module ApacheAge module Entities module Node extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do include ActiveModel::Model include ActiveModel::Dirty include ActiveModel::Attributes attribute :id, :integer extend ApacheAge::Entities::ClassMethods include ApacheAge::Entities::CommonMethods end def age_type = 'vertex' # AgeSchema::Nodes::Company.create(company_name: 'Bedrock Quarry') # SELECT * # FROM cypher('age_schema', $$ # CREATE (company:Company {company_name: 'Bedrock Quarry'}) # RETURN company # $$) as (Company agtype); def create_sql alias_name = age_alias || age_label.downcase <<-SQL SELECT * FROM cypher('#{age_graph}', $$ CREATE (#{alias_name}#{self}) RETURN #{alias_name} $$) as (#{age_label} agtype); SQL end # So far just properties of string type with '' around them def update_sql alias_name = age_alias || age_label.downcase set_caluse = { |k, v| v ? "#{alias_name}.#{k} = '#{v}'" : "#{alias_name}.#{k} = NULL" }.join(', ') <<-SQL SELECT * FROM cypher('#{age_graph}', $$ MATCH (#{alias_name}:#{age_label}) WHERE id(#{alias_name}) = #{id} SET #{set_caluse} RETURN #{alias_name} $$) as (#{age_label} agtype); SQL end end end end