# Boostrap4 Helpers module EffectiveBootstrapHelper # Button Dropdowns # https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/components/dropdowns/ # # = dropdown do # = dropdown_link_to 'Something', root_path # = dropdown_divider # = dropdown_link_to 'Another', root_path # # Button Dropdowns # variations can be :dropup, :dropleft, :dropright # split can be true, false # right is to right align things def dropdown(variation: nil, split: true, btn: 'btn-outline-primary', right: false, &block) raise 'expected a block' unless block_given? @_dropdown_link_tos = []; yield return @_dropdown_link_tos.first if @_dropdown_link_tos.length <= 1 retval = if split first = @_dropdown_link_tos.first menu = content_tag(:div, @_dropdown_link_tos[1..-1].join.html_safe, class: ['dropdown-menu', ('dropdown-menu-right' if right)].compact.join(' ')) split = content_tag(:button, class: "btn #{btn} dropdown-toggle dropdown-toggle-split", type: 'button', 'data-toggle': 'dropdown', 'aria-haspopup': true, 'aria-expanded': false) do content_tag(:span, 'Toggle Dropdown', class: 'sr-only') end content_tag(:div, class: 'btn-group') do content_tag(:div, class: ['btn-group', variation.to_s.presence].compact.join(' '), role: 'group') do [:dropleft].include?(variation) ? (split + menu + first) : (first + split + menu) end end else raise 'split false is unsupported' end @_dropdown_link_tos = nil retval end # This is a special variant of dropdown # dots do # = dropdown_link_to 'Edit', edit_path(thing) def dots(options = nil, &block) (options ||= {})[:class] = "dropdown dropdown-dots #{options.delete(:class)}".strip content_tag(:span, options) do content_tag(:button, class: "btn btn-dots dropdown-toggle #{options.delete(:button_class)}", 'aria-expanded': true, 'aria-haspopup': true, 'data-toggle': 'dropdown', type: 'button') do end + content_tag(:div, capture(&block), class: 'dropdown-menu') end end def dots_link_to(label, path, options = {}) options[:class] = [options[:class], 'dropdown-item'].compact.join(' ') concat link_to(label, path, options) end # # Works with dots do and dropdown do def dropdown_link_to(label, path, options = {}) unless @_dropdown_link_tos options[:class] = [options[:class], 'dropdown-item'].compact.join(' ') return link_to(label, path, options) end if @_dropdown_link_tos.length == 0 options[:class] = [options[:class], 'btn btn-outline-primary'].compact.join(' ') unless options[:class].to_s.include?('btn-') else options[:class] = [options[:class], 'dropdown-item'].compact.join(' ') end @_dropdown_link_tos << link_to(label, path, options) nil end # Works with dots ao and dropdown do def dropdown_divider unless @_dropdown_link_tos content_tag(:div, '', class: 'dropdown-divider') else @_dropdown_link_tos << content_tag(:div, '', class: 'dropdown-divider') nil end end def list_group(&block) content_tag(:div, yield, class: 'list-group') end # List group # = list_group_link_to # Automatically puts in the 'active' class based on request path def list_group_link_to(label, path, opts = {}) # Regular link item opts[:class] = if request.fullpath.include?(path) [opts[:class], 'list-group-item active'].compact.join(' ') else [opts[:class], 'list-group-item'].compact.join(' ') end link_to(label.to_s, path, opts) end # Nav links and dropdowns # Automatically puts in the 'active' class based on request path # %ul.navbar-nav # = nav_link_to 'Sign In', new_user_session_path # = nav_dropdown 'Settings' do # = nav_link_to 'Account Settings', user_settings_path # = nav_dropdown_divider # = nav_link_to 'Sign In', new_user_session_path, method: :delete def nav_link_to(label, path, opts = {}) if @_nav_mode == :dropdown # We insert dropdown-items return link_to(label, path, merge_class_key(opts, 'dropdown-item')) end # Regular nav link item content_tag(:li, class: (request.fullpath.include?(path) ? 'nav-item active' : 'nav-item')) do link_to(label, path, merge_class_key(opts, 'nav-link')) end end def nav_dropdown(label, right: false, link_class: [], list_class: [], &block) raise 'expected a block' unless block_given? id = "dropdown-#{''.object_id}" content_tag(:li, class: 'nav-item dropdown') do content_tag(:a, class: 'nav-link dropdown-toggle', href: '#', id: id, role: 'button', 'data-toggle': 'dropdown', 'aria-haspopup': true, 'aria-expanded': false) do label.html_safe end + content_tag(:div, class: (right ? 'dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right' : 'dropdown-menu'), 'aria-labelledby': id) do @_nav_mode = :dropdown; yield; @_nav_mode = nil end end end def nav_divider content_tag(:div, '', class: 'dropdown-divider') end def merge_class_key(hash, value) return { :class => value } unless hash.kind_of?(Hash) if hash[:class].present? hash.merge!(:class => "#{hash[:class]} #{value}") else hash.merge!(:class => value) end end end