class Step INFO_SERIALIZER = begin if ENV["RBBT_INFO_SERIALIZER"] Kernel.const_get ENV["RBBT_INFO_SERIALIZER"] else Marshal end end def self.wait_for_jobs(jobs) jobs = [jobs] if Step === jobs begin threads = [] threads = jobs.collect do |j| do begin j.join unless j.done? rescue Exception Log.error "Exception waiting for job: #{Log.color :blue, j.path}" raise $! end end end threads.each{|t| t.join } rescue Exception threads.each{|t| t.exit } jobs.each do |j| j.abort end raise $! end end def self.files_dir(path) path.nil? ? nil : path + '.files' end def self.info_file(path) path.nil? ? nil : path + '.info' end def self.tmp_path(path) path = path.find if Path === path path = File.expand_path(path) dir = File.dirname(path) filename = File.basename(path) File.join(dir, '.' << filename) end def self.md5_file(path) path.nil? ? nil : path + '.md5' end def self.pid_file(path) path.nil? ? nil : path + '.pid' end def self.step_info(path) begin, :mode => 'rb') do |f| INFO_SERIALIZER.load(f) end rescue Exception Log.exception $! {} end end def self.job_name_for_info_file(info_file, extension = nil) if extension and not extension.empty? info_file.sub(/\.#{extension}\.info$/,'') else info_file.sub(/\.info$/,'') end end def self.save_inputs(inputs, input_types, dir) inputs.each do |name,value| type = input_types[name] type = type.to_s if type path = File.join(dir, name.to_s) Log.debug "Saving job input #{name} (#{type}) into #{path}" case when Array === value Open.write(path, value * "\n") when IO === value Open.write(path, value) when type == "file" if String === value && File.exists?(value), path) else Open.write(path + '.read', value.to_s) end when Step === v v = v.produce.load else Open.write(path, value.to_s) end end.any? end def self.save_job_inputs(job, dir, options = nil) options = IndiferentHash.setup options.dup if options task_name = job.task_name workflow = job.workflow workflow = Kernel.const_get workflow if String === workflow task_info = workflow.task_info(task_name) input_types = task_info[:input_types] task_inputs = task_info[:inputs] inputs = {} do |value,name| next unless task_inputs.include? name.to_sym next if options and ! options.include?(name) next if value.nil? inputs[name] = value end if options.include? 'override_dependencies' inputs.merge!(:override_dependencies => open[:override_dependencies]) input_types = IndiferentHash.setup(input_types.merge(:override_dependencies => :array)) end save_inputs(inputs, input_types, dir) inputs.any? end def name @name ||= path.sub(/.*\/#{Regexp.quote task_name.to_s}\/(.*)/, '\1') end def short_path [task_name, name] * "/" end def task_name @task_name ||= end # {{{ INFO def info_file @info_file ||= Step.info_file(path) end def pid_file @pid_file ||= Step.pid_file(path) end def info_lock @info_lock = begin path = Persist.persistence_path(info_file + '.lock', {:dir => Step.lock_dir}) path, :refresh => false, :dont_use_lock_id => true path end if @info_lock.nil? @info_lock end def status_lock return @mutex #@status_lock = begin # path = Persist.persistence_path(info_file + '.status.lock', {:dir => Step.lock_dir}) # path, :refresh => false, :dont_use_lock_id => true # end if @status_lock.nil? #@status_lock end def info(check_lock = true) return {:status => :noinfo} if info_file.nil? or not Open.exists? info_file begin Misc.insist do begin return @info_cache if @info_cache and @info_cache_time and Open.ctime(info_file) < @info_cache_time rescue Exception raise $! end begin @info_cache = Misc.insist(3, 1.6, info_file) do Misc.insist(2, 1, info_file) do Misc.insist(3, 0.2, info_file) do raise TryAgain, "Info locked" if check_lock and info_lock.locked? info_lock.lock if check_lock and false begin, :mode => 'rb') do |file| INFO_SERIALIZER.load(file) #|| {} end ensure info_lock.unlock if check_lock and false end end end end @info_cache_time = @info_cache end end rescue Exception Log.debug{"Error loading info file: " + info_file} Log.exception $! Open.rm info_file Misc.sensiblewrite(info_file, INFO_SERIALIZER.dump({:status => :error, :messages => ["Info file lost"]})) raise $! end end def init_info(force = false) return nil if @exec or info_file.nil? or (Open.exists?