# # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "spec_helper" require "shared/custom_generator_cookbook" require "shared/setup_git_committer_config" require "chef-cli/command/generator_commands/cookbook" describe ChefCLI::Command::GeneratorCommands::Cookbook do include_context("setup_git_committer_config") let(:argv) { %w{new_cookbook} } let(:stdout_io) { StringIO.new } let(:stderr_io) { StringIO.new } let(:expected_cookbook_file_relpaths) do %w{ .gitignore kitchen.yml test test/integration test/integration/default/default_test.rb Policyfile.rb chefignore LICENSE metadata.rb README.md CHANGELOG.md recipes recipes/default.rb } end let(:expected_cookbook_file_relpaths_specs) do %w{ .gitignore kitchen.yml test test/integration test/integration/default/default_test.rb Policyfile.rb chefignore LICENSE metadata.rb README.md CHANGELOG.md recipes recipes/default.rb spec spec/spec_helper.rb spec/unit spec/unit/recipes spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb } end let(:expected_cookbook_files) do expected_cookbook_file_relpaths.map do |relpath| File.join(tempdir, "new_cookbook", relpath) end end let(:expected_cookbook_files_specs) do expected_cookbook_file_relpaths_specs.map do |relpath| File.join(tempdir, "new_cookbook", relpath) end end let(:non_delivery_breadcrumb) do <<~EOF Your cookbook is ready. Type `cd new_cookbook` to enter it. There are several commands you can run to get started locally developing and testing your cookbook. Why not start by writing an InSpec test? Tests for the default recipe are stored at: test/integration/default/default_test.rb If you'd prefer to dive right in, the default recipe can be found at: recipes/default.rb EOF end subject(:cookbook_generator) do g = described_class.new(argv) allow(g).to receive(:cookbook_path_in_git_repo?).and_return(false) allow(g).to receive(:stdout).and_return(stdout_io) g end def generator_context ChefCLI::Generator.context end before do ChefCLI::Generator.reset end include_examples "custom generator cookbook" do let(:generator_arg) { "new_cookbook" } let(:generator_name) { "cookbook" } end it "configures the chef runner" do expect(cookbook_generator.chef_runner).to be_a(ChefCLI::ChefRunner) expect(cookbook_generator.chef_runner.cookbook_path).to eq(File.expand_path("lib/chef-cli/skeletons", project_root)) end context "when given invalid/incomplete arguments" do let(:expected_help_message) do "Usage: chef generate cookbook NAME [options]\n" end def with_argv(argv) generator = described_class.new(argv) allow(generator).to receive(:stdout).and_return(stdout_io) allow(generator).to receive(:stderr).and_return(stderr_io) generator end it "prints usage when args are empty" do with_argv([]).run expect(stderr_io.string).to include(expected_help_message) end it "errors if both berks and policyfiles are requested" do expect(with_argv(%w{my_cookbook --berks --policy}).run).to eq(1) message = "Berkshelf and Policyfiles are mutually exclusive. Please specify only one." expect(stderr_io.string).to include(message) end it "warns if a hyphenated cookbook name is passed" do expect(with_argv(%w{my-cookbook}).run).to eq(0) message = "Hyphens are discouraged in cookbook names as they may cause problems with custom resources. See https://docs.chef.io/workstation/ctl_chef/#chef-generate-cookbook for more information." expect(stdout_io.string).to include(message) end end context "when given the name of the cookbook to generate" do let(:argv) { %w{new_cookbook} } before do reset_tempdir end it "configures the generator context" do cookbook_generator.read_and_validate_params cookbook_generator.setup_context expect(generator_context.cookbook_root).to eq(Dir.pwd) expect(generator_context.cookbook_name).to eq("new_cookbook") expect(generator_context.recipe_name).to eq("default") expect(generator_context.verbose).to be(false) expect(generator_context.specs).to be(false) end it "creates a new cookbook" do Dir.chdir(tempdir) do allow(cookbook_generator.chef_runner).to receive(:stdout).and_return(stdout_io) expect(cookbook_generator.run).to eq(0) end generated_files = Dir.glob("#{tempdir}/new_cookbook/**/*", File::FNM_DOTMATCH) expected_cookbook_files.each do |expected_file| expect(generated_files).to include(expected_file) end end context "when given the specs flag" do let(:argv) { %w{ new_cookbook --specs } } it "configures the generator context with specs mode enabled" do cookbook_generator.read_and_validate_params cookbook_generator.setup_context expect(generator_context.specs).to be(true) end it "creates a new cookbook" do Dir.chdir(tempdir) do allow(cookbook_generator.chef_runner).to receive(:stdout).and_return(stdout_io) expect(cookbook_generator.run).to eq(0) end generated_files = Dir.glob("#{tempdir}/new_cookbook/**/*", File::FNM_DOTMATCH) expected_cookbook_files_specs.each do |expected_file| expect(generated_files).to include(expected_file) end