#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'wukong' require 'gorillib/type/ip_address' require 'gorillib/pathname' require 'gorillib/model/serialization' require 'gorillib/model/positional_fields' Pathname.register_paths( maxmind: '../../../data/server_logs/maxmind', geolite_ip_blocks: [:maxmind, 'GeoLiteCity_20121002/GeoLiteCity-Blocks.csv'], geolite_locations: [:maxmind, 'GeoLiteCity_20121002/GeoLiteCity-Location.csv'], ) class IpGeo include Gorillib::Model include Gorillib::Model::PositionalFields # field :location_id, Integer field :longitude, Float # note: longitude, latitude field :latitude, Float # field :country_id, String, blankish: ["", nil, '""'] field :admin1_id, String, blankish: ["", nil, '""'] field :city, String, blankish: ["", nil, '""'] # field :postal_code, String, blankish: ["", nil, '""'] field :metro_code, String, blankish: ["", nil, '""'] field :area_code, String, blankish: ["", nil, '""'] end lines = 0 LOCATIONS = {} locations_file = Pathname.of(:geolite_locations).open(encoding: "ISO-8859-1") locations_file.readline; locations_file.readline locations_file. # readlines[0..1000]. each do |line| location_id, country_id, admin1_id, city, postal_code, latitude, longitude, metro_code, area_code = line.chomp.gsub(/"/, '').split(',', 9) LOCATIONS[location_id.to_i] = [ location_id.to_i, longitude.to_f, latitude.to_f, country_id, admin1_id, city, postal_code, metro_code, area_code ] end module IpCensus class IpBlocksMapper < Wukong::Streamer::RecordStreamer def initialize(*) super @last = IpNumeric.from_dotted('') end def recordize line beg_ip, end_ip, location_id = line.gsub(/\"/, '').split(",", 3) [IpNumeric.new(Integer(beg_ip)), IpNumeric.new(Integer(end_ip)), Integer(location_id)] end # Use the regex to break line into fields # Emit each record as flat line def process(beg_ip, end_ip, location_id, &block) emit_range(IpRange.new(@last, beg_ip), 0, &block) if @last != beg_ip.to_int emit_range IpRange.new(beg_ip, end_ip), location_id, &block @last = end_ip.to_i + 1 end def emit_range(rng, location_id) location = LOCATIONS[location_id] warn "No location #{location_id.inspect}" unless location || (location_id == 0) rng.bitness_blocks(16).each do |blk_min, blk_max| # raise [blk_min, blk_max, blk_min.to_hex[0..-5], blk_max.to_hex[0..-5]].inspect if blk_min.to_hex[0..-3] != blk_max.to_hex[0..-3] yield [ blk_min.to_hex[0..3], blk_min.to_hex[4..-1], blk_max.to_hex[4..-1], blk_min.to_i, blk_max.to_i, location, ].flatten end end end end Wukong::Script.new(IpCensus::IpBlocksMapper, nil).run