(info_file) and ! force) Open.lock(info_file, :lock => info_lock) do i = {:status => :waiting, :pid =>, :path => path} i[:dependencies] = dependencies.collect{|dep| [dep.task_name,, dep.path]} if dependencies @info_cache = i Misc.sensiblewrite(info_file, INFO_SERIALIZER.dump(i), :force => true, :lock => false) @info_cache_time = end end def set_info(key, value) return nil if @exec or info_file.nil? return nil if ! writable? value = Annotated.purge value if defined? Annotated Open.lock(info_file, :lock => info_lock) do i = info(false).dup i[key] = value @info_cache = i dump = INFO_SERIALIZER.dump(i) Misc.sensiblewrite(info_file, dump, :force => true, :lock => false) @info_cache_time = value end end def merge_info(hash) return nil if @exec or info_file.nil? return nil if ! writable? value = Annotated.purge value if defined? Annotated Open.lock(info_file, :lock => info_lock) do i = info(false) i.merge! hash @info_cache = i dump = INFO_SERIALIZER.dump(i) Misc.sensiblewrite(info_file, dump, :force => true, :lock => false) @info_cache_time = value end end def status begin info[:status] rescue Exception Log.error "Exception reading status: #{$!.message}" :error end end def status=(status) set_info(:status, status) end def messages if messages = info[:messages] messages else set_info(:messages, []) if self.respond_to?(:set_info) end end def message(message) message = Log.uncolor(message) set_info(:messages, (messages || []) << message) end def self.status_color(status) status = status.split(">").last case status when "starting" :yellow when "error", "aborted" :red when "done" :green else :cyan end end def self.log_block(status, message, path, &block) start = status = status.to_s status_color = self.status_color status do now = str = Log.color :reset str << "#{ Log.color status_color, status}" str << ": #{ message }" if message and message != :result str << " -- #{Log.color :blue, path.to_s}" if path str << " #{Log.color :yellow,}" str end res = yield eend = do now = str = "#{ Log.color :cyan, status.to_s } +#{Log.color :green, "%.2f" % (eend - start)}" str << ": #{ res }" if message == :result str << " -- #{Log.color :blue, path.to_s}" if path str << " #{Log.color :yellow,}" str end res end def self.log_string(status, message, path) do status = status.to_s status_color = self.status_color status str = Log.color :reset str << "#{ Log.color status_color, status}" str << ": #{ message }" if message str << " -- #{Log.color :blue, path.to_s}" if path str << " #{Log.color :yellow,}" str end end def self.log_progress(status, options = {}, path = nil, &block) options = Misc.add_defaults options, :severity => Log::INFO, :file => path max = Misc.process_options options, :max Log::ProgressBar.with_bar(max, options) do |bar| begin res = yield bar raise res if IO === res res rescue Log.exception $! raise $! end end end def log_progress(status, options = {}, &block) Step.log_progress(status, options, file(:progress), &block) end def progress_bar(msg = "Progress", options = nil) if Hash === msg and options.nil? options = msg msg = nil end options = {} if options.nil? max = options[:max] Log::ProgressBar.new_bar(max, {:desc => msg, :file => file(:progress)}.merge(options)) end def self.log(status, message, path, &block) if block if Hash === message log_progress(status, message, path, &block) else log_block(status, message, path, &block) end else log_string(status, message, path) end end def log(status, message = nil, &block) self.status = status if message self.message Log.uncolor(message) end Step.log(status, message, path, &block) end def exception(ex, msg = nil) ex_class = ex.class.to_s backtrace = ex.backtrace if ex.respond_to?(:backtrace) message = ex.message if ex.respond_to?(:message) set_info :backtrace, backtrace set_info :exception, {:class => ex_class, :message => message, :backtrace => backtrace} if msg.nil? log :error, "#{ex_class} -- #{message}" else log :error, "#{msg} -- #{message}" end self._abort end def get_exception if info[:exception].nil? return Aborted if aborted? return if error? "" else ex_class, ex_message, ex_backtrace = info[:exception].values_at :class, :message, :backtrace begin klass = Kernel.const_get(ex_class) ex = ex_message ex.set_backtrace ex_backtrace unless ex_backtrace.nil? or ex_backtrace.empty? ex rescue Log.exception $! ex_message end end end def recoverable_error? return true if aborted? return false unless error? begin return true unless info[:exception] klass = Kernel.const_get(info[:exception][:class]) ! (klass <= RbbtException) rescue Exception true end end def started? Open.exists?(path) or (Open.exists?(pid_file) && Open.exists?(info_file)) end def waiting? Open.exists?(info_file) and not started? end def dirty_files rec_dependencies = self.rec_dependencies return [] if rec_dependencies.empty? canfail_paths = self.canfail_paths dirty_files = rec_dependencies.reject{|dep| (defined?(WorkflowRemoteClient) && WorkflowRemoteClient::RemoteStep === dep) || ! Open.exists?(dep.info_file) || (dep.path && (Open.exists?(dep.path) || Open.remote?