These are the specific data-items collected by the HI / EA needed to perform the SAP calculation. The building type of the Property e.g. Detached, Semi-Detached, Terrace etc. Together with the Property Type, the Build Form produces a structured description of the property. The number of extensions added to the house. Count of the number of habitable rooms within the property. This is the number of Reception Rooms (including Living Rooms, Sitting Rooms, Dining Rooms), Bedrooms, Study and similar rooms but excludes hall, stairs, kitchen, utility rooms, bathrooms, cloakrooms, en-suites and similar rooms. The numbewr of heated rooms in the property if more than half of the abitable rooms are not heated. If exact number of CFL and LED not known, provide number of low energy fixed lighting outlets. Number of incandescent fixed bulbs. Number of LED fixed bulbs. Number of CFL fixed bulbs. Indicates the type of measurements taken to calculate floor areas e.g. "Internal" or "External" Describes the type of property such as House, Flat, Mansion, Maisonette etc. This is actually the type differentiator for Property but only a limited number of property types, notably Apartment and Apartment Block, have any specific characteristics and warrant their own definition. Indicates whether the heating in the Property is solar powered. Relevant when mechanical ventilation system is from PCDB. Whether there has been a pressure test, or whether an assumed value is used for the air permeability. The pressure test certificate number or test engineer reference. Air permeability; only if pressure test (yes or assumed). Is there a draft lobby? Only if no pressure test. The number of Open Chimneys in the Property. The number of Blocked Chimneys in the Property. The number of Open Flues in the Property. Chimney/Flues attached to closed fires. The number of Boiler Flues or chimneys in the Property. The number of Other Flues or chimneys in the Property. Number of passive vents. The number of flueless gas fires in the Property. Relevant when mechanical ventilation system is from PCDB. Relevant when mechanical ventilation system is from PCDB. Identifies the type of mechanical ventilation the property has. This is required for the RdSAP calculation. Type of Conservatory Details of energy sources available to the property. To be used when all windows are measured. To be used when windows are not measured. This must record any measures deselected by the DEA Number of external doors Number of insulated external doors Percentage of windows and doors with adequate draught proofing Various measurements for each floor that makes up a particular Build-Part. The estimate total heat loss perimeter for the Storey. The heat loss perimeter is any part of the storey that is exposed to the outside world through which heat may escape. Average height of the Storey The total floor area of the storey set to zero if no party wall Structured type for recording the details of the main heating present in nthe property as used in the SAP calculation Details of the significant building parts that comprise the main habitable building in the property. The main habitable area generally consists of a single main building but can over time be extended to include extensions such as new wings and additional storeys. For the purpose of calculating the overall Energy Assessment for the property details of each distinct Building Part, such as its construction, have to be gathered because different materials have different insulation ratings (obviously) which affects the overall rating. A permanent structure that forms part of the Property and is built primarily for human habitation. A Building is usually made up of one or more Storey's and may contain a number of Internal Structural Features. An extension would be a Building Part. An integer value which uniquely identifies the building part in the property. The value "1" must be assigned to the main dwelling. Identifier for the Building part - generally only required if there are more that one Building Parts of the same type e.g. "West Wing" and "East Wing" Extensions The age band when this building part was constructed. Only one of Floor-Insulation-Thickness and Floor-U-Value is included Only one of Floor-Insulation-Thickness and Floor-U-Value is included Identifies the type of foor through which heat loss occurs. Describes the material that the roof of the Building Part is constructed from e.g. Tile, Slate etc. The location of the insulation in the roof e.g. between joists, in rafters etc. Include one of Roof-U-Value, Roof-Insulation-Thickness, Rafter-Insulation-Thickness, Flat-Roof-Insulation-Thickness, Sloping-Ceiling-Insulation-Thickness See Roof-U-Value See Roof-U-Value See Roof-U-Value See Roof-U-Value Describes the type of insulation present in the wall if any. Whether wall thickness was measured Wall thickness in mm. Omitted if Wall-Thickness-Measured is false Only one of Wall-Insulation-Thickness and Wall-U-Value is included Only one of Wall-Insulation-Thickness and Wall-U-Value is included Only one of Wall-Insulation-Thickness is measured and Wall-U-Value is included Only if documentary evidence is available Included only for building parts that have an alternative wall Wall thickness in mm Only one of Wall-Insulation-Thickness and Wall-U-Value is included Only one of Wall-Insulation-Thickness and Wall-U-Value is included Only one of Wall-Insulation-Thickness is measured and Wall-U-Value is included Only if documentary evidence is available Value to be "N" for wall types where dry-lining is not applicable. Wall between dwelling and unheated corridor or stairwell Details of the main Electricity supply to the Property. The type of Electricity Meter - taken from a pre-defined list of values. Whether mains gas is available in the property. Is an electricity Smart Meter present? Is a gas Smart Meter present? Number of wind turbines; 0 if none. Terrain type Included when details are known Diverter present. Electricity generated by hydro-electric generator, in kWh/year. To be provided if Hydro-Electric-Generation-Month is not provided. Whether the hydro-electric station is connected to dwelling's electricity meter Details of the means by which the Main Building is heated. The secondary type of fuel used to power the central heating e.g. Gas, Electricity The type of fuel used to heat the water e.g. Gas, Electricity Type of secondary heating (if any) present in the property. Describes the type of Water Heating present in the Property. The size of the Hot Water Cylinder - taken from a range of standard sizes. Exact cylinder size if known. When Cylinder-Size code is 6. the type of insulation surrounding the Hot Water Cylinder Cylinder declared loss in kWh/day; only if there is a hot water store and if manufacturer declared loss. Average thickness of the insulation surrounding the Hot Water Cylinder. Whether the cylinder has a thermostat. Omit if no cylinder. Included only when details