module Negroku::Stage extend self def add config = { stage_name: ask_stage, branch: select_branch, domains: ask_domains, server_url: ask_server_url } add_stage_file config Negroku::Env.bulk(config[:stage_name]) if ask_add_vars end def ask_add_vars question = I18n.t :ask_add_vars, scope: :negroku Ask.confirm question, default: false end def add_stage_file(data) destination = AppDirectory.deploy.join("#{data[:stage_name]}.rb") build_template("negroku/stage.rb.erb", destination, binding) end def ask_server_url question = I18n.t :ask_server_url, scope: :negroku Ask.input question end def ask_domains question = I18n.t :ask_domains, scope: :negroku Ask.input question end def select_branch question = I18n.t :select_branch, scope: :negroku branches = get_remote_branches answer = Ask.list question, branches return branches[answer] unless branches.empty? end def get_remote_branches(fetch: false) %x(git fetch) if fetch branches = [] %x(git branch -r).split.each do |branch| next unless branch.start_with? 'origin' branches << branch.split('/', 2)[1] unless branch =~ /HEAD/ end branches.uniq end # Ask the stage name def ask_stage question = I18n.t :ask_stage_name, scope: :negroku stage_name = Ask.input question raise "Stage name required" if stage_name.empty? stage_name end def remove_stage(stage=nil) current_stages = Dir[File.join(@deploy_dir, '*.rb')].map(){|f| File.basename(f)} if stage.nil? selections = Ask.checkbox "What stages you want to remove", current_stages stages_to_delete = { |v, i| current_stages[i] if v}.compact else stages_to_delete = ["#{stage}.rb"] end if stages_to_delete.count > 0 stages_to_delete.each do |s| path_to_delete = File.join(@deploy_dir, s) begin FileUtils.rm(path_to_delete) rescue puts "The stage '#{s}' doesn't exist" end end else puts "Nothing to do" end end end