AllCops: Exclude: - "tmp/**/*" # forces method defs to have params in parens Style/MethodDefParentheses: Enabled: false Style/StringLiterals: EnforcedStyle: double_quotes # changes x != nil to !x.nil? Style/NonNilCheck: Enabled: false # changes %{} to %() Style/PercentLiteralDelimiters: Enabled: false # changes lambdas to ruby 1.9-style -> # not compatible with ruby 1.8 Style/Lambda: Enabled: false # changes to new hash syntax # not compatible with ruby 1.8 Style/HashSyntax: Enabled: false # we use unused method args a lot in tests/fixtures (a quirk of this lib) Lint/UnusedMethodArgument: Enabled: false # changes x ** 2 to x**2 Style/SpaceAroundOperators: Enabled: false # doesn't allow vars starting with _ Lint/UnderscorePrefixedVariableName: Enabled: false # enforces method length of 10 lines Metrics/MethodLength: Enabled: false # forces you to document classes # TODO: try to enable this cop Style/Documentation: Enabled: false # enforces line length of 80 # TODO enable Metrics/LineLength: Enabled: false # triggered by Contract ({ :name => String, :age => Fixnum }) => nil Lint/ParenthesesAsGroupedExpression: Enabled: false # checks how much a method branches. # TODO try to get this cop enabled Metrics/AbcSize: Enabled: false # checks complexity of method # TODO try to get this cop enabled Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity: Enabled: false # checks for too many nested ifs, whiles or rescues (but not too many nested blocks) # TODO: try to get this cop enabled eventually Metrics/BlockNesting: Enabled: false # calls out class variables. # TODO: try to get this cop enabled eventually Style/ClassVars: Enabled: false # enforces class length of < 100 lines Metrics/ClassLength: Enabled: false # TODO: try to get this cop enabled eventually Metrics/PerceivedComplexity: Enabled: false # checks for duplicate methods, but contracts # provides this functionality (multi-dispatch) Lint/DuplicateMethods: Enabled: false # checks to see if you could've used attr_accessor instead. # nice in theory but noisy cop with false positives Style/TrivialAccessors: Enabled: false Style/MultilineOperationIndentation: EnforcedStyle: indented # Asks you to use %w{array of words} if possible. # Not a style I like. Style/WordArray: Enabled: false # conflicts with contracts # we define contracts like `Baz = 1` Style/ConstantName: Enabled: false # `Contract` violates this, otherwise a good cop (enforces snake_case method names) # TODO possible to get this enabled but ignore `Contract`? Style/MethodName: Enabled: false # checks for !! Style/DoubleNegation: Enabled: false # enforces < 5 params for a function. # contracts-specific (long parameter list for test) Metrics/ParameterLists: Enabled: false # Checks that braces used for hash literals have or don't have surrounding space depending on configuration. Style/SpaceInsideHashLiteralBraces: Enabled: false # TODO enable Style/SpecialGlobalVars: Enabled: false