Ruby SDK.
Its purpose is to interact with the CloudFormation API.

Create a new client:

Cfer::Cfn::Client.new(stack_name: <stack_name>)

`Cfer::Cfn::Client` also accepts options to be passed into the internal `Aws::CloudFormation::Client` constructor.

#### `converge(stack)`

Creates or updates the CloudFormation stack to match the input `stack` object. See below for how to create Cfer stack objects.


#### `tail(options = {})`

Yields to the specified block for each CloudFormation event that qualifies given the specified options.

client.tail number: 1, follow: true do |event|
  # Called for each CloudFormation event, as they occur, until the stack enters a COMPLETE or FAILED state.

### Cfer Stacks

A Cfer stack represents a baked CloudFormation template, which is ready to be converted to JSON.

Create a new stack:

#### `stack_from_file`

stack = Cfer::stack_from_file(<file>, client: <client>)

#### `stack_from_block`

stack = Cfer::stack_from_block(client: <client>) do
  # Stack definition goes here

## Contributing

This project uses [git-flow](http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/). Please name branches and pull requests according to that convention.

Always use `--no-ff` when merging into `develop` or `master`.

This project also contains a [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/seanedwards/cfer/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md), which should be followed when submitting feedback or contributions to this project.

### New features

* Branch from `develop`
* Merge into `develop`
* Name branch `feature/<feature-name>`

### Unreleased bugs

* Branch from `develop`
* Merge into `develop`
* Name branch `bugfix/<issue-id>`

### Bugfixes against releases

* Branch from `master`
* Merge into `develop` and `master`
* Name branch `hotfix/<issue-id>`

### Releases

* Branch from `develop`
* Merge into `develop` and `master`
* Name branch `release/<major.minor>`

# Release Notes

[Change Log](https://github.com/seanedwards/cfer/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)