opal_filter "Enumerable" do fails "Enumerable#first returns a gathered array from yield parameters" fails "Enumerable#grep with a block calls the block with gathered array when yielded with multiple arguments" fails "Enumerable#max_by when called with an argument n when n is nil returns the maximum element" fails "Enumerable#max_by when called with an argument n with a block on a enumerable of length x where x < n returns an array containing the maximum n elements of length n" fails "Enumerable#max_by when called with an argument n with a block returns an array containing the maximum n elements based on the block's value" fails "Enumerable#max_by when called with an argument n without a block returns an enumerator" fails "Enumerable#min that is nil returns the minimum element" fails "Enumerable#min when called with an argument n on a enumerable of length x where x < n returns an array containing the minimum n elements of length x" fails "Enumerable#min when called with an argument n with a block returns an array containing the minimum n elements" fails "Enumerable#min when called with an argument n without a block returns an array containing the minimum n elements" fails "Enumerable#min_by when called with an argument n when n is nil returns the minimum element" fails "Enumerable#min_by when called with an argument n with a block on a enumerable of length x where x < n returns an array containing the minimum n elements of length n" fails "Enumerable#min_by when called with an argument n with a block returns an array containing the minimum n elements based on the block's value" fails "Enumerable#min_by when called with an argument n without a block returns an enumerator" fails "Enumerable#minmax_by Enumerable with no size when no block is given returned Enumerator size returns nil" fails "Enumerable#minmax_by Enumerable with size when no block is given returned Enumerator size returns the enumerable size" fails "Enumerable#minmax_by gathers whole arrays as elements when each yields multiple" fails "Enumerable#minmax_by is able to return the maximum for enums that contain nils" fails "Enumerable#minmax_by returns an enumerator if no block" fails "Enumerable#minmax_by returns nil if #each yields no objects" fails "Enumerable#minmax_by returns the object for whom the value returned by block is the largest" fails "Enumerable#minmax_by returns the object that appears first in #each in case of a tie" fails "Enumerable#minmax_by uses min/max.<=>(current) to determine order" fails "Enumerable#reverse_each gathers whole arrays as elements when each yields multiple" fails "Enumerable#slice_after raises an ArgumentError when given an incorrect number of arguments" fails "Enumerable#slice_after when given a block and an argument raises an ArgumentError" fails "Enumerable#slice_after when given a block and no argument calls the block to determine when to yield" fails "Enumerable#slice_after when given an argument and no block calls === on the argument to determine when to yield" fails "Enumerable#slice_after when given an argument and no block doesn't yield an empty array if the filter matches the first entry or the last entry" fails "Enumerable#slice_after when given an argument and no block uses standard boolean as a test" fails "Enumerable#slice_when when given a block calls the block for length of the receiver enumerable minus one times" fails "Enumerable#slice_when when given a block returns an enumerator" fails "Enumerable#slice_when when given a block splits chunks between adjacent elements i and j where the block returns true" fails "Enumerable#slice_when when not given a block raises an ArgumentError" fails "Enumerable#slice_when when an iterator method yields more than one value processes all yielded values" fails "Enumerable#sort_by returns an array of elements when a block is supplied and #map returns an enumerable" fails "Enumerable#take_while calls the block with initial args when yielded with multiple arguments" fails "Enumerable#to_h calls #to_ary on contents" fails "Enumerable#to_h converts empty enumerable to empty hash" fails "Enumerable#to_h converts yielded [key, value] pairs to a hash" fails "Enumerable#to_h forwards arguments to #each" fails "Enumerable#to_h raises ArgumentError if an element is not a [key, value] pair" fails "Enumerable#to_h raises TypeError if an element is not an array" fails "Enumerable#to_h uses the last value of a duplicated key" fails "Enumerable#zip converts arguments to enums using #to_enum" fails "Enumerable#zip gathers whole arrays as elements when each yields multiple" fails "Enumerable#zip passes each element of the result array to a block and return nil if a block is given" fails "when an iterator method yields more than one value processes all yielded values" end