module Shoulda module Matchers module ActionController # @private class SetSessionOrFlashMatcher def initialize(store) @store = store end def in_context(context) @context = context self end def [](key) @key = key self end def to(expected_value = nil, &block) if block unless context_set? message = 'When specifying a value as a block, a context must be'\ ' specified beforehand,'\ " e.g., #{}.in_context(context).to { ... }" raise ArgumentError, message end @expected_value = context.instance_eval(&block) else @expected_value = expected_value end self end def description "should #{expectation_description}" end def matches?(controller) @controller = store.controller = controller !store.empty? && key_matches? && expected_value_matches? end def failure_message "Expected #{controller.class} to #{expectation_description},"\ ' but it did not' end alias_method :failure_message_for_should, :failure_message def failure_message_when_negated "Expected #{controller.class} not to #{expectation_description},"\ ' but it did' end alias_method :failure_message_for_should_not, :failure_message_when_negated protected attr_reader :store, :context, :key, :expected_value, :controller private def context_set? defined?(@context) end def key_set? defined?(@key) end def expected_value_set? defined?(@expected_value) end def key_matches? !key_set? || store.has_key?(key) end def expected_value_matches? !expected_value_set? || store.has_value?(expected_value) end def expectation_description'set').tap do |string| string << if key_set? " #{}[#{key.inspect}]" else " any key in #{}" end if expected_value_set? string << if expected_value.is_a?(Regexp) " to a value matching #{expected_value.inspect}" else " to #{expected_value.inspect}" end end end end end end end end