module Hanami class CLI module Commands module Generate # @since 1.1.0 # @api private class Mailer < Command requires "environment" desc "Generate a mailer" argument :mailer, required: true, desc: "The mailer name (eg. `welcome`)" option :from, desc: "The default `from` field of the mail" option :to, desc: "The default `to` field of the mail" option :subject, desc: "The mail subject" example [ "welcome # Basic usage", 'welcome --from="" # Generate with default `from` value', 'announcement --to="" # Generate with default `to` value', 'forgot_password --subject="Your password reset" # Generate with default `subject`' ] # @since 1.1.0 # @api private def call(mailer:, **options) from = options.fetch(:from, DEFAULT_FROM) to = options.fetch(:to, DEFAULT_TO) subject = options.fetch(:subject, DEFAULT_SUBJECT) context = mailer, test: options.fetch(:test), from: from, to: to, subject: subject, options: options) generate_mailer(context) generate_mailer_spec(context) generate_text_template(context) generate_html_template(context) end private # @since 1.1.0 # @api private DEFAULT_FROM = "''".freeze # @since 1.1.0 # @api private DEFAULT_TO = "''".freeze # @since 1.1.0 # @api private DEFAULT_SUBJECT = "'Hello'".freeze # @since 1.1.0 # @api private def generate_mailer(context) source = templates.find("mailer.erb") destination = project.mailer(context) generate_file(source, destination, context) say(:create, destination) end # @since 1.1.0 # @api private def generate_mailer_spec(context) source = templates.find("mailer_spec.#{context.test}.erb") destination = project.mailer_spec(context) generate_file(source, destination, context) say(:create, destination) end # @since 1.1.0 # @api private def generate_text_template(context) destination = project.mailer_template(context, "txt") files.touch(destination) say(:create, destination) end # @since 1.1.0 # @api private def generate_html_template(context) destination = project.mailer_template(context, "html") files.touch(destination) say(:create, destination) end end end end end end