<%- set_title "Visitor Profile Report" -%> <%- unless @report -%>

This report provides information about visitors to the specified site(s), time period, and traffic type, as well as the overall conversion rate.

<%- end -%> <%- if @sites.size == 1 -%>

No traffic data has been gathered yet. Please try again later.

<%- else -%>
<%= legend_tag "Report Criteria" -%>

<%= select_tag "site", options_for_select(@sites, params[:site] || "All Sites") -%>

<%= select_tag "time_period", options_for_select(@time_periods, params[:time_period].titleize) -%>

<%= select_tag "visit_kind", options_for_select(TrackableSession.kinds_for_select, params[:visit_kind] || "All") -%>
<%- end -%> <%- if @report -%>
<%= Seer::init_visualization -%>
<%= legend_tag "Top User Agents", :help => 'This graph shows the number of visitors by browser type. Note that "unknown" probably indicates a visit by a search engine spider. Click on a bar in the graph for the exact count of visits for a particular browser.' -%>
<%= Seer::visualize( @user_agents_series, :as => :bar_chart, :in_element => 'user_agents_chart', :series => {:series_label => 'user_agent', :data_method => 'count'}, :chart_options => { :height => @user_agents_series.size * 20, :width => 900, :is_3_d => false, :legend => 'none', :colors => ["#7e7587"], :title => "Visit Count by Browser", :title_font_size => 9, :title_x => '', :axis_font_size => 10 } ) -%>
<%= legend_tag "Top Visitor Locations", :help => 'The map below is a geographical representation of where visitors to the selected site(s) are coming from. The size and darkness of each point on the map corresponds to the number of visits from that location. Click on a point on the map for the name of the location and the number of visits that originated from that location.' -%>
<%= Seer::visualize( @locations_series, :as => :bar_chart, :in_element => 'locations_chart', :series => {:series_label => 'sanitized_name', :data_method => 'count'}, :chart_options => { :height => @locations_series.size * 20, :width => 900, :is_3_d => false, :legend => 'none', :colors => ["#7e7587"], :title => "Visit Count by Location", :title_font_size => 9, :title_x => '', :axis_font_size => 10 } ) -%> <%= Seer::visualize( @locations_series, :as => :geomap, :in_element => 'map_chart', :series => { :series_label => 'sanitized_name', :data_label => '# Visits', :data_method => 'count' }, :chart_options => { :data_mode => 'markers', :region => 'us_metro', :colors => ['#bdadce','#7e7587'] } ) -%>
<%= render 'print_buttons' -%> <%- end -%>