end end context "when given the verbose flag" do let(:argv) { %w{ new_cookbook --verbose } } it "configures the generator context with verbose mode enabled" do cookbook_generator.read_and_validate_params cookbook_generator.setup_context expect(generator_context.verbose).to be(true) end it "emits verbose output" do Dir.chdir(tempdir) do allow(cookbook_generator.chef_runner).to receive(:stdout).and_return(stdout_io) expect(cookbook_generator.run).to eq(0) end # The normal chef formatter puts a heading for each recipe like this. # Full output is large and subject to change with minor changes in the # generator cookbook, so we just look for this line expected_line = "Recipe: code_generator::cookbook" actual = stdout_io.string expect(actual).to include(expected_line) end end shared_examples_for "a generated file" do |context_var| before do Dir.chdir(tempdir) do allow(cookbook_generator.chef_runner).to receive(:stdout).and_return(stdout_io) expect(cookbook_generator.run).to eq(0) end end it "should contain #{context_var} from the generator context" do expect(File.read(file)).to match line end end describe "README.md" do let(:file) { File.join(tempdir, "new_cookbook", "README.md") } include_examples "a generated file", :cookbook_name do let(:line) { "# new_cookbook" } end end describe "CHANGELOG.md" do let(:file) { File.join(tempdir, "new_cookbook", "CHANGELOG.md") } include_examples "a generated file", :cookbook_name do let(:line) { "# new_cookbook" } end end # This shared example group requires a let binding for # `expected_kitchen_yml_content` shared_examples_for "kitchen_yml_and_integration_tests" do describe "Generating Test Kitchen and integration testing files" do describe "generating kitchen config" do before do Dir.chdir(tempdir) do allow(cookbook_generator.chef_runner).to receive(:stdout).and_return(stdout_io) expect(cookbook_generator.run).to eq(0) end end let(:file) { File.join(tempdir, "new_cookbook", "kitchen.yml") } it "creates a kitchen.yml with the expected content" do expect(IO.read(file)).to eq(expected_kitchen_yml_content) end end describe "test/integration/default/default_test.rb" do let(:file) { File.join(tempdir, "new_cookbook", "test", "integration", "default", "default_test.rb") } include_examples "a generated file", :cookbook_name do let(:line) { "describe port" } end end end end # This shared example group requires you to define a let binding for # `expected_chefspec_spec_helper_content` shared_examples_for "chefspec_spec_helper_file" do describe "Generating ChefSpec files" do before do Dir.chdir(tempdir) do allow(cookbook_generator.chef_runner).to receive(:stdout).and_return(stdout_io) expect(cookbook_generator.run).to eq(0) end end let(:file) { File.join(tempdir, "new_cookbook", "spec", "spec_helper.rb") } it "creates a spec/spec_helper.rb for ChefSpec with the expected content" do expect(IO.read(file)).to eq(expected_chefspec_spec_helper_content) end end end context "when configured for Policyfiles" do let(:argv) { %w{new_cookbook --policy} } describe "Policyfile.rb" do let(:file) { File.join(tempdir, "new_cookbook", "Policyfile.rb") } let(:expected_content) do <<~POLICYFILE_RB # Policyfile.rb - Describe how you want Chef Infra Client to build your system. # # For more information on the Policyfile feature, visit # https://docs.chef.io/policyfile/ # A name that describes what the system you're building with Chef does. name 'new_cookbook' # Where to find external cookbooks: default_source :supermarket # run_list: chef-client will run these recipes in the order specified. run_list 'new_cookbook::default' # Specify a custom source for a single cookbook: cookbook 'new_cookbook', path: '.' POLICYFILE_RB end before do Dir.chdir(tempdir) do allow(cookbook_generator.chef_runner).to receive(:stdout).and_return(stdout_io) expect(cookbook_generator.run).to eq(0) end end it "has a run_list and cookbook path that will work out of the box" do expect(IO.read(file)).to eq(expected_content) end end include_examples "kitchen_yml_and_integration_tests" do let(:expected_kitchen_yml_content) do <<~KITCHEN_YML --- driver: name: vagrant ## The forwarded_port port feature lets you connect to ports on the VM guest ## via localhost on the host. ## see also: https://www.vagrantup.com/docs/networking/forwarded_ports # network: # - ["forwarded_port", {guest: 80, host: 8080}] provisioner: name: chef_zero ## product_name and product_version specifies a specific Chef product and version to install. ## see the Chef documentation for more details: https://docs.chef.io/workstation/config_yml_kitchen/ # product_name: chef # product_version: 17 verifier: name: inspec platforms: - name: ubuntu-20.04 - name: centos-8 suites: - name: default verifier: inspec_tests: - test/integration/default KITCHEN_YML end end include_examples "chefspec_spec_helper_file" do let(:argv) { %w{ new_cookbook --policy --specs } } let(:expected_chefspec_spec_helper_content) do <<~SPEC_HELPER require 'chefspec' require 'chefspec/policyfile' SPEC_HELPER end end end context "when YAML recipe flag is passed" do let(:argv) { %w{new_cookbook --yaml} } describe "recipes/default.yml" do let(:file) { File.join(tempdir, "new_cookbook", "recipes", "default.yml") } let(:expected_content_header) do <<~DEFAULT_YML_HEADER # # Cookbook:: new_cookbook # Recipe:: default # DEFAULT_YML_HEADER end let(:expected_content) do <<~DEFAULT_YML_CONTENT --- resources: # Example Syntax # Additional snippets are available using the Chef Infra Extension for Visual Studio Code # - type: file # name: '/path/to/file' # content: 'content' # owner: 'root' # group: 'root' # mode: '0755' # action: # - create DEFAULT_YML_CONTENT end before do Dir.chdir(tempdir) do allow(cookbook_generator.chef_runner).to receive(:stdout).and_return(stdout_io) expect(cookbook_generator.run).to eq(0) end end it "has a default.yml file with template contents" do expect(IO.read(file)).to match(expected_content_header) expect(IO.read(file)).to match(expected_content) end end end context "when configured for Berkshelf" do let(:argv) { %w{new_cookbook --berks} } describe "Berksfile" do let(:file) { File.join(tempdir, "new_cookbook", "Berksfile") } let(:expected_content) do <<~POLICYFILE_RB source 'https://supermarket.chef.io' metadata POLICYFILE_RB end before do Dir.chdir(tempdir) do allow(cookbook_generator.chef_runner).to receive(:stdout).and_return(stdout_io) expect(cookbook_generator.run).to eq(0) end end it "pulls deps from metadata" do expect(IO.read(file)).to eq(expected_content) end end include_examples "kitchen_yml_and_integration_tests" do let(:expected_kitchen_yml_content) do <<~KITCHEN_YML --- driver: name: vagrant ## The forwarded_port port feature lets you connect to ports on the VM guest via ## localhost on the host. ## see also: https://www.vagrantup.com/docs/networking/forwarded_ports # network: # - ["forwarded_port", {guest: 80, host: 8080}] provisioner: name: chef_zero # You may wish to disable always updating cookbooks in CI or other testing environments. # For example: # always_update_cookbooks: <%= !ENV['CI'] %> always_update_cookbooks: true ## product_name and product_version specifies a specific Chef product and version to install. ## see the Chef documentation for more details: https://docs.chef.io/workstation/config_yml_kitchen/ # product_name: chef # product_version: 17 verifier: name: inspec platforms: - name: ubuntu-20.04 - name: centos-8 suites: - name: default run_list: - recipe[new_cookbook::default] verifier: inspec_tests: - test/integration/default attributes: KITCHEN_YML end end include_examples "chefspec_spec_helper_file" do let(:argv) { %w{ new_cookbook --berks --specs } } let(:expected_chefspec_spec_helper_content) do <<~SPEC_HELPER require 'chefspec' require 'chefspec/berkshelf' SPEC_HELPER end end end describe "metadata.rb" do let(:file) { File.join(tempdir, "new_cookbook", "metadata.rb") } include_examples "a generated file", :cookbook_name do let(:line) { /name\s+'new_cookbook'.+# issues_url.+# source_url/m } end end describe "recipes/default.rb" do let(:file) { File.join(tempdir, "new_cookbook", "recipes", "default.rb") } include_examples "a generated file", :cookbook_name do let(:line) { "# Cookbook:: new_cookbook" } end end describe "spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb" do let(:argv) { %w{ new_cookbook --specs } } let(:file) { File.join(tempdir, "new_cookbook", "spec", "unit", "recipes", "default_spec.rb") } include_examples "a generated file", :cookbook_name do let(:line) { "describe 'new_cookbook::default' do" } end end end context "when given the path to the cookbook to generate" do let(:argv) { [ File.join(tempdir, "a_new_cookbook") ] } before do reset_tempdir end it "configures the generator context" do cookbook_generator.read_and_validate_params cookbook_generator.setup_context expect(generator_context.cookbook_root).to eq(tempdir) expect(generator_context.cookbook_name).to eq("a_new_cookbook") end end context "when given generic arguments to populate the generator context" do let(:argv) { [ "new_cookbook", "--generator-arg", "key1=value1", "-a", "key2=value2", "-a", " key3 = value3 " ] } before do reset_tempdir end it "configures the generator context for long form option key1" do cookbook_generator.read_and_validate_params cookbook_generator.setup_context expect(generator_context.key1).to eq("value1") end it "configures the generator context for short form option key2" do cookbook_generator.read_and_validate_params cookbook_generator.setup_context expect(generator_context.key2).to eq("value2") end it "configures the generator context for key3 containing additional spaces" do cookbook_generator.read_and_validate_params cookbook_generator.setup_context expect(generator_context.key3).to eq("value3") end end end