# encoding: utf-8 # author: Dominik Richter # author: Stephan Renatus # author: Christoph Hartmann module FilterTable module Show; end class Trace def initialize @chain = [] end %w{== != >= > < <= =~ !~}.each do |m| define_method m.to_sym do |*args| res = Trace.new @chain.push([[m.to_sym] + args, res]) res end end def method_missing(*args) res = Trace.new @chain.push([args, res]) res end def self.to_ruby(trace) chain = trace.instance_variable_get(:@chain) return '' if chain.empty? ' ' + chain.map do |el| m = el[0][0] args = el[0].drop(1) nxt = to_ruby(el[1]) next m.to_s + nxt if args.empty? next m.to_s + ' ' + args[0].inspect + nxt if args.length == 1 m.to_s + '(' + args.map(&:inspect).join(', ') + ')' + nxt end.join(' ') end end class Table attr_reader :params, :resource def initialize(resource, params, filters) @resource = resource @params = params @filters = filters end def where(conditions = {}, &block) return self if !conditions.is_a?(Hash) return self if conditions.empty? && !block_given? filters = '' table = @params conditions.each do |field, condition| filters += " #{field} == #{condition.inspect}" table = filter_lines(table, field, condition) end if block_given? table = table.find_all { |e| new_entry(e, '').instance_eval(&block) } src = Trace.new src.instance_eval(&block) filters += Trace.to_ruby(src) end self.class.new(@resource, table, @filters + filters) end def new_entry(*_) fail "#{self.class} must not be used on its own. It must be inherited "\ 'and the #new_entry method must be implemented. This is an internal '\ 'error and should not happen.' end def entries f = @resource.to_s + @filters.to_s + ' one entry' @params.map do |line| new_entry(line, f) end end def get_field(field) @params.map do |line| line[field] end end def to_s @resource.to_s + @filters end alias inspect to_s private def matches_float(x, y) return false if x.nil? return false if !x.is_a?(Float) && (x =~ /\A[-+]?(\d+\.?\d*|\.\d+)\z/).nil? x.to_f == y end def matches_int(x, y) return false if x.nil? return false if !x.is_a?(Integer) && (x =~ /\A[-+]?\d+\z/).nil? x.to_i == y end def matches_regex(x, y) return x == y if x.is_a?(Regexp) !x.to_s.match(y).nil? end def matches(x, y) x === y # rubocop:disable Style/CaseEquality end def filter_lines(table, field, condition) m = case condition when Float then method(:matches_float) when Integer then method(:matches_int) when Regexp then method(:matches_regex) else method(:matches) end table.find_all do |line| next unless line.key?(field) m.call(line[field], condition) end end end class Factory Connector = Struct.new(:field_name, :block, :opts) def initialize @accessors = [] @connectors = {} end def connect(resource, table_accessor) # create the table structure connectors = @connectors struct_fields = connectors.values.map(&:field_name) connector_blocks = connectors.map do |method, c| [method.to_sym, create_connector(c)] end # the struct to hold single items from the #entries method entry_struct = Struct.new(*struct_fields.map(&:to_sym)) do attr_accessor :__filter def to_s # rubocop:disable Lint/NestedMethodDefinition @__filter || super end end unless struct_fields.empty? # the main filter table table = Class.new(Table) { connector_blocks.each do |x| define_method x[0], &x[1] end define_method :new_entry do |hashmap, filter = ''| return entry_struct.new if hashmap.nil? res = entry_struct.new(*struct_fields.map { |x| hashmap[x] }) res.__filter = filter res end } # define all access methods with the parent resource accessors = @accessors + @connectors.keys accessors.each do |method_name| resource.send(:define_method, method_name.to_sym) do |*args, &block| filter = table.new(self, method(table_accessor).call, ' with') filter.method(method_name.to_sym).call(*args, &block) end end end def add_accessor(method_name) if method_name.nil? throw RuntimeError, "Called filter.add_delegator for resource #{@resource} with method name nil!" end @accessors.push(method_name) self end def add(method_name, opts = {}, &block) if method_name.nil? throw RuntimeError, "Called filter.add for resource #{@resource} with method name nil!" end @connectors[method_name.to_sym] = Connector.new(opts[:field] || method_name, block, opts) self end private def create_connector(c) return ->(cond = Show) { c.block.call(self, cond) } if !c.block.nil? lambda { |condition = Show, &cond_block| if condition == Show && !block_given? r = where(nil).get_field(c.field_name) r = r.flatten.uniq.compact if c.opts[:style] == :simple r else where({ c.field_name => condition }, &cond_block) end } end end def self.create Factory.new end end