module Doorkeeper module OpenidConnect def self.configure(&block) if Doorkeeper.configuration.orm != :active_record fail Errors::InvalidConfiguration, 'Doorkeeper OpenID Connect currently only supports the ActiveRecord ORM adapter' end @config = end def self.configuration @config || (fail Errors::MissingConfiguration) end class Config class Builder def initialize(&block) @config = instance_eval(&block) end def build @config end def jws_public_key(*args) puts "DEPRECATION WARNING: `jws_public_key` is not needed anymore and will be removed in a future version, please remove it from config/initializers/doorkeeper_openid_connect.rb" end def jws_private_key(*args) puts "DEPRECATION WARNING: `jws_private_key` has been replaced by `signing_key` and will be removed in a future version, please remove it from config/initializers/doorkeeper_openid_connect.rb" signing_key(*args) end end module Option # Defines configuration option # # When you call option, it defines two methods. One method will take place # in the +Config+ class and the other method will take place in the # +Builder+ class. # # The +name+ parameter will set both builder method and config attribute. # If the +:as+ option is defined, the builder method will be the specified # option while the config attribute will be the +name+ parameter. # # If you want to introduce another level of config DSL you can # define +builder_class+ parameter. # Builder should take a block as the initializer parameter and respond to function +build+ # that returns the value of the config attribute. # # ==== Options # # * [:+as+] Set the builder method that goes inside +configure+ block # * [+:default+] The default value in case no option was set # # ==== Examples # # option :name # option :name, as: :set_name # option :name, default: 'My Name' # option :scopes builder_class: ScopesBuilder # def option(name, options = {}) attribute = options[:as] || name attribute_builder = options[:builder_class] Builder.instance_eval do define_method name do |*args, &block| # TODO: is builder_class option being used? value = if attribute_builder else block ? block : args.first end @config.instance_variable_set(:"@#{attribute}", value) end end define_method attribute do |*_| if instance_variable_defined?(:"@#{attribute}") instance_variable_get(:"@#{attribute}") else options[:default] end end public attribute end def extended(base) base.send(:private, :option) end end extend Option option :issuer option :signing_key option :signing_algorithm, default: :rs256 option :subject_types_supported, default: [:public] option :resource_owner_from_access_token, default: lambda { |*_| fail Errors::InvalidConfiguration, I18n.translate('doorkeeper.openid_connect.errors.messages.resource_owner_from_access_token_not_configured') } option :auth_time_from_resource_owner, default: lambda { |*_| fail Errors::InvalidConfiguration, I18n.translate('doorkeeper.openid_connect.errors.messages.auth_time_from_resource_owner_not_configured') } option :reauthenticate_resource_owner, default: lambda { |*_| fail Errors::InvalidConfiguration, I18n.translate('doorkeeper.openid_connect.errors.messages.reauthenticate_resource_owner_not_configured') } option :subject, default: lambda { |*_| fail Errors::InvalidConfiguration, I18n.translate('doorkeeper.openid_connect.errors.messages.subject_not_configured') } option :expiration, default: 120 option :claims, builder_class: ClaimsBuilder option :protocol, default: lambda { |*_| ::Rails.env.production? ? :https : :http } end end end