if defined?(Wice::Defaults)
# Default number of rows to show per page.
Wice::Defaults::PER_PAGE = 20
# Default order direction
Wice::Defaults::ORDER_DIRECTION = 'asc'
# Default name for a grid. A grid name is the basis for a lot of
# names including parameter names, DOM IDs, etc
# The shorter the name is the shorter the request URI will be.
Wice::Defaults::GRID_NAME = 'grid'
# If REUSE_LAST_COLUMN_FOR_FILTER_ICONS is true and the last column doesn't have any filter and column name, it will be used
# for filter related icons (filter icon, reset icon, show/hide icon), otherwise an additional table column is added.
# The label of the first option of a custom dropdown list meaning 'All items'
Wice::Defaults::CUSTOM_FILTER_ALL_LABEL = '--'
# A list of classes for the table tag of the grid
Wice::Defaults::DEFAULT_TABLE_CLASSES = ['table', 'table-bordered', 'table-striped']
# Allow switching between a single and multiple selection modes in custom filters (dropdown boxes)
# Show the upper pagination panel by default or not
# Disabling CSV export by default
Wice::Defaults::ENABLE_EXPORT_TO_CSV = false
# Default CSV field separator
Wice::Defaults::CSV_FIELD_SEPARATOR = ','
# The strategy when to show the filter.
# * :when_filtered - when the table is the result of filtering
# * :always - show the filter always
# * :no - never show the filter
Wice::Defaults::SHOW_FILTER = :always
# A boolean value specifying if a change in a filter triggers reloading of the grid.
Wice::Defaults::AUTO_RELOAD = false
# SQL operator used for matching strings in string filters.
# STRING_MATCHING_OPERATOR = 'ILIKE' # Use this for Postgresql case-insensitive matching.
# Defining one string matching operator globally for the whole application turns is not enough
# when you connect to two databases one of which is MySQL and the other is Postgresql.
# If the key for an adapter is missing it will fall back to Wice::Defaults::STRING_MATCHING_OPERATOR
'ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::MysqlAdapter' => 'LIKE',
'ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter' => 'ILIKE'
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Advanced Filters #
# Switch of the negation checkbox in all text filters
Wice::Defaults::NEGATION_IN_STRING_FILTERS = false
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Showing All Queries #
# Enable or disable showing all queries (non-paginated table)
Wice::Defaults::ALLOW_SHOWING_ALL_QUERIES = true
# If number of all queries is more than this value, the user will be given a warning message
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Saving Queries #
# ActiveRecord model to store queries. Read the documentation for details
# QUERY_STORE_MODEL = 'WiceGridSerializedQuery'
Wice::Defaults::QUERY_STORE_MODEL = 'WiceGridSerializedQuery'
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Here go settings related to the calendar helpers #
# The default style of the date and datetime helper
# * :calendar - JS calendar
# * :standard - standard Rails date and datetime helpers
Wice::Defaults::HELPER_STYLE = :calendar
# Format of the datetime displayed.
# If you change the format, make sure to check if +DATETIME_PARSER+ can still parse this string.
Wice::Defaults::DATETIME_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"
# Format of the date displayed.
# If you change the format, make sure to check if +DATE_PARSER+ can still parse this string.
Wice::Defaults::DATE_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d"
# Format of the date displayed in jQuery's Datepicker
# If you change the format, make sure to check if +DATE_PARSER+ can still parse this string.
Wice::Defaults::DATE_FORMAT_JQUERY = "dd/mm/yy"
# With Calendar helpers enabled the parameter sent is the string displayed. This lambda will be given a date string in the
# format defined by +DATETIME_FORMAT+ and must generate a DateTime object.
# In many cases Time.zone.parse is enough, for instance, %Y-%m-%d. If you change the format, make sure to check this code
# and modify it if needed.
Wice::Defaults::DATETIME_PARSER = lambda{|datetime_string|
if datetime_string.blank?
elsif Time.zone
# With Calendar helpers enabled the parameter sent is the string displayed. This lambda will be given a date string in the
# format defined by +DATETIME+ and must generate a Date object.
# In many cases Date.parse is enough, for instance, %Y-%m-%d. If you change the format, make sure to check this code
# and modify it if needed.
Wice::Defaults::DATE_PARSER = lambda{|date_string|
if date_string.blank?
# Icon to popup the calendar.
Wice::Defaults::CALENDAR_ICON = "/assets/icons/grid/calendar_view_month.png"
# popup calendar will be shown relative to the popup trigger element or to the mouse pointer
Wice::Defaults::POPUP_PLACEMENT_STRATEGY = :trigger # :pointer