are known Waste Water Heat Recovery Systems index number of heat network, if applicable, community water heating only. only if hot water only heat network from pcdb. The name by which the sub community heat network is known. only if hot water only heat network. Only if community heating not from pcdb and a heat source with CHP. CHP Electricity generation options from table 12f. A conservatory intergrated into the property that is within the heat-loss perimeter and forms part of the habitable area. Indicates whether the conservatory is double glazed The gross floor area of the conservatory The length of the glazed area The average height of the conservatory Identifies the storey within the block that the entrance to the flat is located on The number of Storeys in the Apartment Block. Indicates that the Apartment is located on the Top Storey of the Apartment Block. Indiocates that the flat contained a cossidor through which heat is lost. The tortal length of unheated corridor in the flat. Only popualted if Heat-Loss-Corridor = {Unheated Corridor} Details of the windows in the building include when Glazing-Type is 1 or 3. If true: wood or PVC, if false: metal. include when Glazing-Type is 1 or 3 and PVC-Frame is true. include when frame factor is known. Identifies the type of wall the window is located Identifies if permanent shutters are present Identifies if permanent shutters are insulated. Include when permanent shutters are present Whether the roof room is connected to another building part of the same dwelling Use ND when Room-In-Roof-Details is included Omit when Room-In-Roof details not included Required if detailed input not provided, and RR type 1 Required if detailed input not provided, and RR type 2 There are 22 possible improvement measures, designated from A to V. This must record measures deselected by DEA (A to V is the full set, only E, N, U and V are considered at the moment for new build). Identifies the main heating as system 1 or system 2. System 1 must always be present, system 2 is included only when there are two systems. Category of heating system for the main heating system. Type of Main Control for the Heating System. The ID of the heating system from the product database, if system from database. Only relevant for boilers 1998 or later. Indicates the flue type of the heating system. Indicates whether the heating system contains a fan flue. This is required by RdSAP and should be part of the 3-letter codes but isn't. Identifies the means by which the central heating system (if present) emits heat. Fraction of total floor area served by this system. Flue Gas Heat Recovery System FGHRS index number; only if FGHRS Applies only for FGHRS with its own PV supply Applies only for FGHRS with its own PV supply Applies only for FGHRS with its own PV supply Applies only for FGHRS with its own PV supply The ID of the controller from the product database. The ID of the time and temperature zone control from the product database. index number of heat network, if applicable, community space heating or community space and water heating. only if heat network from pcdb. The name by which the sub community heat network is known. Only required if index number not available. Only if community heating not from pcdb and a heat source with CHP. CHP Electricity generation options from table 12f. 0, 1, 3 or 4 applicable to condensing boilers and heat pumps. Other systems NA. Whether heat pump was installed under the Microgeneration Certification Scheme. Included for systems with a central heating pump, i.e. wet system. Photovoltaic area as percentage of total roof area. 0% indicates that a photovoltaic supply is not present in the property. Peak kW of photovoltaics (PVs) (kWp). If the total peak power has been apportioned between different dwellings within the same building, this is the kWp ascribed to the dwelling being assessed. PV orientation; only if peak kWp > 0. PV pitch; only if peak kWp > 0. PV overshading; only if peak kWp > 0. Battery capacity in kWh. defaults to 5kW in unknown. Mutually exclusive with U-value. Either U-value provided, or thickness. Mutually exclusive with U-value. Either U-value provided, or thickness. Mutually exclusive with U-value. Either U-value provided, or thickness. Mutually exclusive with U-value. Either U-value provided, or thickness. Mutually exclusive with U-value. Either U-value provided, or thickness. Mutually exclusive with U-value. Either U-value provided, or thickness. Mutually exclusive with U-value. Either U-value provided, or thickness. Mutually exclusive with U-value. Either U-value provided, or thickness. Mutually exclusive with U-value. Either U-value provided, or thickness. Mutually exclusive with U-value. Either U-value provided, or thickness. Mutually exclusive with U-value. Either U-value provided, or thickness. Mutually exclusive with U-value. Either U-value provided, or thickness. Diameter of rotor of wind turbine Height of rotor hub above ridge of roof Source of solar panel collector data. Collector orientation. Energy source for pumping water through the solar system When Y the total store volume, dedicated solar volume and combined cylinder are to be provided Include when collector details known. Include when volume details known. Type of showers in the property. Collector loop efficiency; only if declared values. Incidence angle modifier; only if declared values. Overall heat loss coefficient of system; only if declared values. Shower outlets present in the dwelling. If there are more than 5 then only include the 5 with the highest flow rates used. Various details for each shower outlet. Hot water type for this shower outlet. The WWHRS with which the shower is connected. If shower outlet type is instantaneous electric shower then only a storage WWHRS can be selected or none. Omit if no second system. Dedicated store volume in litres. Panel aperture area in square metres. Type of solar panel collector. Collector zero-loss efficiency. Collector heat loss rate; for backward compatibility only, do not use. Collector linear heat loss coefficient. Collector 2nd order heat loss coefficient. Total volume of hot water store in litres. Volume of hot water store dedicated to solar heated water, in litres. If combined cylinder the total hot water store volume is inclusive of the dedicated solar volume. The number of storage heaters with this index number. The index number of the heater from the product database. Whether heater is high heat retention type. Energy saved or generated in kWh/year. Energy used in kWh/year. For Appendix Q procedure that provides air change rates. Only one Special Feature can have data on air change rates. Emissions saved in kg/year. Additional emissions in kg/year. Air change rate in month. Confirm a check for the existence of an EPC before carrying out another energy assessment. Does an EPC exist at the point of carrying out this energy assessment. Reason for not using a previous RdSAP EPC.