(dep.path))) || ((dep.error? || dep.aborted? || dep.waiting?) && (! dep.recoverable_error? || canfail_paths.include?(dep.path))) } end def dirty? return true if Open.exists?(pid_file) && ! ( Open.exists?(info_file) || done? ) return false unless done? || status == :done return false unless ENV["RBBT_UPDATE"] == "true" status = self.status if done? and not (status == :done or status == :ending or status == :producing) and not status == :noinfo return true end if status == :done and not done? return true end if dirty_files.any? Log.low "Some dirty files found for #{self.path}: #{Misc.fingerprint dirty_files}" true else ! self.updated? end end def done? path and Open.exists? path end def streaming? (IO === @result) or (not @saved_stream.nil?) or status == :streaming end def noinfo? status == :noinfo end def running? return false if ! (started? || status == :ending) pid = info[:pid] return nil if pid.nil? return false if done? or error? or aborted? if Misc.pid_exists?(pid) pid else done? or error? or aborted? end end def stalled? started? && ! (done? || running? || done? || error? || aborted?) end def missing? status == :done && ! Open.exists?(path) end def error? status == :error end def nopid? pid = info[:pid] || Open.exists?(pid_file) ! pid && ! (status.nil? || status == :aborted || status == :done || status == :error) end def aborted? status = self.status status == :aborted || ((status != :noinfo && status != :setup && status != :noinfo) && nopid?) end # {{{ INFO def files_dir @files_dir ||= Step.files_dir path end def tmp_path @tmp_path ||= Step.tmp_path path end def files files = Dir.glob(File.join(files_dir, '**', '*')).reject{|path| path}.collect do |path| Misc.path_relative_to(files_dir, path) end files end def file(name) Path.setup(File.join(files_dir, name.to_s)) end def save_file(name, content) content = case when String === content content when Array === content content * "\n" when TSV === content content.to_s when Hash === content content.collect{|*p| p * "\t"} * "\n" else content.to_s end Open.write(file(name), content) end def load_file(name, type = nil, options = {}) if type.nil? and name =~ /.*\.(\w+)$/ extension = name.match(/.*\.(\w+)$/)[1] case extension when "tc" type = :tc when "tsv" type = :tsv when "list", "ary", "array" type = :array when "yaml" type = :yaml when "marshal" type = :marshal else type = :other end else type ||= :other end case type.to_sym when :tc Persist.open_tokyocabinet(file(name), false) when :tsv, options when :array /\n|,\s*/ "\n" when :yaml YAML.load( when :marshal Marshal.load( else end end def provenance provenance = {} dependencies.each do |dep| next unless dep.path.exists? if Open.exists? dep.info_file provenance[dep.path] = dep.provenance if Open.exists? dep.path else provenance[dep.path] = nil end end {:inputs => info[:inputs], :provenance => provenance} end def provenance_paths provenance = {} dependencies.each do |dep| provenance[dep.path] = dep.provenance_paths if Open.exists? dep.path end provenance end def config(key, *tokens) options = tokens.pop if Hash === tokens.last options ||= {} new_tokens = [] if workflow workflow_name = workflow.to_s new_tokens << ("workflow:" << workflow_name) new_tokens << ("task:" << workflow_name << "#" << task_name.to_s) end new_tokens << ("task:" << task_name.to_s) Rbbt::Config.get(key, tokens + new_tokens, options) end def access CMD.cmd("touch -c -h -a #{self.path} #{self.info_file}") end def rec_access access rec_dependencies.each do |dep| dep.access end end def monitor_stream(stream, options = {}, &block) case options[:bar] when TrueClass bar = progress_bar when Hash bar = progress_bar options[:bar] when Numeric bar = progress_bar :max => options[:bar] else bar = options[:bar] end out = if bar.nil? Misc.line_monitor_stream stream, &block elsif (block.nil? || block.arity == 0) Misc.line_monitor_stream stream do bar.tick end elsif block.arity == 1 Misc.line_monitor_stream stream do |line| bar.tick line end elsif block.arity == 2 Misc.line_monitor_stream stream do |line| line, bar end end ConcurrentStream.setup(out, :abort_callback =>{ Log::ProgressBar.remove_bar(bar, true) if bar }, :callback =>{ Log::ProgressBar.remove_bar(bar) if bar }) bgzip = (options[:compress] || options[:gzip]).to_s == 'bgzip' bgzip = true if options[:bgzip] gzip = true if options[:compress] || options[:gzip] if bgzip Open.bgzip(out) elsif gzip Open.gzip(out) else out end end def relocated? done? && info[:path] && info[:path] != path end def knowledge_base(organism = nil) @_kb ||= begin kb_dir = self.file('knowledge_base') kb_dir, organism end end end